Incorporating exercises?

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Incorporating exercises?

Post by Sisonpyh »

During the strength training workouts it appears to only be using one or two big barbell lifts. So when doing these workouts would it be a good idea to incorporate other exercises to keep the body up to par with what the main lifts are working?

EX: Lets say you pick deadlift and bench to use for GVT, 10% solution etc. This would be going on for six months, so wouldn't quads, shoulders, lats etc be lagging?
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Post by RobRegish »

You may perform these lifts AFTER the big barbell lift has been satisfied.

It's a good question and one I'll be putting a finer point on. This goes for either the HIT workouts that start out in Feast or during Blueprint Periodic, where you'll be rotating through the 4 specified loading patterns:

My favorite assistance exercises are as follows:


Dimel Deadlifts
Romanian Deadlifts
Hip-Belt Squats
Reverse Hyperextensions
Glute Ham Raises
Good Mornings
Zercher Squats
Top range rack pulls/shrugs
Leg Sled


Incline press
Decline press
Rows of all sorts
Static Holds
Power Partials
Heavy, weighted dips
Standing barbell press
Seated shoulder press

As you can see, I favor the compound lifts for the big muscle groups. What's important is structure. I favor EDT blocks of 1, perhaps 2 PR Zones here and/or total tonnage done for time.

So, if specific guidance is needed in your case please let me know. I'll be happy to sketch something out for you.
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