Dta1984's First Run with BP

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Dta1984's First Run with BP

Post by dta1984 »

Hey guys, first post and first log....EVER..lol I figured the Log was the sure fire way to make sure I am doing everything correctly and also to help keep me motivated.

Bought the Blueprint on Monday and have read through it, as well as some logs on here. I do plan on re-reading it over the weekend before I begin Famine on Monday (7/26). I must say though, I am very excited about the potential there is after reading the logs.

A little background on me; I am 26 and have been lifting for 3 years consistently. In that time I got caught up in the cut / bulk phases that I felt I was making little progress. Most recent, I did a bulk to 186lbs ending March of this year. That is the heaviest I have been, and also the most fat I have ever carried. I tried out P90X during the Spring and did it for 90 days and was quite impressed. I got into much better overall shape and lost nearly 15lbs. The only negative was I lost strength on alot of my core lifts.

As far as diet, I am religious about recording what I eat. I have an excel spreadsheet with 1200 + rows that I have used for the past year to record. I keep track of calories, carbs, fat and protein. Currently I am consuming around 2400 calories.

My goals; are to gain size. I would like to do this while putting on as little fat as possible. Seems like a popular goal among others also. Though I do not have visible abs at all times, they are there in the mornings. I fault this to neglecting ab workouts. My goal here is to maintain or improve my ab area.

I do have a few questions I will post later on for the experts regarding the workout routines and famine foods.

Thanks for reading guys!
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Post by RobRegish »

All welcome DTA!

And we are at your service in helping. Can't wait for your log questions...
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Post by dta1984 »

Thanks Rob!

Ok here is the first questions of I'm sure many...

1 I am going to put an order in for my supps so they will be here for the feast. I plan on getting Ebol as well as some Whey. Is that enough? Do I need 1 bottle or 2? I already have a tub of Xtend and also Orange Triad Multi's.

2 Regarding the liver tabs loading you mention, are there alot of guys doing this that have had sucess? I remember reading a log on nolinksplease.com that a guy used it, and ended up at +14lbs after the BP. If so, the dosing is very high so I was wondering what is a cost effective brand to go with?

3 I might re-read the loading phase for my BCAA (Xtend) during Feast, but could you clarify that. How long and how much?

4 I have some bulk creatine monohydrate, do you recommend adding this in at sometime? Seems like I remember you saying to wait until the Cruising phase before adding creatine.

Thanks Rob!
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Post by RobRegish »

Per your request!

1 I am going to put an order in for my supps so they will be here for the feast. I plan on getting Ebol as well as some Whey. Is that enough? Do I need 1 bottle or 2? I already have a tub of Xtend and also Orange Triad Multi's.

A. Suggest 2 bottles of Ebol and the whey. Suggest a good cold processed whey if you can get it like MassPro. If looking for an alternative, consider KreAnabolyn/The Blueprint Mass Stack as offered here.

I take no favor though, you'll be fine with either product.

2 Regarding the liver tabs loading you mention, are there alot of guys doing this that have had sucess? I remember reading a log on nolinksplease.com that a guy used it, and ended up at +14lbs after the BP. If so, the dosing is very high so I was wondering what is a cost effective brand to go with?

A. I'd opt for quality here every time. Suggest Beverly's product as its time tested and always on label.

The few that have used liver tabs have done exceptionally well with them. Highly recommended!

3 I might re-read the loading phase for my BCAA (Xtend) during Feast, but could you clarify that. How long and how much?

A. Page 40 and 41 of The Blueprint for all you need to know :) PM me if more clarity is needed.

4 I have some bulk creatine monohydrate, do you recommend adding this in at sometime? Seems like I remember you saying to wait until the Cruising phase before adding creatine.

A. Correct. Creatine is a fine supp but I favor its use in Cruise due to the ATP demands/replenishment that 5x5 training imposes. You'd be best served to use your adaptogen in Feast and Creatine during cruise.

Hope that helps!
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Welcome to the team brother! Always good to have someone new on board! (hey no pun intended :P)

We are all here to support you in any way we can!
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Post by dta1984 »

Thanks for the warm welcome guys!


1 Yes I will do 2 bottles of Ebol, and get a good whey.

2 On the liver tabs, can I go with Animal Uni-liver? Just trying to control my budget and these are half the cost of Beverly's.

3 On the BCAA loading, 20-40g of BCAA. I think my normal 4 scoops is 22g so I might add an extra scoop or two. 3 days on, 3 off got it!!

Thanks for your help Rob!! More questions to come......
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd rather you spring for Beverly's.. I know they're more expensive BUT given that intake of liver I'd just feel better knowing their quality control.

My pleasure on the help. That's why I exist :)
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Post by dta1984 »

Ok Rob, time for Famine nutrition. Here is what I have so far. It seems ok, but I wasn't sure about the carbs... My target is 1320 calories.

1 Quaker Instant Oatmeal - 120cal, 2f, 24c, 4p
Bowl of Mixed fresh fruit - 90cal, 0f, 23c, 0p
Glass 1% milk - 110cal, 2.5f, 13c, 8p

Yogurt - 80cal, 1.5f, 4c, 12p
Bananna - 121cal, 0f, 31c, 1p

100 cal snack packs - 100cal, 3f, 15c, 3p
Bowl of mixed fruit - 90cal, 0f, 23c, 0p
Apple - 65cal, 0f, 17c, 0p
Ceasar Salad (light dressing) - 170cal, 14f, 6c, 6p

After workout Snack;
Cup of almonds - 170cal, 15f, 6c, 6p
Bananna - 121cal, 0f, 31c, 1p
Apple - 65cal, 0f, 17c, 0p

This gives me a total of 1302 calories, 38 fat, 210 carbs, and 41 protiein. Are the carbs to high? I really like fruit, and that seems to be where I am getting all the carbs. Any suggestions?

Also, i've never been a fan of the V8 drinks, but I am going to try one of the V8 fuzion drinks and add that in throughout the day along with tons of water. Thanks Rob!
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Post by RobRegish »

OK that looks terrific. Nice work!

Carbs are FINE during famine and in fact, should make up the bulk of your diet (fruits and veggies). I'm not sure where the "famine should be low carb" thing comes across but I'll need to clarify that in 3.0.

So great planning. Do try to take advantage of freshly juiced drinks like the following:

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=389

Hope that helps!
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Post by dta1984 »


Ya, the fresh drinks look good, but no juicer...... Though I do plan on getting one, I think it will have to wait until next run. This run, I will do the V8 as a juice drink.
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Post by dta1984 »

Ok just to make sure I have the famine workout 1 down correct, here it goes.

Squats 4-6 reps
1 arm DB Rows 4-6 Reps
REST 2 Min
Squats 4-6 reps
1 arm DB Rows 4-6 Reps
REST 2 min
Squats 4-6 Reps
1 arm DB Rows 4-6 Reps
REST 2 min
Standing BB Curls 4-6 Reps
REST 2 min
Incline DB Curls 4-6 Reps
REST 2 min
EZ Preacher Curls 4-6 Reps

Just wanted to double check, I think a few people add more to their workouts and I wasn't sure if that was necessary. Thanks!
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Post by AvD »

RobRegish wrote:OK that looks terrific. Nice work!

Carbs are FINE during famine and in fact, should make up the bulk of your diet (fruits and veggies). I'm not sure where the "famine should be low carb" thing comes across but I'll need to clarify that in 3.0.

So great planning. Do try to take advantage of freshly juiced drinks like the following:

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=389

Hope that helps!
I was thinking this during the famine as well. I was taking in alot of carbs due to the fruit and it said it was supposed to be low carb. Good to know i was still following the plan correctly.

Good luck with the famine and blueprint DTA. I just finished my famine and it was awful to tell the truth. The last workout is just like he says in the blueprint "Brutal"
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Post by RobRegish »

Everything you've laid out looks great!
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Post by dta1984 »

Excellent!! I am excited to start, I like the challenge of the famine. Heading out now to the grocery store.
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