Quality you can TRUST. Real Value. REAL RESULTS.

Muscle & Fitness Supplements

Since 1993, we've never paid a single Athlete, Client, Medical Professional, phony "Review Site" or influence peddling Blogger for positive bodybuilding supplements reviews or testimonials. It's just part of why we are known as The Trusted Source for Bodybuilding Supplements That Work℠.

Elsewhere, you'll see intelligence insulting paid endorsements from the clearly drug enhanced, but not here. Or, perhaps worse, the now common bribe of free gifts, like; "Post a positive review about 'Nuclear Weight Gainer' (more like waist gainer) & get your 2nd bottle free!"... Seriously? Knowing such tricks are used to coax highly questionable reviews, can you honestly trust anything those brands have to say? Ask yourself this, just how good can those products actually be in reality if they are literally giving them away in exchange for positive reviews?

This said, we'd love to give you a FREE Muscle T-Shirt or MASS Sport Cap - just not as a bribe for your positive review!

Make no mistake. The Success Stories below are 100% GENUINE and TRUE. Unsolicited. Unpaid. Period.

"The ActivECDY has been awesome. Thank you so much. I am looking at my Jefit logs and see-

On 10-26-2020, before ActivECDY, my Sumo Deadlift (lbs) 225 x 10, 275 x 6 for a 1 RM of 330.

On 01-18-2021, after taking ActivECDY, I did a Sumo Deadlift 1RM @ 402! (video attached).

On 10-29-2020, before ActivECDY, my Bench (lbs) 205 x 4; on 12-28-2020 after taking ActivECDY, 225 x 7.

On 10-26-2020, before ActivECDY, my Squat (lbs) 275 x 5; on 12-28-2020, after taking ActivECDY, 315 x 5.

I am soon to be 48, an IT professional, at a body weight of 170lbs and I can wholeheartedly say ActivECDY is amazing and truly works! If my logs and video aren't proof enough to back up the talk, then I don't know what is.

-Sam Oliver, Orange, CT

ActivECDY Q&A | Buy ActivECDY™

"Burn It Up is an incredible brain booster. I assumed it was just a thermo, but it is that and so much more. I've been buying your protein forever and finally tried Burn It Up when I got a sample from you. I can't believe I overlooked it for so long!"

-Elizabeth M., Atlanta, GA

"I just ordered another big batch of your supplements because they are THE GREATEST ON THE PLANET! Trust me, I've tested everything under the sun. You are #1. Your products actually work and move the needle for effective results. I'll buy your supplements until the day I die.

-Luke Howard, Sydney, Australia

"I have no hesitancy recommending the MASS nutrition line professionally, especially since I design sports and bodybuilding supplements programs. The entire line can be summed up in three words- simply the best."

-Dr. Mel McDonald

"Delivered on time. Potent stuff. Thank you!!" -Christine, Texas

"The protein bar recipe looks amazing and I love to cook and bake so this will be much better than buying the bars I get at Costco. I know how much junk is in them... My son uses a protein powder from Rev Labs but I have not tried it as I love my MASS PRO Whey way, way too much!

Gold's Gym Venice is where I got my start and learned all I know about health, nutrition and body building at age 23. I am 59 years young, have worked out all my life and plan to stay in shape for as long as the good Lord allows. I'm glad to see your company does not cheapen the products, and they are worth the money."

-Jeri McDonald, CA

Bronze Organic Synthagen"I can vouch for its effectiveness (Bronze Organic). Check out my before/after photos here for the difference in color*."

-Thicketman, unsolicited online review

*Click the photo to see the stunning difference in detail before and after BRONZE ORGANIC.

Physique Transformation included MASS PRO SYNTHAGEN also from

"Your ActivECDY is a great product! I like it very much and I'm looking forward to trying some of your other products too."

-James Henke, MO

"Visually my shoulders look different. Wider and you can see striations. I just noticed the change in my quads too. Thicker with deep separations. Synthagen has helped me cut back on my food bill. What I do take in seems to be assimilating better. I love this product."

-Matt Beaty, Belllingham, WA

"ActivECDY is incredibly impressive. Not cheap, but worth every penny. I've never seen anything like this before. Love it!"

-Sharon Smith, Phoenix, AZ

"Last night I placed a new order for Synthagen. Thinking I still had a bottle, I was disappointed to be out. If at all possible could this be mailed out today? I'm really not the same without it. Thanks so much for the great customer service and the great products."

-Mike Haynes, Herrin, IL

"I recently ordered Adaptogen N and noticed results after the first night. I'm a male in my early 50's, and very impressed with this product. For years I was always feeling tired, couldn't sleep more than 3 hours a night, and had very little sex drive... After taking Adaptogen N, I noticed results the next day when I woke up. I feel so much better, getting an average of 7-8 hrs sleep a night and my sex drive is back. THANK YOU!! So glad I tried this product. I feel like a young man again."

-Tim R., Las Vegas, NV


"Throughout high-school and college I used MASS PRO Whey Protein and loved it! A couple years ago I moved to California and wasn't working out for a while. I recently joined a gym with my wife and started working out again. I've been using Muscle Milk protein powder. I just want to tell you that I will be switching back to MASS PRO. It always worked great for me and I can't wait for this stuff I have now to run out!"

-Dustin Pezall, Sacramento, CA

Muscle Mass Mexico

"Love MASS PRO Synthagen, Burn It Up as well as MASS PRO Ultimate Whey."

-Que Onda Whey

"Burn it Up rocks! It is the cleanest "high" I've gotten from any pre-workout supplement. It's a steady alertness, and the great thing is there is no crash at the end. It's like it just wakes up the senses without the hyperactivity of other formulas out there. Growing up in a fitness family (father was a college athlete and current football coach), I was taught to be very picky with what I put into my body. Your company is the best, by far, I have come across. I try to tell as many people about you as I can (esp being military, my young airmen are always falling to the hype of other places and I firmly send them your way). Thank you for supplying us with quality, no fluff products!"

-DJ Thomas, Minot, ND, Minot AFB

"I think you might have a new lifetime Synthagen customer. I haven't felt this good in a long time! My energy level is through the roof even though I'm in contest prep diet mode. I wish I would have tried it sooner - I was just skeptical due to the price. I just ordered 2 more bottles!"

-Sheldon Kessel, Chicago, IL

"Love the calm, restorative feelings so far from Tranquilogen! Less morning soreness and easier to get up and move, overnight."

-Chavez, Hermiston, OR

"I absolutely LOVE this product (Bronze Organic). I have tried others on the market with no results but this product is unbelievable. I got the color I desired, so much so that I had to reduce my dosage to 1 a day. It is amazing, I couldn't be happier! Please use my testimonial, BUT only my initials. It works so good I don't want people to know my secret."

-J.C., New York, NY


"Thanks for awesome products! I have been extremely happy using MASS PRO for several years. I've had great results..."

-Elizabeth Nelson, Durham, NC

"Thanks for the quick shipping. Mass Pro protein is the best I've come across, and I've tried many."

-J. Munden, Lenexa, KS

"I've tried them all (Designer Whey, Isopure, Sportpharma, VP2) and MASS PRO is by far the best. It assimilates better than all the others and doesn't leave you feeling bloated. I recommend it to every one of my clients."

-Anthony S. DiCostanzo, C.P.T.

"Hello there. I recently bought and started taking the new ActivECDY. WOW, just started feeling the strength. Good stuff!"

-Joseph Kyksa, Canada

"Enclosed is a money order for two bottles of Bronze Organic. I have ordered this from you for two years now and have been incredibly satisfied with your company and your product. I look forward to doing business with you for years to come."

-Lori Wright, Dexter, MO

"I voted MASS ActivECDY because that is what I'm using now. I have given more ECDY products a try than I can remember. The product from MASS is doing me well."

-Scooter (Ecdy poll/discussion)

"Your BURN IT UP! is, I think, the closest anyone is going to find to a legal energy supplement. The results are superb. I have never lifted so much for so many reps. It's going to be shared around the rugby team before we play Saturdays!"

-Paul Hart, Hampshire, England

"Just received my order when I returned from work. GREAT SERVICE!"

-Harry Werbe, Carmel, IN

"Your products are by far the best I have ever used. I have tried several other brands, but with little or no gains. In five weeks, I have put on seven pounds of muscle."

-Anthony Hilderbrand, Santa Clara, CA

"Wanted to share I've been on Synthagen for the last 8 months or so with every workout. Missed a dose for Monday's workout and my body is trashed!! Was supposed to do another monster workout tonight but I don't know if my body will be able to handle the work! It's painfully obvious how effective that stuff is!"

-Ian Musgrove

Buy Now - MASS PRO Synthagen X2

"You guys make my bodybuilding and powerlifting fun and exciting. Thanks for all the good, honest advice you've provided over the years and for exposing the frauds and misrepresentations out there." -Jeff Reed, Bedford, VA

"This stuff works. Will buy again. A++++++++++++"

-jsjcat, Verified Buyer Burn It Up Review

"noticeable increase in VO2 max, ability to move more total tonnage per unit of time, profound decrease in DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness), big improvement in intra-set recovery, ability to squeeze at least one extra workout in per week due to improved recovery, increase in lean body mass, visible leaning effect"

-Unsolicited ActivECDY Review from online blog

Natural Bodybuilding"I love this stuff! Before, I was often too sore from wrestling to workout. Now, I'm always ready to go heavy. Adaptogen N has helped me reach new, record gains on both the squat and bench press!"

-Rob Van Dam

"Hey John, Hate to think where I'd be without my MASS supplements to success!
Thanks for everything."

-Rob Van Dam

"Unlike all the other creatine supplements I've tried, Kre-Alkalyn gives me the maximum amount of benefit in strength and endurance without any stomach upset or bloating. In about 9 years of dealing with MASS I haven't been steered wrong yet!"

-Gavin Chachere, New Orleans, LA

"It's been a few years of searching for a safe solution, but this is the one... so easy and so effective."

-M. Huiting (Adaptogen N Review)

"I have been real happy with the products (ActivECDY & MASS PRO Whey). I have shot up from 180 to 200 pounds in less than 2 months."

-Mark Lytle, Athens, GA

"The Real Deal, I learned after buying from 4 others that were not as potent!"

-thezipimt, Verified Bronze Organic 5 Star Review


"Just wanted to pass this on to folks who may be trying to decide to buy MASS PRO SYNTHAGEN. I am a weight lifter in my 40s. Recovery is of the utmost importance. I went out on the limb and purchased some MASS PRO SYNTHAGEN to try and see if the supplement lives up to all the hype. Here is what has happened so far. I will use the term "Extended Effort Ability". I can tell a big difference in the ability to up my work capacity in the gym and in strongman event training. I am breaking PRs more frequently than before. The handling of higher volume has increased my DOMS but the plus side to this is that my recovery from it is quicker than before using MASS PRO SYNTHAGEN."

-Patrick R, Anabolic Forum Review

Adaptogen n with Gamma GH"I am an athlete at Self Made Training Facility and NPC bodybuilding competitor in Southern California. I am originally from Alabama and have used your products starting in my senior year in high school. Just ordered another round of Gamma GH and Adaptogen N. Great stuff. I love it. Thank you for making great, real natural products that work. God Bless. Thank you."

-Joseph Pace, NPC Competitor

"Today is day 12 on ActivECDY and I am up a total of 5lbs... The best part to me is the fullness in the muscle bellies it imparts and the stamina increase. I would imagine bikers/triathlon athletes would love this stuff."

(bodybuilding forum post)

"Since I started taking the multi, my coworkers have complimented my healthy glow and better attitude. I handle stress much better and I'm happy all the time. I haven't felt this good since I was in my twenties. Thank you!"

-K. M., Texas

"I've used Burn It Up for ten years probably, this is PERFECT. Never thought it could be improved, but you did it!"

-Bob Taylor, Ohio

"As a coach I get asked a lot of questions about supplements. For years I have said Mass Pro Whey is the best on the market. Until recently I didn't have a pre-workout I was 100% behind. Not anymore. Burn it Up's new formula is on point. Amazing energy. The boost in focus and energy is quick and sustained, and NO CRASH afterwards. I have already started suggesting it to clients that need to up their workouts, manage cravings, and get a solid healthy boost."

-Zak Knight, Strength Coach

Buy Now - BURN IT UP!

"I'm starting my 4th bottle of Adaptogen N. What a great product!"

-Anthony Miller, Orlando, FL

"Supplement that changed the world for me? Mass Pro Synthagen for sure. Recovery time slashed and all the ingredients are beneficial with nothing risky. Synergistic effects. It's the perfect standalone, while also functioning as the ultimate stacker. It's healthful, produces no metabolic waste and helps actualize other nutrients you are taking in. The best, very best!!!!"

-Erin Mackin, Online Forum Review


"Whether training for a marathon, weightlifting or just maintaining a healthy lifestyle, I want to say I am extremely pleased with Adaptogen N. Not only does it help with my recovery and libido, it helps me get a good nights sleep. Somehow, it also curbs my late night appetite which stops those binging episodes I was prone to."

-Frank Parillo, Tampa, FL

"Your product Adaptogen N is terrific! Best feeling I've had in 36 years of training without sticking a needle in my butt! Really full, pumped. My muscles seem "fuller" if that makes sense. I take 3 caps before bed and the feeling I get after waking up is great!"

-Harry Werbe, Carmel, IN

"Bravo Zulu to the scientists who created Adaptogen N. In less than one month of training while supplementing this product my leg presses have increased from 600 pounds for reps to 900 pounds for reps. I am 41 years old and have 20 years of lifting experience. The most impressive aspect is that now I do not get sore from my workouts!"

-Rick Caldwell, Cordova, TN

"Got my order today. Received very quickly even though it was coming all the way to Australia. Thank you! I would like to make more orders from you."

-Mark Taylor, Sydney, Australia

"You don't often find a supplement that lives up to expectations, but Mass Pro Whey certainly does. It mixes easily, digests easily, and is a great value compared to other products. After using Mass Pro for 2 months, I've increased my strength and overcome a bad illness that kept me out of the gym. Mass Pro is a high quality product with a great price. Thank you!"

-John R, MA

"This is a testimonial. First, the Gamma GH is great. I always get good sleep now and feel refreshed the next morning. Your Adaptogen N is positively the best testosterone supplement I have found, too. It's the closest thing to the 'real deal'. But, what will always keep me coming back is your customer service and ultra-fast shipping, which is unmatched."

-Justin Munden, Lenexa, KS

"WOW! Yours is the first yohimbe I've actually felt something from. And boy do I feel it, a rush in 20 minutes!"

-Nick Tsironis, Hilton Head, SC

"I am a Personal Fitness Trainer who's clients only purchase nutritional supplements I recommend after I have tried them myself and proven they are a must have investment. They can see the physiological changes in my body. Your company has rightfully earned a client for life and I look forward to a long and loyal business relationship. Thank You Kindly."

-Robert Blomberg

"I am ordering the Colostrum, multiple bottles. I've had great results using it in the past at about 3 times a day. Thanks!"

-Jason Grenier

"MPS produces results not even advertised. Injury prevention and the confidence to push your training beyond the norm... Try it for a month and then stop using it, and you will see. At my strongest and fittest, MPS was not in my supplement 'stack', it WAS my supplement stack."

-MASS PRO Synthagen YouTube Comment

"I have been a faithful customer for about three years now and there is no one else out there that can assist me with products and questions like MASS. I can't say enough good things... Keep up the good work!"

-Joseph Kyksa, Ontario, Canada

"Enclosed is my order. I would also like to compliment you on your prices! You offer the best prices on every item you carry. I have checked many companies and found yours the best. I am also impressed that you do not carry any 'Cybergenics miracle crap' that doesn't work. Once again, thanks, and keep up the good work. As a fitness trainer, I will come to you to get the effective supplements for any of my clients who are serious about bodybuilding, including myself who is training drug free for a natural contest. Yours in bodybuilding!"

-Brian Voncannon, C.P.T., Midland, NC

arm wrestling nutrition"Muscle And Sports Science has helped me be victorious in my battles with fatigue syndrome and world-class arm wrestling champions. Currently, I am 20 years of age and feel worlds away from my previous condition. I've recovered confidence, stamina and motivation and very much appreciate MASS products and the people producing them. I started out with no intentions of bodybuilding, but for natural alternatives to help me with my health condition. A friend offered me 'Vanilla Mass Pro' and I told him I wanted to check with my doctor. The doc took a look at the ingredients and said, "this is what you need, it's good". I got his approval to buy more from MASS, natural products without harmful chemicals. Subsequently, I bought a few things, liked them and over time tried more. Starting out, I felt like hitting the weights again within weeks. I signed up to the gym with plans of sweating off fatigue and in time reached the next level of bodybuilding without planning on it. This stuff is the REAL DEAL. MASS supplements are not just great for bodybuilding, but for a persons over-all well being. The company is staffed with nice people who conduct business professionally, ethically and with great standards. Their behavior inspires customer loyalty and I highly recommend this company to anyone who wants to hit the level where the doors of all possibilities open. These products not only help the physical body but the mind and heart as well."

-Gabriel Yak, Multi-time Arm Wrestling Champion

"I have been taking supplements for some time now and in the ongoing fight against DOMS I can finally level the playing field. This is like nothing I've taken before. Words can't really describe it, this is SIMPLY A MUST TRY."

-Ray Laurent, Verified 5 Star MASS PRO Synthagen Review

"Adaptogen N has worked wonders for me! Matter of fact, if I could only use one supplement I would pick it without hesitation. Much more effective than Tribestan, which I was using before."

-Bernie Jelinek, Erie, PA

Female protein supplement"I have been using your MASS PRO, creatine and Adaptogen N for the last year and a half. I don't use anything that doesn't give me results. I can't afford to lose the money on a supplement that doesn't work. Honestly, I don't know who can. MASS PRO is the most cost effective protein I have found. Calorically, I can use it in my pre-competition diet due to the low carbs/low fat. It mixes extremely easily in water or milk; my favorite way to use MASS PRO, however, is by adding two scoops to my oatmeal in the morning. In that manner, I am able to rapidly get a high quality protein in my system immediately upon waking.

I credit MASS PRO with a seven pound gain I made in six weeks between competitions. Your supplements will remain in my regimen as a matter of necessity!"

-Melissa Marino, NPC Coastal USA Bodybuilding Champ, NPC SE Champ, NPC Jr. USA Top Five

"I have noticed that when I take DHEA 100 I experience a lot of great things. I feel more confident, stronger, healthier, more alive and I sleep better. I could go on and on. It also seems to also help me with my allergy's, and I have a big problem with that. I have very low energy when my allergy's hit me, but when I take your DHEA 100 my allergy's seem to take a backseat. I love your products!"

-Brian Smith, Carrollton, GA

"This is an endorsement. I am 76, and a competitive handball player for over 50 of those years. I began using MASS PRO after reading clinical studies cited in Science News showing significant benefits for seniors using whey in arresting muscle loss from aging. I have been using MASS PRO since, for over 5 years (check your records of my orders), and have maintained my muscle strength and size ever since.

I had been a candidate for full hip replacement for over 10 years due to wear and tear and multiple injuries on the handball courts and finally had the surgery June 11, 2009. My doctor and physical therapists have been astonished at how fast I mended. Way ahead of where expected on all fronts. I graduated from walker to cane in two weeks, and from cane to fully flexible and mobile in 7 weeks. My surgical incision healed very quickly. I think my good physical condition and muscle strength going into surgery with contributions from MASS PRO provided these results. Thanks for your great product."

-Joel Barries

Buy Now - MASS PRO Whey

Natural bodybuilding supplement"Thanks for your advice and support. I can truly say your company is by far the best that I've ever delt with. Your prices continue to be unbeatable and I continue to challenge my lifting partners. Once again, THANKS."

-Staff Sergent Walter Gary, Sectional Leader, USMC

"My order arrived today. Thank you for your help. I will be recommending your products to my friends and clients as I have been burned ordering online too many times and it is refreshing to deal with people who honor their word. Warm regards from your now loyal customer."

-Dean McGeoch

"I am delighted! Thanks for the T-shirt. I wore it to the gym today and including the fact that I am in very good shape I got some looks and a couple of guys asked about MASS. I've got a feeling your site will be getting some traffic from my area. Thank you!"

-Joseph Almeida, Santa Clarita, CA

"I'm writing to say THANKS to John, personally. Please convey my gratitude to him and for showing a keen interest helping me with my order. I received it this morning. I have also placed a new order for Adaptogen and thought it would be good to get some extra. I hope to promote some of your products here as I have friends who are into bodybuilding and would love your supplements! So once again, thanks and best wishes!!"

-Akshay Shah, Melbourne, Australia

"It was difficult to believe before trying, yet my own experience with a 2 month supplementation has confirmed how amazingly effective Mass Pro Synthagen is in recovery!"

-George Karydis

Coach Rob Regish protein recommendation"Check your 5lb jug of whey. It's a safe bet there are no di or tri peptides in it, nor is it cold processed to preserve other important whey fractions. MASS doesn't brag on MASS PRO WHEY enough and truthfully, the entire product line is laced with quality like this... The di-tri peptides found in the formula offer a significant advantage over whatever cheap protein you may consume outside of the workout. Research proven to stimulate more muscle growth..."

-Coach Rob Regish, bodybuilding forum post

"I was out of Endurolytes before a group ride and a fellow cyclist gave me a couple of BURN IT UP capsules as replacements. It was the best ride of my life and I'll never switch back."

-Kate Sims, San Diego, CA

"I just want to send you my thoughts on the new Synthagen X2. I am very impressed even more so than with the original. I recently took it prior to attending a Russian Systema class. This class can be very difficult for me as it is in the evening and after work the last thing I feel like is training. However, with Synthagen X2, not only was I full of energy, my mood had lifted considerably and the training session was fantastic."

-Robert Sadler

"Day 3 of using Mass Pro Synthagen... So normally I wouldn't think to talk about a product like MPS on just the third day but I'm already impressed. For the past 4 months I've been doing calisthenics with my two oldest daughters to help them get ready for the Air Force. Tuesday was leg day, my nemesis. I hadn't done legs in a while and they've always been a problem. Everything, from form to recovery. When I do legs it hurts for days. Knee pain to muscle soreness. When I was getting low in the squat I could feel it in my hams and groin. I was pretty sure I was going to be hurting the next day. When I woke up Wednesday morning I felt a little tenderness but nothing close to what I was expecting. As the day went on I stretched a little and was able to keep my legs pretty loose. Again, there was some tenderness but nothing close to what I'm used to. Then came today, which is normally the time where it's painful to get in and out of a chair. I am completely blown away by how pain free I am. I know there are no painkillers in MPS so I'm excited by the thought that this is a strong indicator of great recovery and the start of lean mass acquisition. Thanks for making such a great product."

-Jason Brock

Natural powerlifting"It sure is comforting to know that I can rely on you. I deadlifted 600 pounds at 160 pounds bodyweight, age 41. I could not have done it without your help."

-Dave Nicastro, Mullica Hill, NJ, World Natural Powerlifting Federation Champion

"Thanks for the prompt service. Your products are great and I will continue to purchase my supplements with MASS - Muscle And Sports Science."

-John R. MacDonald, Randolph MA

"Something that really works. A great glow (tan), without the harsh effects of the sun.... A truly great product... This is the 2nd bottle, that I have ordered... It gives natural results.... Will order again."

-earl303, Verified Buyer Bronze Organic Review

"I work construction and Synthagen helps tremendously! When I first started taking it I just started construction and I never had any soreness. So as a test I went off it...and almost two weeks later it felt like I hit a brick wall. It needs to build up in my system and then it takes awhile to get out. I love it sooooo much."

-Angela Penna

Click here to submit your bodybuilding supplement reviews