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Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:36 pm
by RobRegish
Once again, you NAILED it.

Learn, share, grow.. You're at the point now where your advice is greatly appreciated here for new BP customers.

I know b/c I'm hearing it :)

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 10:57 am
Draco, bro this is a awesome log!! I love reading it, very inspirational!!I think me and you have alot in common as far as tendencies to over train. I've always kept pretty a high volume while training. Keep up the good work bro!! I look forward to following you and learning more from ya in the future :wink:

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:05 pm
by dracotdrgn
So far so good. Still staying about 230, although I expect to loose a few during maintenance.
I slightly under estimated bench just because it hasn't been going that well but nailed 5x5 plus 3 on the fifth.

Tues. started off on the bike, did core and abs without the weighted decline sit ups, then ran 1/2 mile.

Wed. warm up, the 5 X 5 squat as prescribed plus five more on set five, calves, static hold on sled, static hold on calves.

Tomorrow back to core/abs and cardio. Friday back.......

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 6:20 pm
by RobRegish
Ok good deal. Great work so far...

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 9:37 pm
So is it gonna be round 3 right after maintence, or you gonna wait awhile?

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:42 pm
by dracotdrgn
Good question. I had contemplated some "free for all" time to experiment with some different work outs, but truth is the BP can be fexible. Use the foundation of BP principles and train as needed. I just don't want a week off when things have been going so well..... I'll keep you posted.

As far as yesterday........after that killer leg work out I had to return to work at the gym at 4pm. The "guys" were one guy short for basketball. Whoa, I ran two games with these guys who I had 12-20 years on. But at the end to cure my own curiosity I jumped up to see If I could still grab rim. Wow, still got it after a day like that. Well that led to requests to do it again....two steps BAM. Not bad for an old guy but damn, I felt it today..... :x Hope they don't ask me to run tonight cuz I just couldn't decline.....

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:55 pm
lol All threw highschool I could always dunk a softball,volleyball, but never got the basketball, but last year at thankgiving we rented this place that had a gym, and I dunked a full size basketball like 3x's.... I missed probably 6 though lol... It felt really good though, I attribute it to the squats, I've only been lifting for about 3 years, and since squats, my vertical has improved!!

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:38 am
by dracotdrgn
I was just having that conversation with someone today. When I was into basketball and martial arts I never lifted heavy legs because I wanted to stay light, lean, strong, and flexible. I was pretty fast and could jump and dunk. If I'd a had the right guidance... wasn't until I tore my achillies in half I started going heavy. I thought I'd never dunk again, sprint down the court etc.. it was on my strong leg, my jumping leg, my balance leg......Wow, heavy legs I started putting on weight, my other lifts were doing better.....and now eleven years later punishing my legs like never before I'm a lot bigger yet still getting rim high. hmmm?

I wish I had a clue or a coach/trainer back then. I've talked to Rob a bit about athleticism and how it compares to a gym rat that just works out to get bigger. What good is that muscle if you don't use it to play..... An article (if allowed) that I liked ... uUsXryvMmQ.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:27 pm
by dracotdrgn
A couple of interesting points.
1 my protein and calories have been dropped as well as Adaptogen, KA, Gamma, and AKG. Plus cardio, yet I still weighed in at 230 today.

2 I cant remember the last time I did a cable wide grip pull down but I do remember the whole stack is 300lbs and that I got one no more than two sets of three with that. I did 5 X 5 cable rows w/ 300 and 4 X 5 300 pulldowns. Wait that's not the end of every back workout during feast I did a 10 min pr zone of pull ups switching between wide grip and reverse narrow grip. Even as the weights were getting heavier in my back routine I was still able to meet or beat every pr. Last week being my best at 30 sets of three in 10 min. Today even though 5 X 5's are a little less taxing I broke out 34 sets. Hmm do you think my back has gotten stronger? There is something to be said about those pullovers. Which by the way could have been putting some strain on my chest and tri's and could have played a factor in my benching woes. Any way..good day one week left.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:46 pm
by RobRegish
Hey that's fantastic. Great update!

Time and time again I've seen this. I remember BP trials and talking to John about it his first time through... he'd say, "Rob, you're not going to believe this but I'm still gaining, it feels like I'm not even trying".

Now I understand we're all trying of course but you know what I mean.

Fantastic man. Couldn't be happier for you. This log should be carefully studied by everyone looking at running BP cycles. Rough summary:

1.) Draco's first run he had trouble getting traction coming out of Famine
2.) He didn't give up
3.) Finished up first run bigger and stronger than ever
4.) Second run fine tuned it based upon what he learned first go around
5.) Stunning gains yet again and more insight with which to build for subsequent run.


Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:19 pm
dracotdrgn wrote:I was just having that conversation with someone today. When I was into basketball and martial arts I never lifted heavy legs because I wanted to stay light, lean, strong, and flexible. I was pretty fast and could jump and dunk. If I'd a had the right guidance... wasn't until I tore my achillies in half I started going heavy. I thought I'd never dunk again, sprint down the court etc.. it was on my strong leg, my jumping leg, my balance leg......Wow, heavy legs I started putting on weight, my other lifts were doing better.....and now eleven years later punishing my legs like never before I'm a lot bigger yet still getting rim high. hmmm?

I wish I had a clue or a coach/trainer back then. I've talked to Rob a bit about athleticism and how it compares to a gym rat that just works out to get bigger. What good is that muscle if you don't use it to play..... An article (if allowed) that I liked ... uUsXryvMmQ.
Dude that was an awesome read, really eye opening too. I used to be in a softball league, have'nt played in a couple years though, It was a blast... actually thats where my screen name comes from, 4 yrs ago I bought a bowflex(I know dumb right?) but after quitting smoking, and gaining a few pounds, I was in noticably better shape, everyone asked me if I'd been hitting the weights, and I was like, actually I bought a bowflex, so after that i was known as ''Turboflex'' from then on. Seroiusly though, that article really got me thinking about playin again this year. By the way whay kinda martial arts did you train? I'm a HUGE mma fan, ever compete? MMA fan?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:39 pm
by dracotdrgn
A Fan? Yes and no. I do like watching but it always gets me thinking about competing or what I "could have done." I trained for a tourney when I was around 20, thought I was tough mentally, and a decent fighter. Being used to sparring when I got the upper hand I backed off, let my guard down, and got clocked, fell apart and lost. Despite the fact the other guy went on to place second only to his older brother I was very disappointed in myself and embarrassed. Trained alone and never entered again. Looking back it may have been that it wasn't where my heart was, I failed, then moved on to something else..... could be looked at a lot of different ways but there are some regrets.

Smoker too? Not one I admit to often but yes same boat as you, over weight, smoking and eating fast food daily. High blood pressure, high cholesteral...dumb Now the smell of fast food is second only to the smell of smoke in my book of bad.

Like Rob says Learn, Share, Grow.... also pertains to the things we shouldn't do I guess...I've learned

My other crazy was when I was 30 decided to go to the skate park with my son. I'm a rollerblader, and old enough that falling hurts for a few days. Had my share of digs, but within 6 months or so I was going down the 6' half pipe.... crazy or dumb......haven't been for a year or more, maybe I should venture back.... :shock:

As far as you, yeah dude go compete be happy! But if your leagues are like the ones I've seen softball leagues lead to mid-week-drinking. :D . Like I told some guys in the gym beer is a bad post workout drink..... Just a thought-to each their own...

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:58 pm
Yeah the drinking is why I quit playing in the first place, I was usually the only one who wasnt..... made it kinda akward. I wanted to train MMA a few years back, due to time restraints/money it came down to lifting or training..... needless to say I choose lifting. Sometimes I wonder how it wouldve went had I choose differently, but I'm pretty happy the with the road I've taken. Besides you have less chance of getting hurt liftin (knock on wood) and I have no health insurance so.......

My prediction for UFC 111 main event and co-main next weekend.....
GSP by TKO via ground-n-pound in the 3rd
Mir by choke in the 1st

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 6:28 am
by RobRegish
whatever happened to Lesnar?