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Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 2:58 pm
by JlCh
Rob/Askmass, I won't be offended if you remove this post and sorry if I crossed boundaries; but I did come across, what seems to be, a decent gainer.

Just incase you're interested in helping with calories. I really do apologize if this is a no-go.

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:52 pm
by dta1984
Thanks for the link JICh. Rob provided me with a link to make homeade gainer shakes that I am really enjoying. They are cheap and taste good!

Rob, thanks again for the responses. Just to make sure I understand, 25% of calories on 125% days should come from my shakes? Seems about right. I think the drink I was making was around 700 calories or so. I would sip on it from morning snack through lunch, and make sure I had some on workout days for afterwards.

A. Correct. Meaning your intra-workout shake though.

What is you feeling on meals either pre or post workout? Should there be both? Normally, I have been having protein shakes after workout (2 scoops = 48grams protein). But, I am starting to think maybe I should just have some meat or chicken + 1 scoop protein (24 g) after working out. I am thinking there are more nutrients in the food, rather than just a shake.

A. I like having both. The one caveat here is that both the pre and the post should be and hour prior to/after the workout.

I always make sure I am not hungry before working out, but never really concentrate on having a small meal. Should I add something small? Maybe some carbs and a little protein (bannana and protein bar)?

A. Yes these would be fine. You don't want to eat too much and be drowsy. Just enough (balance of both carbs/protein) to ensure a steady blood sugar level going into it.

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:30 am
by dta1984
Ok Rob one last question. I was browsing the "other" forums yesterday and came across Prototype's log. Man did he see fantastic results!! Got me thinking about running the Periodic. Is there a way to distinguish the two (Periodic and BP regular)? Like one is for strength while the other is better for lm? I do see the Periodic is longer (4 mo) if I remember right. I am guessing I would just stick this after feast and jump in?

A. Yes, please see page 60 of The BP for further details on the Periodic. You can tune and tweak each one but it boils down in the end to strength gains, I think. If you want more of those you run the Periodic.

Also, please feel free to chime in there and ask me a question or two when you see it fall off the front page please :)

Any reccomendations for my goals (Size and strength), one better than the other? I really want to take my lifts to new levels, and I know with bigger weight comes bigger size.

A. Absolutely correct. Run with the Periodic, you won't be disappointed!

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 8:13 pm
by dta1984
Excellent Rob thanks for the responses. I am in the process of re-reading the Blueprint, and finding out more and more.

Just to followup on a few posts above, you said I should have some of my "meal shake" during workout. I usually drink my BCAA's during workout when it is my 3 on days. Is there any benefit to switching this around a little??

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 9:09 pm
by RobRegish
Yes you can take the BCAA's on workout days as well. Gets pricey BUT the gains are there to justify it :)

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:45 pm
by LHockey
just caught up on your log, awesome work so far man!

i'm starting the feast today, can't wait to make some gains. in for your massive bulk 8)