Muscle And Sports Science eNewsletter
ActivECDY Ecdysterone Special Report #1
By Coach Rob Regish
I have been waiting to write this story for over a decade.
In 1994 I had a positive experience with a now long gone supplement called Zebutol. Anyone who used real $79 a bottle Zebutol will tell you it led to significant muscle gain. With 10mg of ecdysterone per tab, it launched a keen interest on my part into non-androgenic anabolics.
Trouble was, the real Zoe Discoveries Zebutol found inside those distinctive silver label bottles disappeared from the market a few years later and has not been seen since (fakes bearing the name still exist, buyer beware).
Anyway, during that time I began a personal quest to understand the active ingredient; ecdysterone. Talk about an interesting journey!
My research unearthed the fact that over 400 different ecdysterones existed, derived from various plant species. Yes, 400. One stood out above and beyond all others, though; Rhaponticum Carthamoides extract from Russia. The real extract was the stuff of legend.
Unfortunately, this legendary Russian non-hormonal anabolic was not available anywhere in the US at the time. I looked everywhere. After asking a couple of well connected supplement formulators, I was told it simply was not economically feasible to import.
Back then (and now) some US supplements companies sold generic "Ecdysterone" capsules. These were all derived from inferior sources like the Cyantis Vaga plant. The result; they didn't (and don't) work so well.
I wasn't satisfied, though, because I knew one of those supplement formulators shared my keen interest in non-androgenic anabolics. If anyone had the connections to get their hands on the real deal, real Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract, it might be him. He also had the ability to potentially bring it to the US market as a viable consumer item. I reminded him frequently over time to keep searching, and that the quest was more than worth the effort and expense.
Well, guess what? Following years of extensive sourcing, research and painstaking certification, I am happy to tell you that a 100% legitimate and affordable Rhaponticum Carthamoides bodybuilding supplement is now readily available in the US! It's name; ActivECDY.
Real Zebutol was one thing back-in-the-day, but today's ActivECDY is all the more remarkable, as you'll soon see.
ActivECDY in whole is a clever complex of four compounds; Patented Kre-Alkalyn Creatine, full spectrum Rhaponticum Carthamoides extract, Red Velvet Bean extract and 4-hydroxy-L-isoleucine.
Of most interest to me, obviously, ActivECDY packs a hefty dose of ultra pure Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract. This rare, very potent form has numerous studies on humans (including elite athletes) demonstrating a fantastic range of anabolic, anti-catabolic, anti-oxidant and immune enhancing effects. Most notably, it increases protein synthesis significantly and boosts red-blood cell count. Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract delivers these benefits without activating androgen receptors, as anabolic/androgenic steroids do. It actually skips DNA transcription (cell nucleus messaging) and goes direct to the ribosome to accelerate muscle protein synthesis.
The implication for athletes is truly profound, and it is most valuable information for those seeking a safe, legal edge in competition.
It's a scientific fact, Rhaponticum Carthamoides does not bind to androgen receptors. This is especially good news, because by working through an alternate mechanism we avoid the unwanted side effects of steroids while reaping many of the positive benefits. No hormonal shutdown, no acne, no bloating and no organ stress. The active Rhaponticum Carthamoides complex is referred to as "levseins" in Soviet research. This levseins complex holds a very unique and precise ratio of 10 specific ecdysterones, including large amounts of Turkesterone, 20-Hydroxyecdysterone, Cyasterone, etc.
The mode of action appears to be the unique ecdysteroid group itself, or a metabolite, that binds to the Interleukin-3 receptor and activates the Akt-PKB pathway. Alternatively, it may transgress the muscle cell membrane and directly potentiate the pathway. The Akt-PKB pathway causes a cascading effect in mammals that leads to a number of insulin and IGF-1 responses including protein synthesis, glucose uptake, preadipose cell differentiation and gene expression. This information would explain the great range of benefits seen in the Rhaponticum Carthamoides human studies. For me it opened my eyes to the realization that muscle growth can truly be accelerated by means other than androgen receptor binding.
Moving on, an especially insightful inclusion to the ActivECDY formula is 4-Hydroxy-L-Isoleucine. It is important to note that this nutrient shows significant synergy with both the Kre-Alkalyn Creatine present in the formulation and also carbohydrate intake with meals as it relates to increased deposition of both in muscle tissue. This little known glucose disposal agent has a very pronounced benefit. Combined with high glucose levels and the cellular energy substrates in ActivECDY, it ramjets the muscle cell with nutrients. 4-Hydroxy-L-Isoleucine doesn't just amplify creatine's "cell volumizing" effect, either. Rather than allowing the muscle to just hold more water, it leverages your most powerful muscle building hormone, insulin. Smart athletes will use this knowledge to their advantage by including a ActivECDY cap with their post-workout protein shake.
The inclusion of natural L-dopa in ActivECDY warrants special attention, also. Derived from the Red Velvet Bean (no synthetic drugs are found in this supplement), L-Dopa is a nutrient which causes a flood of positive fitness, health promoting and anti-aging effects due to its ability to increase natural GH. In 2002, a U.S. Patent was filed on the use of Red Velvet Bean to stimulate the release of GH. Research cited that the L-dopa precursor is converted to dopamine and stimulates release of GH via the pituitary. By naturally coaxing the body to make more of it's own biologically perfect GH, we avoid the side effects (and huge expense) of synthetic alternatives.
In all, ActivECDY is the first multi-action, safe anabolic that amplifies both your DNA blueprint and messenger RNA to assemble new structural proteins.
It further strongly enhances carbohydrate and creatine uptake/utilization and gives a big GH kick (real red velvet L-dopa is quite an elite compound, itself).
All combined, the positive benefits can be stunning to first time users.
STILL, I HAVE TO SEE THE PROOF! (Diagnostic testing)
Ever wonder if your supplements are working? I sure do. When you plunk down your hard-earned money you should get results. In order to fully and objectively evaluate ActivECDY, I turned to scientific measurement in the form of Multistix. These are diagnostic testing strips that show you the levels of protein excreted in urine. With these in hand, I set out to see if ActivECDY really does increase the retention of muscle building protein.
A little insight; I am on the "Anabolic Diet" which calls for low carb meals during the week and high carb weekends. My test meals during the week consisted of 638 calories, 23 grams of protein and 60 grams essential fatty acids. I consumed this same mix for both the "control" meals without ActivECDY as well as all "test" meals with one ActivECDY capsule.
The results? Test meals taken with the addition of a ActivECDY capsule consistently showed virtually perfect protein retention (near zero excretion) for a full 2.5 hours post feeding. In fact, the Multistix testing proved that only trace amounts of protein were excreted with the use of ActivECDY!
As a long time bodybuilding weight trainer, I know the big difference improved protein retention can make. Hardcore athlete or not, read the above paragraph again and consider the positive implications of effecting near perfect protein retention inside your body. Think about it.
The results without ActivECDY? Not so good. A 3x higher, continuous excretion of protein was seen from the onset with the exact same meals consumed. The only difference was the missing ActivECDY capsule.
ActivECDY benefits the body's ability to retain and utilize nitrogen from protein rich foods, conclusively. Every single repeat test yielded the exact same result; the body hangs onto much more muscle building protein when ActivECDY with Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract is used verses when it's not.
A single ActivECDY taken with high protein meals and post-workout protein shakes significantly enhances positive nitrogen retention.
Combined with proper diet and exercise, ActivECDY can dramatically improve your fitness. Endurance increases are often pronounced and 'clean' feeling. With a gainers diet, full, yet lean and dense muscle gain is greatly enhanced.
Further, the host of health benefits is noteworthy and deserve a separate, detailed article. (See Special Report #2 below, Ed.)
Personally, I highly recommend ActivECDY to those seeking a safe, legal, healthy competitive edge and maximum rewards for their training efforts.
My friend John Drake of Muscle And Sports Science is the supplements formulator I spoke of earlier who played such a huge role in bringing together ActivECDY.
Now, he is making a personal guarantee that ActivECDY will work for you, exactly as I discovered.
John's bold guarantee goes like this; after ordering ActivECDY online, grab a pack of Multistix strips at your local pharmacy that day and with a set diet plan in place start performing the straightforward test as I did, outlined above.
In a few days your ActivECDY will arrive. Begin taking it before meals. If you don't see markedly improved protein retention with the addition of a single ActivECDY capsule verses the same meals the week before without it, then he insists you return the remaining ActivECDY caps along with your Multistix sales receipt for a prompt refund in full, on both!
That's a bold statement of scientifically guaranteed proof of effectiveness.
Truly, it goes above and beyond anything I've ever seen offered by any sports supplements before. Little wonder, perhaps,but it holds true for ActivECDY in every measureable way.
*You'll find more information on Rhaponticum Carthamoides Extract and exclusive ActivECDY product access, below-
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