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restoman45's log

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 4:40 pm
by restoman45
I am new here, got the blueprint end of december after reading a lot about it. I have been lifting for about 10 years, 2 of them learning, 5 of them serious, and the past 3-4 has been as good as I could do (while I was serious, I have had a lot of life changing events that halt progress).

Prior to my week off I weighed in at ~208 in the a.m. I am 6'1".

All time personal bests (almost 1 year ago at ~218 a.m. bodyweight): Bench: 305
Squat: 405
Deadlift: 365x10

Prior to the week off, I estimate I could do maybe 295 on Bench, 365ish on squats (been really lazy on them as of late since my son was born haha), and who knows on deadlift.

I have a lifelong goal to bench 315, and that is my sole goal this routine...

I am a hardgainer, and all the muscle and fat I have is from eating 4k plus calories consistently...I will try and post up a picture of me weighing approximately 207-208 pounds in the morning when I woke up the day I began famine this Thursday.

avg resting heart rate during week off ~62bpm
friday ~65bpm
this morning ~68ish bpm (when I wake up, I feel like I notice small spikes in my heartrate like an adrenaline rush...) One time was 67, one was 68, other was 72ish (with like a spike midway through which was weird)

thur diet consisted of 4 bananas, ceasar salad (dinner), couple small red potatoes, bowl of mixed veges, some pomegranet juice, some orange juice, some of that green machine juice, and I think thats about it. I almost caved, as I was out of town on business back in my hometown actually and met up with my old friends while they had pizza and chicken and other delicious food...
I had no scale available

fri diet consisted of 4 bananas, salad, cranapple juice, apple juice, green machine juice, orange juice, grapefruit, mixed veges, cooked onion and cooked was a ROUGH day spent mostly drooling over other peoples food

so far, this morning (saturday morning) I weighed ~204. So I am down about 3 or 4 pounds. Today is chest day, so we will see how that goes and I will post that later along with a picture of me prior to famine if I can get it to load

I usually lift in my garage in my power rack, so I have zero machines.

thur I did leg day. I was at a golds gym near where I was on business
squat 275: 3 sets of 4 well below parallel (was "light" but I had no energy and fell off quick and last rep of 3rd set felt real heavy haha).
s.s. with 75 pound 1-arm rows for 3 sets of 4 (was real easy).
cable rows: 3 sets of 6 with 160 pounds.
s.s. with lat pulldowns: 3 sets of 6 with 160 pounds.
curl bar curls: 85 pounds 6 reps, incline dbell curls: 35 pounds 6 reps, preacher curl dumbell: 25 pounds 6 reps.
I did not "kill" myself by any means or completely exhaust myself, but I felt like a slug without eating what I am used to haha

I usually never take any supplements (protein powder or anything), but I am taking the plunge this time and dropped the $$$ on KA, AN, "formula ingredients", etc...I just got some of the "formula" ingredients in today, and am hoping the stuff from MASS comes in asap so I can start feasting when this is over with the supplements (and boy am I looking forward to that)

One question, I ordered a multivitamin, and it did just arrive, but should I be taking it during the famine?

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:02 pm
by jox51
Yes, take it during famine.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 6:03 pm
by restoman45
jox51 wrote:Yes, take it during famine.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:47 pm
by RobRegish
Thanks for the assist Jox..

Helps me a LOT these days... :)

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 11:39 am
by restoman45
Pictures from morning I began famine...

My legs were fairly sore yesterday, day 3, and are slightly less sore today (day 4).
My chest and triceps are a little sore and shoulders are tight from yesterdays workout.

Yesterdays workout was the following...
Bench 225: 8 s.s. dbell seated press 50: 8. 225 felt heavy, no way I could have done 13 like I would have been able to do prior to famine
c.g. bench 185: 8 s.s. dbell seated press 50: 8 (was fairly depleted and was doing the bottom half of the reps only)
incline bench 135: 8 s.s. dbell seated press 40: 8 (bottom half reps)
decline bench 185: 8 s.s. dbell seated press 40: 8 (bottom half reps)
decline c.g. 135: 8 easy
skull crushers 55: 10 easy
kickbacks 15: 2x10 easy

Yesterdays food was the following: 2 grapefruit, bowl of whole grain rice and mixed veges, bowl of corn, 2 bananas, cup of apple juice, handful of pecans, multivitamin. I think that was about it.

I forgot to check my resting heartrate this morning upon waking, but it was 72 after I ate a grapefruit this morning..

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:10 pm
by RobRegish
Fantastic work!!

Your waking avg heart rate his jumped quite a bit. As such, you get a pass on workout #3 :)

Don't thank me, you earned it!!!

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:24 pm
by restoman45
RobRegish wrote:Fantastic work!!

Your waking avg heart rate his jumped quite a bit. As such, you get a pass on workout #3 :)

Don't thank me, you earned it!!!
Man is that great news! I don't know how well that would have gone with my sore quads if I had to do that workout tomorrow haha...

Now I am counting down till a huge breakfast Tuesday morning!

Just to make sure, even though I get a pass, I still finish the five days of famine and start feast on Tuesday correct?

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:38 pm
by RobRegish
Correct. Just finish out the diet (provided you feel you can). Then, eat up and rest for 3 straight days.

Proceed the Gainsville day 4 :)

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:27 pm
by restoman45
So today is finally the last day of famine...I cannot even put to words how bad I am looking forward to tomorrow morning at 6am when I am going to cook 6-9 jumbo eggs, bacon, toast, have some OJ, and whatever else I feel like grabbing before I travel out for work..

The last two days I have had 1000-1500 or so calories made up of just fruits and veges...I have been drooling like a dog at everyone elses delicious meals haha

I was 203 this a.m. when I weighed I believe, but cant 100% recall. I will weigh in the morning to see my final famine weight loss total is and try and take a picture if I remember in my half asleep state/anticipation for breakfast.....

All of my supplements have finished arriving today, and I hope that they (like 300+ bucks worth) will be worth the investment...only time will tell..

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 7:47 am
by RobRegish
Oh my.... I almost cried looking at that picture it was so beatiful. Here's your sub-title for it:

"Weapons of Mass Construction"

Now on the AskMass GammaGH, I need you to check this out prior to using!!! ... 5388#15388

Fun stuff :)

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:48 pm
by restoman45
Been busy with work which is why I haven't had any updates...

On the morning I started feast, I weighed 202.5 pounds when I got up for work. Thats a 5.5ish pound loss over the famine period.

First day of feast I had a half dozen eggs, bacon, toast, 1/2 pound roast beef sandwich, lots of pot roast (meat, potatoes, carrots, onions), 1/2 pound roast beef sandwich again, lots of pot roast again, and 1/2 a gallon of milk throughout the day. Supplements consisted of AN (3 before bed), KA (1 at each major meal), mass amino (20ish grams throughout the day), gammagh (1 scoop before bed), fish oil, and vitamin.

Supplements has been the same since, and food (total calories and quality similar).

Weight this morning (start of third day of feast) was I am up to my starting weight at least by the start of the 3rd day (2 days of eating...)

I have my first feast workout tomorrow. 225 for 8 reps on bench felt "heavy" during that famine workout (maybe had 10ish in me?), however at my best last year I have done 245 for 10 and 255 for 9 (I think it was). I am not sure what to use for my weight on bench press, I was thinking 235, but I am feeling pretty energized and strong after stuffing my face past couple days but don't want to overdo it and put on too much weight and not hit my reps. If I were to put on 235 and had my previous strength (11 or 12 reps one time before), I would hope that doing that weight for 11 or 12 wouldn't hurt my progress vs if I did 245 for 9 or 10...

I am unsure for squat too, I am thinking 275, but guess I will just feel it out and see how I feel after bench...I have ever squatted 275 for 15 I think it was, but my legs aren't at that point now, so I am guessing if I feel good I can maybe bang out 10... My lower back is hurting from sleeping in a bad position so hopefully that loosens up by tomorrow.

I will be doing whats outlined in the bp, and edt blocks afterwards (like is in the sticky he posted). I also will be using the "formula"...

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:54 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah baby :)

Let me know how you like it!!

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 11:15 pm
by restoman45
Workout went ok on Friday. Been real busy and hadn't found the time to post until now

Benched 235 for 8 and 45 pound pullovers for 8. I was somewhat dissapointed in my bench since only about 3 months ago I did 245 for 10 and 235 for 12...o well, hoping for better lifts next workout...
Squat 275 for 10 and straight leg 135 for 10
Did 5 sets of 75 pound dbellincline bench s.s. with 75 pound dbell rows. Did 6 reps each set and it was def way too light...I was so shot from squat s.s. that I low balled myself.
Due to my hams feeling like I tore them up, I skipped those edts...
I ate well and took all the supplements as I have been. My only lack was sleep and that's because of work unfortunately, but I am hoping that will improve this week

However, this is my second off day and my chest and tris and hams and thighs are still tight/sore. If they are still in this condition tomorrow, should I just push through it or take a third day off? Thanks in advance

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 11:24 am
by restoman45
Sorry for the long hiatus between my updates. A few things were at fault for that. First, I have been busy with work/lifting/family. Second, I wasn't lifting well and was getting very irritated. Up until Saturday (when I maxed and I will get to that soon... 8) ), I had been lifting terribly. I wont get into fine detail with all my reps/sets for everything, but as an example, 3 months ago at 209 am body weight I benched 245 for 10 reps. last week when I de-loaded (HIT part of feast), i benched 245 for 7 and I weighed 213. I was disappointed in that. I only did 275 for 2 the workout before at 212 am body weight. That being said, I have been doing my legs after some months off, so I may have been adding a lot of weight there and my total upper body mass may have still been less than it was a couple months prior???

Who knows...

On to the good news...and today I finally found time to come online and share the news...

My sole goal with the Blueprint was the bench 315 pounds. This has been a lifelong goal of mine since I started lifting (it officially ties my family record that my uncle set 35 years ago...). Well, this Saturday was finally max day. I weighed 214 when I woke up in the morning and was feeling ok. Popped a couple burn-it-ups to wake up a little since I wasn't as "awake" as I would like to be for a big max. I then drank half of my formula, and with that in my system after a decent breakfast and some energy pills I was feeling real good...

Warm up bar: 8 reps and felt like nothing was in my hands
135: 6 felt like 45 pounds
205: 4 felt like 135...
255: 2 light
275: 1 easy as pie
295: 1 and it was a quick rep...
So, I went inside and got my wife and told her I felt great, and I was going to go for the 315 (I honestly wasn't sure if I would even get 295 by the way things were going...). I told her to get the camera to record my attempt...
I was amped up for this goal but also very nervous because its been not only a physical block, but a mental one...
315: GOT IT!!!!! of my life goals is complete!!!

video: Image

fyi, it was 45, 35, 25, 3 10's on each side
and excuse the excitement at the end ha-ha

After that one, I called my father to brag and sent out a text message to all my lifting buddies...

Then I went to squat. My old p.r. is 405 set last spring at 218am body weight.
Warm up...
bar: 8
135: 6. raw
225: 4. raw
295: 2 easy. raw
345: 1 felt like 295 normally does. wore a belt
395: 1. HOWEVER...I have a chintzy Velcro belt (not even a real "straight" style power lifting belt). I only use a belt when I am 315+ on squats. I got down to parallel and when i squeezed and got about 5" or so up, the belt broke loose. My back gave way, but I did somehow manage to squeeze it out shockingly. It was like a 10 second rep because of that.
415: failed. I do, however, feel like I could have had 425+ possibly if I did not have that piece of crap belt (yes, it will be my next lifting investment ha-ha)

I have to say thanks to Rob for all the support he gave to me and everyone and for the great information he supply's. I was down and out with this routine at first, but it pulled through just like he and everyone said it would.

Today I start the "second" routine in the feast and I am looking forward to making some great progress this time and now with my positive thinking hopefully I will make out even better...