"Colostrum is quite literally Mother Nature's very first, life sustaining superfood..."
Alpha EFX
Ultra-Premium Bovine Colostrum Powder
In the late 18th Century, scientists first began to research Colostrum. Today, there are literally hundreds of published studies detailing a wide range of bovine Colostrum benefits from great health and wellness, to superior athletic performance and bodybuilding success.
To illustrate how wide reaching the benefits are, consider the following; Colostrum research conducted by major medical centers and universities has shown an expertly processed, active bovine Colostrum powders like Maximum Absorption ALPHA EFX can help:
- ● Strengthen the immune system
- ● Improve muscle mass to body fat ratio
- ● Kill fungi, bacteria, viruses, candida cleanse
- ● Combat depression and enhance mood
- ● Reduce allergic reactions
- ● Balance blood sugar
- ● Increase IGF-1, naturally
- ● Rejuvenate skin and muscle tissue
- ● Support healthy joint and cartilage function
- ● Promote healthy intestinal flora
- ● Accelerate healing of injury or trauma
- ● Increase endurance and workload capacity

Colostrum Powder Q&A
What exactly is Colostrum?
Colostrum is the powerful, nutrient-rich "first milk" a mother produces just after giving birth. Providing a supercharged blend of vital proteins, antibodies, antioxidants, immunoglobulins, growth factors, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids - Colostrum is literally Mother Nature's very first, life sustaining superfood. All told, there is over thirty seven potent immune factors found in bovine Colostrum. In addition, Colostrum provides eight growth factors which help to rebuild and rejuvenate your body by promoting healthy GH.
Is Colostrum powder derived from dairy cows truly effective in humans?
Yes. Studies conducted at major medical centers and universities have time and again shown quality bovine colostrum supplements to be highly effective in humans. This is because the molecular make up is not species specific. It is ideal for humans.
Of important note, the latest research shows an advanced, rich colostrum formula like Alpha EFX which also facilitates gradual oral uptake markedly enhances effectiveness. Alpha EFX as found in MASS PRO represents the pinnacle in effectiveness among colostrum supplements.
Yes, but is there really a big difference verses other Colostrum supplements available?
Very much so. To insure the maximum in purity and potency, ALPHA EFX Colostrum contains only Certified 100% Pure, Grade A Premium Colostrum derived from healthy pasture fed, hormone, pesticide and antibiotic free American dairy cows. Each batch is rigorously tested and certified free of any chemical residue, as nature intended. Further, ALPHA EFX brand Colostrum is expertly processed and standardized within the first 12 hours after the needs of the newborn calf are met. This is a crucial requirement, undertaken to insure ALPHA EFX contains maximum levels of active Immunoglobulins (30% IgG guaranteed). ALPHA EFX is precision processed to protect and preserve full, active potency for you.
Will colostrum seriously benefit my bodybuilding success?
Absolutely, and in a multitude of ways. Consider the study presented at the 2001 Experimental Biology Conference which found that the addition of Colostrum to the diets of 49 well-trained athletes significantly increased both body weight and bench-press strength.
Is it safe for children? How should it be used?
ALPHA EFX Premium Colostrum powder is completely safe and very beneficial for all ages. In fact, it is perhaps best to think of it as a highly concentrated, nutritional powerhouse provided by Mother Nature herself! It can be safely consumed in any quantity without worry of side effects or drug interaction. A true "superfood".
Best use is to slowly consume the shake, pudding, smoothie, etc. prepared with MASS PRO featuring ALPHA EFX between meals. Benefits are cumulative, meaning the longer and more consistent the use, the more your results add up. To maximize absorption, sip slowly and allow to linger in the mouth. Colostrum has a 16 hour half-life, so it is important to take it twice daily.
A friend directed me here for the candida cleanse diet and supplements. What exactly do I need?
Candida cleanse overview: Use Alpha EFX enriched MASS PRO Ultra-Premium Protein 30 minutes before meals. Consume a high protein, high fiber diet and eliminate all sugar (a few tart fruits are OK), corn and byproducts, processed foods, yeast/wheat breads and pastries for a month. Restrict carbs, using non-wheat breads, rice, oats, barley. In addition, enjoy the following foods daily- Unsweetened Kefir with breakfast. Fermented Kim Chee, real sauerkraut or true salt cured Olives as meal sides. Eliminating Candida is not easy, but we've seen this candida cleanse diet and supplements course work wonders where others fail!
I'm lactose intolerant, can I use this Colostrum powder?
Yes, you can. Advanced ALPHA EFX and the entirety of the MASS PRO formula is lactose-free diet approved.
How long does it take to see results?
The benefits of using this top quality bovine Colostrum powder is cumulative, meaning the longer and more consistent the use, the greater your benefits. Some people with certain allergic conditions, candida or blood sugar imbalances (taken just as examples) may respond positively very quickly while others will see a slower but steady improvement over time. In our experience, consistent daily intake for eight weeks will yield strongly positive benefits in multiple areas for most users. Thereafter, dosage levels can usually be cut in half to maintain the positive benefits.
Is it alright to mix the powder with juice and drink it with breakfast and dinner?
ALPHA EFX is one of the key synergistic factors that makes MASS PRO Protein so effective. However, for peak results it is best to utilize ALPHA EFX enriched shakes before and away from other foods. Ideally on an empty stomach. For those on a candida cleanse diet as outlined above, mixing in juice is strongly not recommended, but for all others it is perfectly fine.
Can I get the Alpha EFX Colostrum protein at health food stores, or only here at bodybuilding supplements online?
Muscle And Sports Science® is the distributor of MASS PRO with ALPHA EFX which assures you of the best, direct-to-consumer price. We also have a great network of independent distributors, so feel free to direct your local health food store, gym or trainer to us and have them stock it for your convenience. Or, order direct, below.
Buy Now - MASS PRO Ultra-Premium Protein w/ ALPHA EFX Colostrum
"I am ordering the Colostrum, multiple bottles. I've had great results using it in the past at about 3 scoops a day. Thanks!"
"Got my order today. Received very quickly even though it was coming all the way to Australia. Thank you! I would like to make more orders from you."