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Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 9:04 pm
by RobRegish
OK, everything I'm seeing here leads me to one conclusion; overtraining is setting in.

Time to insert extra rest days, jack up protein and lower the carbs a bit. Add a dash more cardio in a fasted state on off days (ideally, HIIT) and problem solved.

I'll be back, but I'm certain that's the fix. Let me know your thoughts!

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:00 am
by deserran
thinking I need more rest too.. thinkin workout on thursday would be ideal.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:13 am
by RobRegish
Yes, take these days and practice active recovery.

Some ideas to facilitate active recovery between workouts:

1.) GPP such as sled dragging
2.) Push a weighted wheelbarrow up a slight incline
3.) Medicine ball throws
4.) Some HIIT cardio
5.) Treat yourself to a massage
6.) Get a chiropractic adjustment
7.) Daily hot/cold showes. Alternate 1 minute of each for 10 minutes.
8.) Cryotherapy on sore muscles: Take a dixie cup, fill it with water and place in the freezer. Have you GF/wife or both apply to said muscles, peeling the cup as the ice melts.

Any of the above is going to GREATLY benefit you and kickstart progress again.

I'm making this a sticke. Burn It Up! in the morning is a fantastic thing :)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:28 pm
by deserran
Edited the wrong post :( oh well..

Last weeks Workout
deserran wrote: Workout 4 Sunday November 7, 2010:
  • Bench Press [210] 4
  • DumbBell Over Head Press [75] 8

  • Incline DumbBell Press [85] 4,4,3,3,2,3 (19)
  • Tbar rows [145] 6,6,4,4,2,2 (24)
  • Squat [275] 7
  • Deads [275] 6

  • Dead [235] 7,8,4,4,4,3 (30)
  • Leg Sled [390] 6,7,4,3,3,1 (24)

This weeks work out
Workout 5 Sunday November 11, 2010:
  • Bench Press [225] 1 PR
  • DumbBell Over Head Press [90] 2

  • Incline DumbBell Press [90] 3,2,2,1,2,3 (13)
  • Tbar rows [145] 6,5,5,5,5,5 (31)
  • Squat [305] 2
  • Deads [320] 1PR

  • Dead [245] 6,7,5,5,5,5 (33)
  • Leg Sled [390] 8,9,6,7,8,8 (46)
  • Fuck yea, lol, maxed out on 225 X2 with a spotter, I know I got the first rep without his help but think he might of helped me on the second a lil.. was going to do 230 but spotted insisted on 235, I hit it but I know he helped me just a tad
  • Could have added more weight to squat but my knee started to give in so I thought It would be better to just stop it there.
  • I know I hit 315 on deads b4 but never added more weight.. and my form back then was shit
  • After Squat I felt no more pain in my knee, was really able to push myself in Leg sledge :)
  • FOr those who are ON the BP, rest more, srs. make every day count.. ill be working out next Monday or tuesday.

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 6:49 pm
by deserran
Since Rob is always giving good info and checking in, I have a side question for Him.

For my next workout Upper (GP#1)

for EDT Blocks is this ok? (using from another Log)
Decline DB bench (4 Sets)
Pullover (4 sets)

BB curls (4 sets)
Overhead DB ext. (4 sets)

Static holds
Decline BB bench (2x10 seconds)
And for Lower
SLDL (4 sets)
Hack Squats (4 sets)

Static holds
Cable crunches (2x15 seconds)
1. I have seen people alternate different workouts for Upper EDT blocks, should I just keep them the same for every workout?

2. Should I add another EDT block for LOWER day?

3. I know with the progress I'm making (almost bench 235 today) should I change the 1rp max on bench from 225 to 235?
(the way GLP is set up, I would be maxing out on 235 at the very end of the GPL workout)
was thinking of keeping 1rp max at 225 and on max day attempting what ever max i can.

4. For GLP bench and squat can I just round the weight UP or down to 5 lb increments? ie 143 --> 145, 142--> 140 [/quote]

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 8:36 pm
by RobRegish
Your EDT block exercise selection looks perfect. I wouldn't change a thing. Wonderful work. On to your questions..

1. I have seen people alternate different workouts for Upper EDT blocks, should I just keep them the same for every workout?

A. Yes, until such time as you achieve your goal of upping the reps 20%. Then either increase the weight as specified (5%) OR shift to a new EDT exercise template. You may also do this if stagnating or your mind becomes bored. I don't get bored though, when the weights are going up :)

2. Should I add another EDT block for LOWER day?

A. Not with two compound exercises like that. Trust me, if you're doing them justice they'll wipe you out. ESPECIALLY after squats if using the GLP or like workout.

3. I know with the progress I'm making (almost bench 235 today) should I change the 1rp max on bench from 225 to 235?
(the way GLP is set up, I would be maxing out on 235 at the very end of the GPL workout) was thinking of keeping 1rp max at 225 and on max day attempting what ever max i can.

A. Split the difference and base off of 230. Doing so doesn't shortchange you and adds neglibible risk by over-estimating things.

4. For GLP bench and squat can I just round the weight UP or down to 5 lb increments? ie 143 --> 145, 142--> 140

A. Round down and play it conservative. If everything goes as planned that "extra" will be there on max day :)

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:39 pm
by deserran
Adjusting calories +300 per day, not really eating full meals, If I have 2 good meals I find myself having meals consisting of 2-300 calories..

Anyways, been addicted to subway.. been loving it. had it about 3 times this week and might go for 4 :)

Phase 2 Part II
Upper workout 1 Tuesday November 16 2010
  • Bench Press [115] 10, [130] 8, [130] 8, [140] 8, [155] 8, [165] 8

    Edt Block 1
  • Decline Db Press [65] 7,7,6,6 (26)
  • Pull Overs [65] 7,7,5,5 (24)

    Edt Block 2
  • BB curl [75] 8,7,6,7 (28)
  • OverHead Press [80] 8,7,7,7 (29)
  • Static Hold [100] 10 seconds, 10 seconds

    Cardio Bike 16 minutes
  • Will be changing my biceps exercise.. straight BB curl puts too much tension on my wrist and lower back

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:15 pm
by RobRegish
Looks like you hit everything out of the gate?

Solid work man, solid.

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:19 am
by deserran
Yea, program is working great so far cant wait until the later workouts

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:11 am
by RobRegish
So happy for you man. Keep rollin... :)

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:37 pm
by deserran
Lower workout 1 Tuesday November 16 2010
  • Squat [155] 8, [170] 8, [190] 8, [205] 8, [225] 8, [240] 4

    Edt Block
  • DeadLift [245] 7,8,7 (22)
  • Hack Squat [180] 5,7,7,7 (26)
  • Calf [170] 12,12,10,10
  • Abs [100] 15 seconds, 15 seconds

  • I ended up doing a super set of Deads and Hack squat, knee was hurting near the end, though it would be better just to skip the last set.. will not be super setting in the future.

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:54 pm
by RobRegish
Good man. Looks like you nailed everything?

What's your favorite Subway sub? I likes me the roast beef on wheat :)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 2:15 pm
by deserran
got everything except the 8 reps for the last set of squats, I normally do really low reps ~5 with heavier weight so I kinda knew I wouldnt be able to do more.

Mine is a toasted 12 inch ham, on Parmesan Oregano, without any sauces.

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 1:52 am
by deserran
What My reps /weight should be according to my program
[115] 10 [140.3] 8 [151.8] 6 [167.9] 6 [179.4] 6 [195.5] 6
Upper workout 2 Sunday November 22 2010
  • bench [115] 10 [140] 8 [150] 6 [170] 6 [180] 6 [195] 5

    Edt Blocks
  • Db Press
  • pullovers 65 9,9,9,9 (36)

    Edt blocks
  • PC 140 8, 8, 7, 6 (29)
  • Db press 8, 9, 10, 10 (37)
  • Abs [100] 15 seconds, 15 seconds
  • Took out DB press trying to eliminate some of the stress on my chest... hopefully it works.