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- Creatine Breakthrough Holds True -

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:17 pm
by askmass
May 17, 2001

Re: From the desk of John Drake
Muscle And Sports Science

"Are you SERIOUS?"

That's what I said to my long-time friend Jeff Golini, Executive Scientist at Bioceutical Research when he first called me with the news that he had discovered how to, as he put it, "correct the pH structure of creatine" so that a minimal dose of 1.5 grams would equal the strength and muscle building properties of a full fifteen grams of the regular stuff we've all been using for the past ten years.

I'm not kidding when I say that Jeff was so excited in relaying his research findings to me that it sounded as though he might be doing cart-wheels between each sentence!

Right away, I asked him if his "pH corrected creatine" would eliminate the need for heavy loading phases (one of the most common complaints with regular creatine), and he said "Absolutely. We've also confirmed zero toxic conversion. That means no bloating or dehydration".

Thinking more about it, I then suggested the possibility of an "easy-to-use" capsule form. He liked the idea, adding "As you know, that has been tried before by others but in reality you had to take 15-20 capsules a day for results. John, you could format this to where, literally, just a couple of caps a day would work better than anything before".

Needless to say, by this point I was downright excited myself!

Jeff closed by saying, "I'm filing patent papers as soon as we finalize all the research and MASS will be one of the few with first access. You've got to keep this under your hat for now, though, because of the patent process"...

Well, I've remained silent for quite some time now while all the vital details that go into bringing a new product of this magnitude to market took place behind the scenes.

But, TODAY, no more!

As of this moment, YOU now have access to what is nothing short of a true breakthrough in nutritional technology. And as you know, that isn't something we say very often.

Visit right now for all the fascinating details.

All the best,

John Drake
Muscle And Sports Science

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:03 am
by RobRegish
I've got to admit, the stuff does deliver all the benefits of CrMh with none of the downsides (water bloat, etc.) at just 1/10th the dosage..

Wasn't MASS one of the first national distributors, or the first?

I see it virtually everywhere now...

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:32 pm
by Addy k
Being new to the forums, my first post probably shouldn't be criticizing one of the admins' posts. However, I really dislike it when people push supplements that are not backed up with facts.

To see what I am talking about see here: commercial link removed

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:38 pm
by askmass
I'm more than an Admin here, Andy, and Kre-Alkalyn is as valid as it gets as proven and Patented via dozens of strict, legitimate trials spanning a decade.

I welcome YOU to the forums, but competing companies' bought and paid for shills/reps/links are not welcome nor open for discussion.

They don't foot the bill for this place, for starters, and their supposed knocks on Kre-Alkalyn have been disproven time and time again.

Yet, some think if they repeat a lie often enough it will somehow stick, and protect their vested interest. And, maybe it does work for them in some platforms they pay for, but we'll not provide a means of free promotion for their propaganda.


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 3:18 am
by Addy k
First of all, I have no affiliation with anyone. I've researched the topic extensively and can not find any peer-reviewed journals showing kre-alkalyn is more effective than creatine monohydrate. And removing my links, which include data from PEER-REVIEWED journals, kind of seems to me you are the one promoting propaganda. I'm just curious and I guess this forums is sponsered by a supplement company so disseneters aren't allowed. I kind of hoped this was an objective forum for intellectual and factual discussion, not one pushing one brand of supplements, Rob ...

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:29 am
by RobRegish
HI AddyK,

To clarify, this isn't my board. It's maintained by Muscle and Sports Science. So, apologize but I didn't remove your links.

We do discuss Creatine Monohydrate extensively here, and as I've said before... if a supplement works for you, by all means use it. Personal opinion: I obtain all of the benefits of CrMh with KA at 1/10th the dosage minus the water weight bloat. I've come to appreciate that as father time marches on. I'm uncertain about any toxic conversion to creatinine but for me, this isn't the issue. I simply view it as a more efficient form of CrMh. Nothing more, nothing less.

So, hope that clarifies. I will use CrMh in a pinch but personally prefer the Kre-Alkalyn. We all have our favorites, and I respect yours.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:35 am
by RobRegish
AddyK, I should also note the board was built by MASS to support Blueprint at their expense.

I wrote the course, MASS built/own the forums and the web page advertising the course. It would be fair to say The Blueprint wouldn't have seen the light of day and be benefitting people here if it wasn't for MASS.

Again, understand your position. Perhaps discussing it with askmass would be a good step to understanding his position further.

Whichever way you slice it, creatine is a solid addition to The Blueprint. I'll always support its use in whatever form works best for you..

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:50 am
by askmass
No personal offense taken nor was any given, Andy.

As far as a "debate" of creatine (or whatever other supplement) here- Believe who and what you will and buy whatever brand has convinced you it is the cat's meow.

My initial post was simply a trip down memory lane I came across in our archives and something I thought MASS long-timers who are members here would recall.

If we want to do a huge promotional campaign, frankly, this board isn't the place we'd be doing it.

But, to have the misguided will to post commercial links in your very first foray here that falsely paint Kre-Alkalyn's actual claims (not fabricated BS based on purposefully skewed "trials" funded by competing companies) at this late point in time is as futile as squeezing blood from a turnip.

We have sold creatine for almost 20 years and can formulate with, and stock, anything we like. We are a truly independent company, beholden to no one - or two or three - big player vested interests in this industry.

We have a number of fantastic items and near unrivaled longevity for our niche. And, we DON'T assert that our line covers every nutritional need and personal preference is certainly allowed in logs, etc. because you see a plethora of other products (some directly competing with ours) routinely mentioned here.

Try talking about (much less posting a link) to any supplement brand not sold at and see how long it lasts over there... The same goes for every other forum I know of that is backed by a supplement company.

Our policy is far more open and tolerant than anyone I'm aware of, and by far I think. But, commercial links or overt promotion/ill-designed comparisons is not fair, intentional or not.

To close- Kre-Alkalyn does exactly what it claims to do and at this juncture has a decade long track record of proving that, both in multiple Patent Awards and in the hands of millions of consumer converts.

*To add this and be abundantly clear- The claim is that it is MORE EFFICIENT and that it does not render any of the commonly known side effects of regular creatine monohydrate... nothing more, nothing less as Rob stated.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:41 am
by askmass
I want to add one more thing, and there is a prior thread here that goes into much more detail if you care to find it and read the facts-

We don't make a dime off of Rob's course, nor is he nor has he ever been paid to promote any of our products (he in fact mentions/recommends several other brands in BP itself - check if you have bought his course).

Fact is, he has been a MASS customer and personal advocate since 1994, simple as that. The same is true for Rob Van Dam and every single endorsement you've ever seen for our line... check their gym bags, ask them yourself.

It is funny how many known athletes buy and use our products while being paid to do ads for others. We have never paid for endorsements, be it athlete, chemist, bodybuilding rag writer or whatever, and we never will.

Rob asked us to help with athlete trials in our area when he was first working up research on BP and we were happy to help as he had contributed to our newsletter many times prior.

The results were so astounding, coupled with the fact that it was largely centered around maximizing results from one of our items that we felt compelled to help him bring it to market when he asked for advice on that end of things. We had a spare website, and there ya go...

If he had not conducted the trials with one of our supplements being a key component to getting the most out of it - and proving so decisively - would we have given so much so freely?

Maybe not so extensively, but his credibility and lack of paid bias is unquestioned, and I further defy you or anyone to find another supplement company that would help promote a workout and diet regimen that explicitly states that it does in fact work WITHOUT the use of ANY supplement.

Yet, there that exact statement is - in his Blueprint and on the main promotional page for it that we provide and pay for.

We haven't lasted this long based on bullsh*t.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:19 pm
by dracotdrgn
And the masses cried in unison.....AMEN!
Those of us who know better, "get it." I too believe who and what I will, that's why I'm here. I study, I read, I try.....I've been a subscriber to M&F, tried sample after sample and trained with everything including ph's. I could write a lot here as to why I take what I take and why I train how I train but like I said those who get, already get it.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:43 pm
by Addy k
Well thanks for that clarification akamass. If people find kre-alkalyn works for them, that's great. I'm glad to know this is not some supplement company sponsered forum, much like forums are.