In this issue:
- - Muscle, Fitness, Health Q&A:
- > Should I focus more on diet or cardio for cuts?
- > Young men have 1/3 less Testosterone than 20 years ago?
- > The smart way to use protein to lose body fat
- > Is increased life expectancy really possible?
- Featured Article:
- What is the Best Protein to Stockpile during difficult times?
- - Muscle, Fitness, Health Q&A:
- > Should I focus more on diet or cardio for cuts?
Q: "Should I focus more on my diet, or cardiovascular workouts to get the cuts I want?"
A: You can burn 800 calories with 1 hour of cardio. Alternately, you can avoid 800 calories instantly by not eating that cake! So, always prioritize your diet with wise choices. But, never discount cardio for overall fitness, calorie burning and fat loss.
- - Muscle, Fitness, Health Q&A:
- > Young men have 1/3 less Testosterone than 20 years ago?
Q: "I'm reading that testosterone levels of young men have dropped to 1/3 of what they were two decades ago. To me this is concerning for our future. Soy and estrogen in processed foods, toxic chemicals everywhere, the emasculation of men, sedentary the new norm... is all this combined causing the rapid decline, and can it be reversed?"
A: It's true, the trend is concerning and you hit on many truths and contributing factors. Beyond recommending ADAPTOGEN N more so than ever, and also "The Best FREE Bodybuilding Diet" (link above), inactivity is definitely a huge culprit. A male sitting on his butt is unknowingly raising his estrogen and decreasing his testosterone! Here's a TRUTH we've promoted for the longest time- Performing heavy squats and deadlifts are proven to increase testosterone levels substantially. These two movements involve the largest muscle groups and a natural testosterone increase is how your body responds to the challenge. It gives "Do you even lift, Bro?" all new meaning.
- - Muscle, Fitness, Health Q&A:
- > The smart way to use protein to lose body fat
Q: "Big fan of your protein for gains and recovery after workouts, but I've been indulging in too much food, beer and desserts. If I replace 1-2 meals a day with a shake to cut my calories will it be enough to help me lose some of this midsection?"
A: Good news. MASS PRO Whey is one of the best supplements shown to promote lasting fat loss in athletes. So, supplementing with it is a good idea for anyone interested in fat loss.
Based on research, the timing of your MASS PRO servings is important. For example, studies suggest that taking the protein powder before exercising will promote lasting fat metabolism after the workout.
So, for optimum fat burning we recommend a scoop in water or juice (no milk) 30 minutes before exercise, and also 15 minutes before major meals (w/ milk is fine) to curb hunger, 2-3 times a day. Well placed BURN IT UP capsules in the same manner strongly stoke the fire, too.
The beer and sweets are empty calories, so cut back on those first and focus on wholesome, nutritious foods.
- - Muscle, Fitness, Health Q&A:
- > Is increased life expectancy really possible?
Q: "About half a year ago I starting bodybuilding training, cleaned up my diet and quit a couple of vices. I've never felt better! Not even in my teens (I'm 27 now). What I'm curious about is the long-term positives, specifically life expectancy. I was talking with the gym manager about this and he said I could add 10 years or more. Can it really make this much of an impact?"
A: Absolutely. In 1990 Duke University concluded a study which showed that a healthy lifestyle begun at the age of thirty can extend the average life expectancy by a full fifteen years. Fifteen healthy years!
What is the Best Protein to Stockpile during difficult times?
By John Drake, Research Director
What is the best protein source to stockpile during tough times? The definitive answer is a premium protein powder like MASS PRO as it's a wonderful resource, and not just for us muscle and fitness minded folks. These days, people from all walks use protein powders for a great variety of reasons. Athletes have always known about the benefits of a quick mixing protein powder to benefit a healthy diet and workout routine, but it can be more than just part of a smart exercise regimen. Protein powder is the top preparedness protein source for survival during emergency situations or when a family member is sick or injured and they have difficulty chewing solid food or just don’t have an appetite. It can also be an empowering option for the elderly or disabled, as it's a quick, healthy and tasty option that's easy to prepare. Food independence is important. And obviously, those of us with busy lifestyles and heavy responsibilities don’t want to neglect our nutrition, so protein powder is a great way to nourish and curb hunger on-the-go. A MASS PRO shake packed with protein powder, nutrient-rich fruits, a base of dairy/non-dairy milk or pure water can provide all the nutrition a person needs (with no chewing required).
> Which Protein Should I Buy?
Keep in mind that all protein powders are NOT are the same. The cheap store brands are processed with chemicals and high heat, don't ever buy those. Too often even supposedly better brands have poor ingredients and fillers. While the super premium powders like MASS PRO are a bit more expensive, they are well worth your money - especially when buying in bulk because you get the biggest discounts. They also not only come in flavors like vanilla and chocolate, but also unflavored, making them easy to incorporate into any diet or meal plan.
> Meal Prepping High Protein
Many of us hear the words "protein powder" and immediately think “protein shake”, but that’s not the case when it comes to what all a versatile powder can do. There are so many ways to use protein powder in foods. Creative health foodies are stirring it into their oatmeal and "food bowls", adding it to their pancake and waffle batters, even using it as a substitute for flour! Stir unflavored MASS PRO MVP into soups and sauces, or into your mashed potatoes! We’ve heard from savvy commercial bakers using MASS PRO in their "high protein" cookie, cake, and bread recipes. So, whether you’re looking to give your favorite go-to recipe a healthy makeover, need to up your protein intake, or just enjoy trying new things, it's the versatile and tasty way to incorporate more REAL PROTEIN into your diet.
> The Best Food to Stockpile for the Long Term
Over the past few years, people have become proactive about diet and health. These days, we’re all looking to keep our bodies as healthy and strong as possible while dealing with unprecedented circumstances. We all want to be smart about the foods we eat, while making sure we have enough to feed our families during uncertain times. Likely you know someone who has stockpiled non-perishable emergency foods. Whether you’re planning for such an emergency or want to buy in bulk to stock up and get a great deal, food preparedness is always a smart idea - especially in times of uncertainty. And, what better item to buy in bulk than top quality protein powder? It’s the healthy, accessible, smart option. When you’re thinking of food preparedness, premium protein powder is the #1 item to stock up on. It has a very long shelf-life, is easy to store, is easy to prepare, and it’s incredibly versatile nature makes it a snap to incorporate into various meals, shakes and snacks. More and more smart folks – not just athletic types – are becoming “protein pepper's”, buying genuine protein in bulk because it is the perfect food for emergencies – just add water and you’ve got a nutritious high protein meal.
> Storing Protein Powders
Legitimate protein powders are a great addition to your survival stash because they last for a very long time. An unopened tub of MASS PRO stored in a dark, cool and dry location can easily last for a great many years. That being said, protein powders should be consumed in rotation; enjoyed jug by jug, while always keeping a case or more in reserves. Consistently use your stock and replenish as time goes by. This is true for all your favored supplements. Here's a good rule of thumb- When you crack open a new case of MASS PRO, buy another case for your reserves immediately. Protein powders are best stored in the package they come in, given they come in a plastic canister with a sealed inner top. If your protein powder comes in a cheap paper bag... best not to use that brand, for several reasons! But, the exposure to oxygen means it won’t stay fresh, paramount. Of the properly packaged ones, protein powder may still be used long after its best-by date, as long it doesn’t produce an off smell. Over many, many years it may start to lose a little potency, mostly because lysine starts to break down, but as long as it passes the smell test you are good. The nose knows!
> Are You Ready to Become a Protein Prepper?
Whether you’re looking to incorporate easy on-the-go shakes for yourself and loved ones, planning a bulk up phase, striving to stay cut and maintain great gains, or want to smartly secure the best, instantly accessible, long lasting high protein food for emergencies... you’ve found a winner with versatile, delicious MASS PRO. If you’re ready to stock up on the ultra-premium protein, now is the time before it's too late. Save the most when you buy more, plus type PROTEIN-BONUS in the Order Notes to get a free gift inside your case with my compliments while supplies last. Hint: It's a healthy, complimentary food (11 servings) perfect for storing with your MASS PRO.
Wishing you a great day, and as I always say- Keep training hard, eating right and giving love to the friends and family you care about.
To Muscle, Fitness and Vibrant Health!
John Drake
CEO, Research Director
> > Your Feedback < <
"The protein bar recipe looks amazing and I love to cook and bake so this will be much better than buying the bars I get at Costco. I know how much junk is in them... My son uses a protein powder from Rev Labs but I have not tried it as I love my MASS PRO Whey way, way too much!
Gold's Gym Venice is where I got my start and learned all I know about health, nutrition and body building at age 23. I am 59 years young, have worked out all my life and plan to stay in shape for as long as the good Lord allows. I'm glad to see your company does not cheapen the products, and they are worth the money."
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