CrPolley's Official BluePrint Journal - Round 1!!!

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CrPolley's Official BluePrint Journal - Round 1!!!

Post by crpolley »

Hey guys (and gals?)

I just got the Blueprint and am pumped to give it a full run through!!

I've been working out off and on for the last 2 years but had to stop a few times due to injuries/travel.

Throughout high school I was always the skinny guy. I got fed up with it and started working out consistently. In the beginning I saw some good noobie gains. I have made some great gains so far in weight and strength and can outlift most people my weight. It's been a while since I've put on weight though. I had my tonsils removed over the summer and couldn't eat for 2 weeks. I lost 15 pounds in that time!! It was awful.. All of my hard work gone to waste.

2 months later and I've gained most of that back. I'm now looking to put on more weight in lean muscle.

I'm also a student living in a dorm situation. I have a meal plan that has access to all you can eat food, milk, yogurt, salad, etc. Only downside is that there is only one option per meal for the main course. Some days I'm stuck with trash food such as chicken nuggets or pizza. Rob will hopefully help me through with this and provide guidance so I don't get too chunky :P

Goal: Build muscle mass

160 lbs
10-15% body fat (no idea I'll have to measure)
6 feet tall

I'll give better measurements later this week and edit them in.



I'm looking forward to giving this a full run through.
I'll provide some better before pics so that I can compare.

Let me know ANY and ALL tips for the first timer :)
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Post by crpolley »

Are the pics working for you guys? I linked them in but they don't seem to be showing up..
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Post by RobRegish »

RobRegish wrote:I can see them, so WELCOME aboard!

What you have is all muscle, so nice work... :) Now, your comments lead me to believe you've done a nice job focusing on getting stronger, which is a SMART move. Why, you ask? Strength ALWAYS preceeds size, so chasing bigger numbers is ALWAYS a smart move, IMO. If this wasn't the case, we wouldn't have weight classes in powerlifting, wrestling etc.. It's no accident that the strongest people around, are usually the biggest...

Your spot on the stage of life now, is unique. What I mean by this is that you are young, with likely an optimal hormonal profile, work/school/life responsibilities and resulting focus on the goal at hand. In other words - make hay, while the sun is shining.

The next round of pictures I'd like you to take, is from the SIDE.


Because we're going to craft a plan to build thickness. You want to know if someone is really strong? Look at them from the side. If they're thick, with a well developed back, traps, hamstrings etc.... they're the real deal. Accordingly, your training is going to mirror a hybrid powerlifting/bodybuilding style I refer to as PowerBuilding. If there's a secret to BP's success (after BP's "shell", which auto-regulates your response to different stimuli), it is this: We use a no nonsense approach of big basic exercises, hard work, a savvy loading/de-loading plan and chart a course to keep that going (repeatable gains).

Compare this to the typical "plan" (winging it), that your fellow gym goers use. Don't believe this? Ask the next person you meet where they expect to be in 6 months, a year - whatever. The deer in the headlights stare should tell you something. If you're where I want you to be, you already know...

Losing your abs for 6 months to gain as much LBM during this precious time, is well worth the tradeoff. They'll still be there, when you're ready to re-comp /cut. Trust me on this - There is no "stack" (legal or otherwise), that can replace the symphony of youth... perfectly balanced Testosterone, GH, IGF-1, insulin release/insulin sensitivity etc.. At age 41, I couldn't get it back with an unlimited amount of money, time etc.. It's here for you for the taking, TODAY.

Let's go get it, together ... :)
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Post by crpolley »

Yea I'm totally fine with losing those abs and bulking for the next couple months (especially since it's winter and I'll have my shirt on all the time anyways :P)

I'll snap some side profile pics today. Hopefully self mirror shots will do.

I'm going for pure bulking on this first run. I don't need to lose fat and wouldn't mind gaining a little bit since I know I can cut it off later.

So pumped to get this going!!!!
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Post by crpolley »

Hey guys,

Little delay. I was sick last week so I held off on the Famine period.
This upcoming weekend is Oktoberfest which would be right at the end of famine. I'll be drinking alot of beer (CALORIES) so I feel it's worth it to wait another week. I'll probably start the famine this upcoming saturday or sunday.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, let's get this show in the road... to Gainsville :)!!!
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Post by crpolley »

Mistake.. Oktoberfest is NEXT weekend :P

Resting heart rate is around 50 beats/minute

Starting famine today.

Here are my meals for the day:

Breakfast: Apple, small cup of coffee w/ splash of cream, water.
Lunch: Salad with italian dressing, assorted fruit cocktail, cranberry juice, water.
Dinner (right after workout): Corn, half a potato w/ a dab of butter, bite of rib (couldn't resist, it was rib day in the caf(rare) and smelled so good), Salad with italian dressing. Half a glass of chocolate milk, cranberry juice, water.

According to my calorie counter I'm at 1,200 calories for the day right now.

I'm supposed to be at 1280 (160 lbs X 8) so I think this is a pretty good meal plan.

Most likely my meals will be very similar to this last one I just ate for the next week since my caf serves alot of the same veggies/fruits each day.

Anything you guys would change? I know.. No more meat!

Also alot of friends are going out this weekend to party etc. this weekend. Is it okay to drink alcohol during famine? If so what kind should I drink? I'm assuming beer is a no-no.

Finally, how much sleep should I try to get a night. I got around 6 hours last night and feel like shit today from it.. I'm someone that usually needs a solid 8 hours.
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Post by RobRegish »

crpolley wrote:Mistake.. Oktoberfest is NEXT weekend :P

Resting heart rate is around 50 beats/minute

Starting famine today.

Here are my meals for the day:

Breakfast: Apple, small cup of coffee w/ splash of cream, water.
Lunch: Salad with italian dressing, assorted fruit cocktail, cranberry juice, water.
Dinner (right after workout): Corn, half a potato w/ a dab of butter, bite of rib (couldn't resist, it was rib day in the caf(rare) and smelled so good), Salad with italian dressing. Half a glass of chocolate milk, cranberry juice, water.

According to my calorie counter I'm at 1,200 calories for the day right now.

I'm supposed to be at 1280 (160 lbs X 8) so I think this is a pretty good meal plan.

Most likely my meals will be very similar to this last one I just ate for the next week since my caf serves alot of the same veggies/fruits each day.

Anything you guys would change? I know.. No more meat!

Also alot of friends are going out this weekend to party etc. this weekend. Is it okay to drink alcohol during famine? If so what kind should I drink? I'm assuming beer is a no-no.

A. OK on the alcohol, but keep it on the moderate side. Beer, whatever is OK. If you're going to drink during BP, this would be the time. Just realize that with calories lowered/possibility of an empty stomach, it may hit harder... :)

Finally, how much sleep should I try to get a night. I got around 6 hours last night and feel like shit today from it.. I'm someone that usually needs a solid 8 hours.

A.Normally yes, 8 solid hours or more. As with the alcohol example though, if you're going to come up short on sleep, Famine is where to do it. I wouldn't do so intentionally, but I think you know what I'm saying... :)

ALWAYS proceed with caution, and STOP if you don't feel right. Having said that, the VAST majority have no problems. Anything you need, I'll be right here... :)
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Post by crpolley »

In regards to alcohol, should I count those towards the 1280 calories?

Yesterdays diet I think I went around 100 calories over.. This going to be alright? Still way under the 35 G's of protein, and am eating almost solely vegetables and fruit.

I don't have a scale in my dorm so I have to rely on the gym scale. I think I've lost 1 or 2 lb's so far. I'm on day 3 of famine. This looking alright?

I just got done with the Second workout of famine. I definitely couldn't lift as much as I usually can but I didn't find the workout terribly difficult. It's much shorter than the workouts I'm used to. The book said 4 sets of each movement but then under it said 1 set supersetted with the shoulder press so I only did 3 sets for chest/shoulders. Is this correct?

Finally, this weekend is Canadian thanksgiving. Since I'm american I thought I'd be staying in the dorms and wouldn't have a problem avoiding the calorie gorging weekend. In a turn of events I was invited to a good friends house for the thanksgiving weekend. I think I can avoid eating a big meal until Monday (thanksgiving day) but would it be alright if I had the thanksgiving dinner on Monday? It will be the final day/meal of famine. I don't want to be rude to the hosts...

Thanks for answering my questions!!!
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Post by crpolley »

I will also most likely not be able to do the #3 workout because I'll be at my friends house (not close to the gym). There is a small chance that he will have a small home gym but I'm not sure.

I noticed a lot of people don't do the 3rd workout. Would it be alright for me to skip it? If I don't have access to a home gym should I do bodyweight exercises instead? If so, which ones?
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Post by Street-dreams »

AFAIK you should count the calories in the alcohol towards total calories.

100 cals over should be fine.. make sure you don't go over on the protein..

as far as the 2lbs in 3 days that sounds like its probably on track.

MOST people are able to skip workout 3 because they are sufficiently drained from workouts 1 and 2. Generally on my second workout by the end my strength has taken a huge dip. like dropped 25% of my max lift or more. If this sounds like you then yes you can stop.

As far as eating on the last day of famine you will have to consult with some of the other people on this board.
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Post by crpolley »

Turns out the thanksgiving meal is tomorrow... I can't avoid eating or it'd be very rude. Should I just not eat all day and use the 1280 calories on that one meal? I've already put 3 days into famine I don't want to mess up the last two..
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Post by RobRegish »

crpolley wrote:Turns out the thanksgiving meal is tomorrow... I can't avoid eating or it'd be very rude. Should I just not eat all day and use the 1280 calories on that one meal? I've already put 3 days into famine I don't want to mess up the last two..
Sure man, that's a good plan. Tough spot to be in, but where there's a will there's a way!
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Post by RobRegish »

crpolley wrote:Turns out the thanksgiving meal is tomorrow... I can't avoid eating or it'd be very rude. Should I just not eat all day and use the 1280 calories on that one meal? I've already put 3 days into famine I don't want to mess up the last two..
Sure man, that's a good plan. Tough spot to be in, but where there's a will there's a way!
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