Privacy Protection Guaranteed
MASS Body Building is committed to respecting and protecting your privacy. When you provide personal information with us it is 100% SAFE and SECURE and never sold, shared or rented.
We take maximum precautions to insure security of your sensitive credit card information and provide lock-safe communications between server and client to prevent the capturing or viewing of data being exchanged.
We do not rent or sell customer information to third parties for any purpose whatsoever. Additionally, we do not store sensitive customer information electronically - not online, not offline. Our email server is certified virus-free, so you can trust our e-mail communications with you for order confirmation, customer service needs and your newsletter subscription.
To insure best service and security, sections of www.BodyBuildingSupplements.com utilize "cookies". These small packets of info are shared between your browser and our secure server for authentication purposes such as in the order checkout process.
To view Privacy Policy details, click here, or the following link for Terms of Service.
We respect your privacy, and we appreciate your patronage.