BURN IT UP's 'Peak ATP' awarded new, additional Patent

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BURN IT UP's 'Peak ATP' awarded new, additional Patent

Post by askmass »

The recent article that quotes me and Larry Kolb about Peak ATP and BURN IT UP! is now posted online, here- https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/newsletter.html
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Post by RobRegish »

I have to ask this as I've been curious..

PeakATP appears to be the most generously dosed ingredient of many in reformulated Burn It Up. I was expecting a tried and true like PS to lead which was in the old "Unfair Advantage" product. PeakATP was brand new though, so there was some risk in it. So was Korean Red, MACA etc..

Why'd you lead with PeakATP?

Not looking for trade secrets. Am looking to understand why it works so well. I'm using it pre-workout now not for the boost, but for cortisol control, CNS facilitation and overall adaptogenic properties...
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Post by askmass »

The short answer is that it greatly helps uptake and circulation of everything else, while also delivering strong, wide ranging benefits all on it's own.

It is extremely complimentary to this precise formula and helps it to build ever greater benefits ongoing. Most supplements tend to have diminished effects over time, but Burn It Up is the exact opposite by design.

For the record, there is indeed a very hefty dose of PS in there too...
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Burn It Up formula request:
Please drastically dial back or eliminate the straight caffeine in Burn It Up!
In my experience, it degrades the product. Pulls it back toward the pack, etc.
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Post by askmass »

Hi Brain.

Are you speaking of the new (orange capsule) version?

I ask because the caffeine content is much lower than what was in the previous version. It's about mid way in the ingredient pecking order for the new synergy version and less than half of the prior formula.

It is also significantly lower than others on the market who use exceedingly high amounts to insure you "feel" a stimulant effect (and instead of using more expensive/elite/non-jitter stimulants like MACA or real KRG, for example).

That said, we have talked about lowering the caffeine a little more, maybe an additional 10-15% to make it a bit more versatile for some applications and that will likely be implemented for the next production run.

The counter point is that a few folks (like Rob for instance) think we should jack it back up!

Bottom line, the caffeine aspect is a balancing act and we've determined a nice middle ground in an effort to please the highest percentage of patrons.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah, I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum.

I have an obscene stim tolerance. Absolutely insane. I'm quite sure it would be lethal (no joke) to a lot of seasoned vets.

Having said that, it was time for a change. The new Burn It Up is ideal for me primarily b/c if I want that "rush", no problem. Just add in Caffeine or other stims. All on it's own, I don't "feel" anything. What I do notice is crisper thought, words flow very easily and my CNS is very "sharp" when executing a lift. I wish I could objectively measure it.

Brain, I'd be curious to know which version you're using too. I'd also like your thoughts on what you feel from 1, 2 or 3 cap dose. It seems to be a very wide ranging adaptogen/nootropic/nutraceutical.

The PS I feel is what is benefiting me most. Heavy weights plus stressful job plus stims = too much cortisol. And there must be a good whack of it in there b/c I can sure see the difference when monitoring things like hand shakiness etc after big lifts.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

I'm with Rob and a "not fair" tolerance. Took a 5 hour energy once a fell asleep 30 min later. I've also had to be careful of my caffeine intake because it can contribute to an on going migraine problem. I drink coffee, take Burn It Up and other pre-wo stims. No jitters just feel good and motivated. No crashing and (knock on wood) no headaches.

Should start a poll- I vote stay or add no reduction
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Post by RobRegish »

IDEA: Perhaps a caffeine free version with the Korean Red Ginseng bumped up a bit..

Doing so would allow the user to add caffeine at their leisure. The Korean Red imparts a unique lift all its own, albeit its a much smoother ride.

Not sure how feasible that is but it's food for thought. I do understand the need to strike a balance with customers based upon stim tolerance and agree the current formula does a nice job in that respect.
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Thanks all - for the feedback and ideas on BIU … and I am talking about the new ‘super orange’ caps purchased in the last month or so.

AskMass, I understand that you are attempting to create an optimum formula and get your reasoning where caffeine is in the proportions. My request is based on an overall long term health agenda, which for me, overrides the more short term boosts to workouts. Fyi, I love caffeine pre workout. Shotgun is my favorite. But I stopped caff. anhy. when I work out PM (which is most of the time) because in the end it seemed like I was getting to the same results either way via different paths, but one of them had more long term neg. consequences. Also, many times I’m running so close to the injury edge I have no business being CNS amped up in any way. But, every couple of months if I need to slip myself a jolt for whatever reason it’s ok and really effective for that one instance.

My thinking is that caffeine is so inexpensive and readily available from other sources and since individual dosages and reactions seem to be all over the board (and also probably have a diminishing effect with sustained use), that you would be better off in the long run differentiating the product by cleansing it of a ‘low end’ ingredient. That way, users can take the ‘good’ stuff in BIU and on a separate scale use caff. anhy. (via bulk powder or included in beverages) to get whatever level of buzz on they want / need.

Great product either way - and I have no guess on which way will sell the most bottles or benefit the most users. Just personally will not be able to use it as much as I would like.

All the best
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