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Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:45 am
by RobRegish
Awesome comeback!!

THIS is the difference between those that stay in the game and "those who don't"

Guts, I say.... :)

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:14 am
by pmartinez78
Another upper body workout down. Next, my new 1 rep max. Looking forward to it.

GLP WO #5 Upper body:

Decline BB bench (205) 8,8,8,8
Weighted dips (45) 8,8,8,8

BB curls (95) 8,8,8,6
Decline CGBP (155) 8,8,8,6

Static holds
Decline BB bench (255) 2x12 seconds

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:51 am
by RobRegish

Now hear me out on this. Your call but here's what I'd suggest..

Consider taking just ONE extra rest day than your normally do prior to maxing out. EVERY day from today leading up until that max day, visualize in your mind lifting that weight not once...... but for a TRIPLE!!

Do this no less than 3 times a day. One of those sessions is mandatory: prior to falling asleep.

Build success into your subconscience. What the mind mind can conceive, the body will achieve.

Believe it.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:32 pm
by pmartinez78
That's good stuff, Rob. I had already planned to do exactly what you suggested. I did it my last round. I did visualize myself pushing the weight but not as many times as you suggested. I'll do it just like you suggested this time. Thanks for the tip.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:44 pm
by RobRegish
Glad I could help.

I'll be happy... when you're happy :)

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 12:04 pm
by pmartinez78
Yesterday was suppose to be my 5th GLP lower body workout but decided to take another day rest due to some lower back pain and soreness. I'm ready to go today so I will rock on.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:05 pm
by pmartinez78
Well, I showed up last night ready to tear the gym up but had to quit on my 3rd set of squats. As I was positioning myself with the weights to start my 3rd set, I felt a sharp pain on the left side of my lower back. At that point, I put the bar back up and went off to do some HIIT instead. It's not hurting as much right now, but I am a little sore in my lower back and feel a slight discomfort in my lower back when I put weight on my left leg. I've had this pain before in the past so I'm just going to see how it feels on Friday when I go for my 1 rep max.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:43 am
by pmartinez78
Last night was my last GLP 1 upper body workout, and it was awesome. I finally hit my goal of 300lb BB bench. My workout plan called for 295lb, but I didn't want to sit at 295lb so I went for 300lb instead. I did stall at the bottom of the lift but my spotter give the bar 2 taps and I slowly lifted it back up. It was awesome cuz there were some guys that knew I was going for a 300 bench that stood around waiting to see me bench the weight. I also had another group of guys ask me if I was on any gear cuz I looked bigger and were impressed that I benched 300lb at 165lb. I told them that it was the BP that helped me do what I did, so now they want to look into it also. I told them to google organic anabolism and click on the first link. Who knows if they are actually go to do it, but atleast I told them where to look. Anyways, here's my workout below:

GLP WO #6 Upper body:
1x300 <--- NEW PR

Decline BB bench (215) 6,6,6,6
Weighted dips (47.5) 6,6,6,6

BB curls (100) 6,6,6,6
Decline CGBP (165) 6,6,6,6

Static holds
Decline BB bench (255) 2x12 second

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:35 am
by pmartinez78
Well last Friday was suppose to be my last GLP lower body workout and I was suppose to shoot for my new 300lb 1 rep max on squats but my lower back still didn't feel right so I decided to give it more time. I went in again on Sunday to give it one more try, but I still felt a slight discomfort, so I backed off again. I'm not in pain or anything right now but I just want to make sure I'm ready for GLPII. I decided to move on and take a week off and start my GLPII next Monday instead.


Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:35 am
by pmartinez78
OK so I took a whole week off to let my lower get better, and I started my GLP II on Saturday. I felt awesome and tore it up again in the gym but last night I helped my dad move a king size mattress, and now my lower back is hurting a little and sore. Today is suppose to be my first GLP II lower body day but I'm not sure if I'll be able to squat. I'm going to give it a shot but if I feel some discomfort, I'm just going to do some on the squat machine instead.

After today, if I'm unable to squat, I'm considering either moving on to cruise or continuing the GLP II but replacing squats with squats on the squat machine. If I choose GLP II, I won't be shooting for any PR's and will probably bring the weight down on my first EDT block. I guess I'll make my decision after my workout this afternoon.

Anyways here's Saturday's workout:

GLP II WO #1 Upper body:

Decline BB bench (215) 6,6,6,5
Weighted dips (47.5) 6,6,6,5

BB curls (100) 6,6,6,6
Decline CGBP (165) 6,6,6,6

Static holds
Decline BB bench (255) 2x12 second

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 10:55 am
by pmartinez78
Last night was my first GLP II lower body workout. Unfortunately, I did feel some discomfort when I warmed up with 135lb on my squats, so I decided to back off squats and replace it with the plate loaded squat press instead. I racked on the weight until I found my 1 rep max of 680lb so I could plug it into the GLP II formula and did the set I needed to do. I didn't get to do the EDT blocks due to the gym being packed out and I was out of time. So it looks like I will be continuing my GLP II using the plate loaded squat press instead.

GLP II WO #1 Lower body:
Plate Loaded Squat Press