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Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:48 am
by RobRegish
Wow. That puts you around a 460 1RM.

Sould definately be do-able your first run!!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:25 am
by Uwbodybuilding
RobRegish wrote:Wow. That puts you around a 460 1RM.

Sould definately be do-able your first run!!
Excellent! I don't want to have an estimated max of 500, I want to video tape me nailing it.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:04 am
by Uwbodybuilding
Man, these last few days have been rough. I'm hungry all the time and I feel a bit frail and weak sometimes. I also noticed that my mitotropin and lean xtreme will be depleted in a week. I think I'm going to accelerate my blueprint plans! I'm going to take a week off starting Monday, as of now that's what I'm thinking...

Any input Rob? I now you're as stoked as I am hahaha

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:19 pm
by RobRegish
That sounds logical. Listen to your body... it will never lead you astray. It sounds like a return to normalcy is in order. We want you in a normal state of homeostasis such that Famine disrupts it - that is the goal.

Sounds like you're pretty damn in touch with your body...

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:27 pm
by Uwbodybuilding
RobRegish wrote:That sounds logical. Listen to your body... it will never lead you astray. It sounds like a return to normalcy is in order. We want you in a normal state of homeostasis such that Famine disrupts it - that is the goal.

Sounds like you're pretty damn in touch with your body...
I like to think I am. My intuition has never done me wrong when it comes to my body.

Well, it looks like after 16 weeks of being under 2900 calories per day (minus a few refeed/cheat days). It's time to bulk baby!

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 6:29 pm
by RobRegish
Good times :)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 1:48 am
by dracotdrgn
Checking in again, sounds like fun in here! Cutting has it's place, makes you look good in some ways but makes you feel light for sure. Hard for a bulker to do for too long. When's the contest?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:04 am
by Uwbodybuilding
dracotdrgn wrote:Checking in again, sounds like fun in here! Cutting has it's place, makes you look good in some ways but makes you feel light for sure. Hard for a bulker to do for too long. When's the contest?
Heh, no contest. I had much more to lose than I thought. I'm happy with my 22lb cut. I'll compete some time!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:00 am
by Uwbodybuilding
Day 3 of rest coming up tomorrow. Is it cool to go for a bike ride or something rob? I'm antsy lol

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 7:33 am
by RobRegish
Bike ride is OK. Nothing too taxing!

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:51 pm
by Uwbodybuilding
Alright, just hit a 35 minute ride. Nice and casual. Going to continue packing now!

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:00 am
by Uwbodybuilding
I'm taking my pulse each morning and I'm hitting low 50's every time.

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 3:03 pm
by Uwbodybuilding
Hey everyone!

So, I've been moving to a new apartment for the last week and haven't had Internet until today. So here is an update of what I'm doing.

Today is my last day of famine! I've been around 1800 calories per day from fruit juices, fruit, V8, peanut butter, rice, and crackers. Ive been getting no more than 20g of protein per day as well. It's been a little rough and I'm always hungry, but the workouts are solid and I'm ready to get on with the feast!

Famine day 1 workout:

Squats - 320, 370, 390 X 6
SS w/Seated Rows - 212, 240 X 6, 252 X 5

Pull Ups - 6, 4, 4
SS w/One Arm Rows - 110 X 6 X 3

Barbell Curl - 120 X 5

Wide EZ Bar Curl - 100 X 5

Concentration Curl - 35 X 6

Famine day 3 workout:

BB Bench - 250 X 9
BB Incline - 190 X 8
BB Decline - 160 X 10
SS w/Seated BB Military Press - 140 X 4 -> 120 X 6, 120 X 4 -> 100 X 6, 100 X 7

BB Decline Close-grip - 160 X 10

DB Skull Crusher - 35 X 10

Straight Bar Tricep Extension - 72 X 10

Notes: these workouts are bad ass! I love the super setting. Despite only 1 leg exercise, my legs were sore for a good 3.5 days. My triceps are destroyed. I was surprised with how my strength is holding up so far. We'll see today ;)

Also rob, I want to start a log on What can I and can't I post detail-wise about the BP?

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 3:05 pm
by Uwbodybuilding
Also, my HR is about 64-66 upon waking now. A nice increase :)