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Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:49 am
by RobRegish

Glad I could help. Anything you need, drop the dime again. I suppose I just dated myself? :)

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:13 am
Day 9.

No workout :x so plenty of rest instead.


Cereal & Milk 250 Cals
Fruit 300 Cals
CHicken sandwich 350 Cals
Crisps 100 Cals

Milk 250 Cals

Protein Shake 250 Cals


Total: 600 Cals

CHeese and Pickle sandwich 600 Cals
Crisps 100 Cals

Total Cals 2800 Protein 180G


Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:26 pm
by RobRegish
Very nice work!!

Suggestion: Cereal & Milk. Consider switching this out for real, old fashioned "steel cut" oatmeal. Tastes like cardboard but not the way I do it and it takes 5 minutes!

First, throw some stims down (at least one round, 2 is even better), close the blinds and turn on "Alien Invasion" week on TLC. Then, prepare the following diabolical mix:

1 cup steel cup oats
1 scoop chocolate MassPro
1 cup milk
1/2 cup raisins
1 tablespoon natural/organic peanut butter

Mix that into oblivion (by hand) such that an MRI is required at some later date. Settle in for an hour or two of paranoia.. and make sure to frequently peer out the window such that your neighbors take note of said paranoid state.

That's what "Mixelflick" does, anyway... :)

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:56 am
RobRegish wrote:Very nice work!!

Suggestion: Cereal & Milk. Consider switching this out for real, old fashioned "steel cut" oatmeal. Tastes like cardboard but not the way I do it and it takes 5 minutes!

First, throw some stims down (at least one round, 2 is even better), close the blinds and turn on "Alien Invasion" week on TLC. Then, prepare the following diabolical mix:

1 cup steel cup oats
1 scoop chocolate MassPro
1 cup milk
1/2 cup raisins
1 tablespoon natural/organic peanut butter

Mix that into oblivion (by hand) such that an MRI is required at some later date. Settle in for an hour or two of paranoia.. and make sure to frequently peer out the window such that your neighbors take note of said paranoid state.

That's what "Mixelflick" does, anyway... :)
Thanks bro - i'll do that with the exception of Alien Invasion :D

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:22 am
No workout today - slight twinge in my back so i'm putting it off until tomorow :?

Diet - bit of a bad day really.

Cereal & Milk 250 Cals
Fruit 300 Cals
Protein Shake 250 Cals
Beefburgers 500
Fries 300 Cals

Cod (2 pieces) 400 Cals
Potato 150 Cals
Peas 100 Cals
Treat 100 Cals

Milk 250 Cals

Total Cals 2600 Protein 170G

+EFA, BCAA and Multi

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:25 pm
Back still twinging - no workout, should be ok tomorow.


Cereal & Milk 250 Cals
Protein Shake 250 Cals
Fruit 300 Cals
Chicken Sandwich 300 Cals
Crisps 150 Cals
Pasta + Tuna 700 Cals
Beef Burger + potato 700 Cals
Protein Shake 250 Cals
Milk 250 Cals

Total Cals 3100 200g Protein
+EFAS, multi, BCAA

Looking forward to working out

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:29 pm
by RobRegish
Ok man, now do take care of that back!

A "slight twinge" may be just that... may be something else though. Chiro's are good peeps. Unlike "traditional" doctors, they'll actually take the time to talk to, understand and work with you.

Can't say enough about that profession man... They give back a LOT. More than they take.

Can't say that for most people.

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:08 am
Been away from the internet since Friday -

I've decided to have a cycle of H.I.T as I have never done so before and it seems a good fit to what we need here and now.

First workout - Chest/Shoulders/Arms

DB FLY 20kg x 6
Dec Bench 100kg x 6 110kg x4
DIPS 25kg x 5

Lateral Raise 10kg x 6
Shoulder Press 25kg x 6

BB Curl 35kg x 6 40 kg x 4
Pressdown 35kg x 6 40kg x 4

3 days rest and now im back on it today.


CG Pulldown 65kg x 6
Straight Pulldown 80kg x 6
BB RoW 100kg x 6 105kg x 6
Shrugs (smith machine) 120kg x 6

Leg Extensions 60kg x 6
Squat 100kg x 6
Calf Raise 80 kg x 6 100 kg x 4

Feels good so far - plenty of rest and food :twisted:

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:58 pm
Diet for the day.

Cereal + milk 250 Cals
Fruit 300 Cals
Protein Shake 250 Cals
CHicken and Bacon sandwich 575 Cals
Crisps 200 Cals

2 x Peri Peri Chicken Breast 350 Cals
Milk 500 Cals
Wedges 100 Cals
Veg 100 Cals

Cheese and pickle Sandwich 500 Cals
Crisps 100 Cals

Total Cals 3200 200 G protein

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:59 pm
by RobRegish
Great work gettin' down the grub!!!


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:16 am
RobRegish wrote:Great work gettin' down the grub!!!

The workout split is ok then?


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:10 pm
No workout today, jsut rest for me.

Diet :

Cereal + Milk 250 Cals
Protein Shake 250 Cals
Fruit 200 Cals

Chicken Sandwich 350 Cals
Crisps 150 Cals

Pasta 30 0Cals
Bolognese 300 Cals
Garlic Bread 100 Cals

Milk 250 Cals

Cheese & pickle Sandwich 500 Cals

Protein Shake 250 Cals

Total Cals 2900 200G Protein


Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:01 pm
by RobRegish
RobRegish wrote:Great work gettin' down the grub!!!

The workout split is ok then?

Looks good to me... your classic push/pull. Provided that works for you, I'm on board. The key though, will be managing workout frequency. Don't worry...

You won't walk this road alone... :)

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:44 pm
RobRegish wrote:
RobRegish wrote:Great work gettin' down the grub!!!

The workout split is ok then?

Looks good to me... your classic push/pull. Provided that works for you, I'm on board. The key though, will be managing workout frequency. Don't worry...

You won't walk this road alone... :)
Well i'm planning doing:
Monday - Pull as above
Thursday - Push as above

3 days rest either side.

Another 3 weeks of that plan 8)