Draco's Second Run

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Draco's Second Run

Post by dracotdrgn »

First run log as "BP run take one....." Good strength and size gains were made, work made the final weeks difficult. Take a look..
I've had three weeks off to get ready for this run, and I am going to pound this one out. I am highly motivated due to the last run not ending the way I wanted to and the fact i've had three weeks off and lost weight.

Waking HR 50-55bpm
16 oz juice and berry smoothie
20 oz coffee splash of 1% milk
2 handfulls of mixed nuts
Workout (see below)
One cup brown rice with salsa
8oz coffee and water
handfull mixed nuts
big salad with greens and 2-3tbs of light dressing
5.5 oz V-8 low sodium
handful of nuts

The workout- I'm sticking with the v.1 workout so I can use the first two workouts to ease back into the gym. Three weeks off isn't much but enough to re-enter slowly. Something I am terrible at but I have learned.
3 sets 3 excersises for chest and shoulders, 3 sets two ex for tri's. Felt good, just easy weights to avoid soreness.

The bad news~ I'm down to 220. Crap! I hope the famine doesn't take too much more out of me. I know I'll gain fast but hey the abs are back and ready to go.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow, that's great Draco. Sounds like the fire is back!

And yes, you'll lose weight during the famine. Try not to let it play with your head too much. Look at it for what it is... detox and teeing you up for some awesome gains!

Do take care not to take it too deep (over-reaching). I just don't want you to have any delayed traction. If by workout #4 you feel it's enough....fine by me. Your resting heart rate is what I'm zeroing in on.

Speaking of which, that's a might fine resting rate! Sounds like you're in great shape, as the abs attest to.
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Waking HR 59-63 bpm
Weigh in 216 YIKES!

Smoothie and coffee for breakfast
Banana pre workout
Post- Two cups brown rice and salsa
glass of orange,banana, strawberry juice
few handfulls of mixed nuts throughout the day
salad , carrots, can of spinach, and steamed broccoli for dinner
glass of tomato juice

Work out was good, still easin into it. Pulldowns, cable rows, squats, dead lifts, and curls. Hard to keep the pump, and hard to get that 216 out of my head. Not too sore from yesterday, I should be good for tomorrow. Tired and hungry......
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. You won't likely need the full 5 days. Play it by ear. That resting heart rate has really jumped so just cut it when you feel the time is right.

Clearly, you're off to a fast start!

And FYI things get better 2nd time around. Brain here just did his 3rd or 4th run, refining each one. Results?

He put on 11 "excellent" pounds in just 6 weeks! Check out his log for details...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

I do check in on brain and yes he is a tinkerer. Actually I peak in on most of the guys in here.
I'm not worried~ just putting more fuel to my fire. My last official lean cycle had me at 215 on 6/09. I gained 10-12 from there then with the BP gained more. I just thought I may have found a new baseline.
My waking hr went back down to 56/57 today.
Will continue as planned.
I did eat a little extra brown rice yesterday and added a can of spinach (thanks to the blogs.)
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Food intake today was the same just in a different order.
The workout went well. I was feeling that old feeling again! Pushing harder today through the soreness. Could definetly feel the strength tapering off untill my triceps just couldn't do anymore. That's why I saved them until last, so they can help the bench and shoulder press, then wipe them out with skull crushers and weighted dips. If tomorrow goes this well I may take it easy on Friday.
These last few workouts I've been using slightly lower weights, concentrating on form, breathing, a slight pause at the bottom and a full range of motion.

215 weigh in
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Post by RobRegish »

Excellent. I think you're there...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

My arsenal:
MassPro MVP
MassPro Amino
Musclepump By EP2 Free Box
Nitro AKG
Burn It Up
Gamma GH
NO Shotgun
Anadraulic State

Coconut Oil
Salmon Oil

I will be picking up some more liver tabs as well, but I think I'm well stocked here. Did I forget anything?
I was thinking when the shotgun was gone to use the AKG, Burn It Up, and maybe Phosphagen Elite by EAS. Do I get enough creatine from three KA a day or do I need more?
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Post by RobRegish »

Plenty there and that's a GREAT list!

The KA at 3/day will be equivalent to about 15g of monohydrate powder..
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Post by dracotdrgn »

Waking hr 63 bpm ___P.M~ 68bpm while on the computer
Weigh in at 214 officially 20lbs down from my highest (still not worried)
Intake the same plus some corn and raisins a little less mixed nuts. I get most of my calories from those nuts too. Definately feeling it today. Although the second run is easier than the first time.
Hit the gym hard today with squats, quad ext, toe raises, pull ups, pull overs, cable curls, and preacher curls. It felt better than expected, felt pretty vascular, something that I did not feel before. Strength tapered down quickly especially with 1 min between sets.
Later in the afternoon lower back kind of locked up on me. And my triceps are toasted today, actually I am fatigued all around. If by chance I get a whim tomorrow I may go ride a bike for a while then sit in the hot tub. But plan on taking it easy and feasting on Saturday.
My local store didn't have my desiccated liver tabs this time so I will look some more or do without.
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Post by RobRegish »

Excellent start man and for sure setting yourself up for another great run.

The oscillation between 214 and your high is actually quite beneficial for all of the reasons sketched out in the BP. Enzyme turnover, bodyfat reduction, priming the system to slap on more LBM. There's a method to the madness.

And good to hear 2nd time through is a bit easier, both mentally and phyically. It really is re-assuring knowing that great gains lie ahead and there will be a BIG "payoff" in short order.

May I ask what you have tee'd up for a loading pattern this go-around?
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Post by dracotdrgn »

As always I'm open to suggestion. I am looking back at some of my personal logs to see what was working.
I was doing a High Low drop set program that worked pretty good. Doing a weight that forces out 5-6 reps then immediately going to a weight that allows 10-12. I think I was rotating this one in every other wo.
I like to hit muscle groups from all angles like decline, straight, and incline bench. Low row, straight row, and pull downs etc..
We've discussed my tendencies to over train, and I plan on walking that line again for a while. I believe with good nutrition, supplements, smart training, and rest I can get away with it.
One thing I've learned recently is the rest period between sets plays a big factor.
Old fashion pyramid, edt, loaded stretching, drop sets, forced reps, negatives, statics, german loading...............ahhhhh
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah you've got a lot of different ways to go there.

For my money, EDT is damn solid if looking for pure hypertrophy. It'll leave you pretty taxed to, but it does so within it's own unique, productive framework.

Good times...
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Post by dracotdrgn »

I've been reading Staley's notes and have been receiving his newsletters for a while now. Makes sense! I understand the concept but don't have the program specifics. If you think I should try this, could you enlighten me to the specific split and program?
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