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Post by DaGymWarrior »

Any update on KA availability/shipping dates?
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Post by askmass »

DaGymWarrior wrote:Any update on KA availability/shipping dates?
Interesting you should ask, because we were just in the process of issuing an update, Warrior.


The lab sent out a small lead batch of KA this week, and we are looking for two increasingly larger shipments following up over the next couple weeks.

We always fill backorders first come, first served. It's only fair.

More Details:

Now, to be honest, there is a massive waiting list for Kre-Anabolyn currently. So, be patient because even if you do not see yours shipped in the first or even second wave, rest assured it will be sent out Priority once the huge pallets of master cases begin to arrive.

Today's information from the lab and our Shipping Manager looks like we should have every last single back order and standing reserve order processed and shipped out by October 9th at the latest, with many sooner.

So, a few lucky folks, who have waited the longest of all, will be getting theirs first off the production line, with everyone else following in order.

Please note, not myself, nor anyone on the staff or associated with MUSCLE MASS will be getting a bottle of Kre-Anabolyn themselves until AFTER every single customers back order has been filled. What's fair is fair, I don't care who you (might think) you are!

We stand our ground because it's what we do, for you:

It's been nothing less than a full summers long shortage of Kre-Anabolyn which brought us a number of guys (and one gal I know of) complaining loudly, and even demanding we "stop messing around and make the damn product, already".

But, Mother Nature works on her time - not ours - regarding the world class herbs we insist upon using in MASS products.

And, once you source them, which is a huge part of the battle, that's still just the start of the process in getting them from there to here and safe at the lab.

And, only then can we independently test and certify their authenticity, purity and potency. We rejected two separate batches of Leuzea Rhaponticum Carthamoides which greatly extended this production delay, for instance.

Following all of the above, the long and detailed process of making these world class herbs into fully concentrated extracts can finally begin!


It takes a lot of time, and a lot of expertise.

And, that's ONE ingredient, among a full array of crucial ones in the Kre-Anabolyn complex. So, as we try to explain, this isn't synthetic, man made chemical junk we can just spit out at will. What we do is on a whole other level completely.

When we explain all this, how we refuse to cut corners and will not under any circumstance compromise the premium quality we are known for to "just get it done", even the loudest complainers start to better understand the reality of the wait and typically wind up thanking us for our commitment to excellence - because they realize it is ultimately for their benefit!

That makes us feel good, and while good things are worth waiting for, with THE BEST it's all the more true.

It goes without saying, if you've been waiting for the shortage to end, now is the time to lay in a stockpile of factory fresh Kre-Anabolyn before it's all gone again.


Kre-Anabolyn Q&A:
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Post by RobRegish »

This was quite the ordeal, but thanks for waiting on the good stuff John. Lotta' companies would have run inferior RCE, thinking the consumer wouldn't know the difference...
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Post by askmass »

A number of KA devotees have asked if it's possible to now make a large volume buy of Kre-Anabolyn, to circumvent a future shortage, or as a group purchase with gym buds/team mates to enjoy extra discounts.

The answer is YES.

Contact me directly via PM, here at the forum for all the details.

Everyone is so excited with the news of Kre-Anabolyn's long awaited return, you can feel electricity in the air!
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Post by RobRegish »

Can we get specifics on what caused this shortage?

May offer some insight, especially given it's the same strain of RCE that powers Synthagen...
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Post by askmass »

RobRegish wrote:Can we get specifics on what caused this shortage?

May offer some insight, especially given it's the same strain of RCE that powers Synthagen...
Nothing much new to report beyond what has been detailed in the Muscle And Sports Science Newsletter, and here on the forum prior.

But, to elaborate some and review-

We locked up tons of top end Rhaponticum a couple years ago. Basically, we snapped up everything available at the time that met our standards.

Fast forward to spring of 2014, when it came time to replenish our holdings, nothing that met our standard was to be found on the international market.

Lessor grades were shipped to us, and rejected after lab testing for actives. Generic ecdy is always abundantly available.... and it's junk.

So, we basically had to wait until Leuzea Rhaponticum was harvested this summer, and paid a premium to reserve the best of the take for MASS.

No spies were involved, or, at least our international herb broker so claims.

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Post by askmass »

AT LAST, KRE-ANABOLYN IS BACK! Stock Up TODAY, your new order of Factory Fresh, Super-Potent "KA" Ships Right Away.

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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic John.

Best quality everything. I remember recommending RCE for the Ecdy component. Then I saw the Kre-Alkalyn, L-Dopa and 4-hydroxyisoleucine you added.

Brilliant... ;-)
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