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Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:38 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome work!

Sounds like you're really rolling now. Fantastic stuff. Training is so much fun when you're gaining!

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:53 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Awesome work!

Sounds like you're really rolling now. Fantastic stuff. Training is so much fun when you're gaining!
this is very very true

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:06 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Another great workout today, nothing to complain about. but the loading pattern i chose for my Dips is incredibly difficult, i had to remove a set due to time constraints today. I feel like this is definitely going to put the adaptogens to work though.

Workout was as follows:

Squats: 337.5 - 2x3
SLDL: 245 - 2x5

Dips: BW+65 - 2x10, BW+70 - 2x8
Pullovers - Forgot to do these today.. feelsbadman.jpg

EDT Blocks:

CGBP: 165lbsx6/6/6/6/6
SS Smith Calves (Static Hold at top): 8 Plates - 6s/6s/6s/6s/6s

Alternating Bicep Curls: 45lb - 6/6/6/6/6
SS RG Tricep Pulldowns: 75lb - 6/6/6/6/6

Nothing to complain about thus far. feeling pretty strong. Video to come

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:12 pm
by RobRegish
Awesome work!

Can't wait for the video.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 1:48 am
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Awesome work!

Can't wait for the video.

and here we are ;)

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:19 am
by RobRegish
Great form! Very consistent... you've done a fantastic job wiring your CNS.

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 2:14 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Some good fasted cardio this morning

Got plenty of BCAA's in my system, and good to go for the day.

On a sidenote; won some EAA's from Universal in a competition.. not bad

70.00 tub for FREE! pretty wicked

only downside is they take a WHILE to dissolve

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:53 pm
by RobRegish
Free is good.. :)

Nice work on keeping the cardiovascular system in tip top shape!

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:14 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Free is good.. :)

Nice work on keeping the cardiovascular system in tip top shape!
Gotta take care of the heart, ya know?

And another good note: probably gonna get some ebol within the next few weeks, which will keep me good and loaded on ecdy all the way up to my competition!

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:18 am
by RobRegish
Yeah, competition is amazing. It's like looking through a straw the last few weeks (very focused).

You may not notice it due to the fact you're SO focused. Do take note of it though.....and the effect it may have on those close to you. Something to be mindful of.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:03 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:Yeah, competition is amazing. It's like looking through a straw the last few weeks (very focused).

You may not notice it due to the fact you're SO focused. Do take note of it though.....and the effect it may have on those close to you. Something to be mindful of.
yeah i know what you mean. i have a tendency to focus a little too hard hah

on another note: do you know of any good loading patterns i can use after i finish 10%solution that will help my squat and my DL?

i haven't deadlifted in a couple months, so i gotta recondition myself lol

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:24 pm
by RobRegish
GLP 1 and II would work well. The Russian loading pattern is another but it's a long way to go (18 workouts).

Let me know what you think of those. Starts of page 60 of The Blueprint.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:14 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Very Intense workout today! Phew it felt good. Low reps on the squats, but i really felt out those reps.

I also ended up throwing in a Single on deadlift just cause i felt like it. Appears my DL strength is holding up better than i thought. Especially considering this is my first conventional dead since.. May?

Workout was as follows:

Squats: 382.5 - 2x2
SLDL: 315 - 1x5

Deadlift: 405x1, 450x1

Dips: BW+55 1x13, BW+60 1x12, BW+65 - 2x10
Pullovers: 85x5

EDT Blocks:
Pullups: BW x 5/5/5/4/4
SS DB Sh. Press: 70lb x 6/6/6/5/4

High Rack Pulls (Static Hold): 585lb - 2x5 seconds

Videos for today:

Rack Pull:

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:15 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote:GLP 1 and II would work well. The Russian loading pattern is another but it's a long way to go (18 workouts).

Let me know what you think of those. Starts of page 60 of The Blueprint.
Alright, I'll probably do a scheme like GLP 1 and do squats monday and DL thursday with workouts other days of the week not including back/legs

Also Rob - What do you think of the Rack Pull in my video? Is it executed correctly?