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Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:38 am
by RobRegish
They are VERY good...

Check out pgs 40-41 of The Blueprint. You'll be reading a LOT more about this in 3.0!

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:11 am
by Justin
thanks a lot Rob I'm just organizing my diet/training for the feast now ! i woke up put in 4 whole eggs can't wait to start training!

when is the best time to take BCAA's?

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:43 am
by RobRegish
In and around the workout, no question.

They are lightening quick, contribute to both anti-catabolism and anabolism and will do the most justice to your training...

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:53 pm
by Justin
okay thanks. I'm trying to get my diet organized now It's a little confusing. but heres what I came up with:

Sample Day Feast:

Meal 1:
4 whole eggs + 1 egg white (380 calories, 30g protein)
1 banana (100 calories)
1 multi + 1 omega +1 CLA + KA(not sure when to take my KA's)
total:480 calories, 30g protein

Meal 2:
1 cup of almonds(540 calories, 20g of protein)
whole wheat pasta
cottage cheese

Meal 3: Pre-Workout
1 chicken breast (27g protein, 140 calories)
1 serving of oats with milk(150 calories, 5 g protein)
1 apple (50 calories)
Total:30g protein 350 calories

Meal:4 (post workout)
1cup of apple juice or any fruit juice (100 calories) or WATERMELON
1 serving of Whey protein ( 100 calories 20 g protein)
Total: 200 calories, 20g protein

Meal 5:
1 steak (140 calories, 27 g of protein)
1 cup brown rice (220 calories)
Total:360 calories 27 g protein

Meal 6:
whole wheat peanut butter sandwhich

Before bed:
1 serving casein protein with garlic oil: (200 calories, 25 g of protein)

Total:2130 calories

i think I'm missing some calories so i was wondering where i can add some of the following foods:
mixed nuts, hamburger meat, peanut butter sandwiches (whole wheat bread) cottage cheese, corn.

thanks a lot



Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:11 pm
by RobRegish
Definately post workout if incorporating solid foods. Your post workout meal looks a little light..

Better solution: Beef up your intra-workout drink. The calories here will help you the most as they'll be able to shine on the prime time stage.

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 11:46 pm
by Justin
RobRegish wrote:Definately post workout if incorporating solid foods. Your post workout meal looks a little light..

Better solution: Beef up your intra-workout drink. The calories here will help you the most as they'll be able to shine on the prime time stage.
what do you mean by this?? liek i take a protein/BCAA shake with me while i work out??

what would u add to my pre workout meal?

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:57 am
by RobRegish
Pre-workout meal is fine. Peri-workout drink suggest the following:

1.) Consume 100g of Waxy Maize, Kwik Carb or Vitargo = 400K
2.) Consume 25g of MassPro = 100K
3.) Consume 15-20g of MassPro Amino/BCAA mix

That's an additional 500K+ and they're right where you need them... during the workout. If you're not using a peri-workout drink today, you absolutely must start!

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:17 am
by Justin
umm i thought u had to take 72 hours of rest before starting to work out for the feast?!? so i didn''t go yesterday....

and i guess i'll go stop and buy some waxymaize

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 12:22 pm
by RobRegish
Yes sir, you''re correct.

My apolgies...

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 11:39 pm
by Justin
haha no problem i just went and picked up some waxy maize wit BCAA's in it

how much protein can your body absorb at 1 time?

Feast Routine

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:53 pm
by Justin

Day1: Chest/calves

Bench Press 3 x 4-8 (xcentric last set)
incline DB press 1x15 , 1x10 , 1x8
Wide Grip Dips or Pullovers (stretch)
DB Flyes 2x8 (stretch)
cable flyes 2x8 (light and slow)
Calf raises 8x8

DAY 2: Back/Traps/Rear Delts
Wide grip chin ups 3x 6 (x on last set)
Pull downs 1x15,1x10,1x8 (stretch)
behind the neck pull downs
1 hand rows 2x10(x on final set) (stretch)
cable rows 2x10 (slow and light)
Behind the neck Shrugs 3x10
Reverse pec deck

DAY 3: Legs/Abs
Deadlifts 1x15, 1x10, 1x8
squats / leg press 3x10
leg extensions 3x10

DAY 4:shoulder/ arms

military press, 1x15 , 1x10, 1x8 (X on last set)
Upright rows 3x10
incline 1 arm raise 3x10 (stretch)
front laterals
Preacher curl 1x15, 1x10,1x8 (x on last set)
Incline DB curl 3x10 (stretch)
hammer curls
Barbel curls 1x10 ( light + slow)
Smith close grip bench 3x8-10 (x on last)
Pushdowns 3x10
overhead cable extension (stretch)
Decline Extensions 1x0 (light + slow)

Day5, Day 6: OFF

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:53 pm
by RobRegish
The protein in one time question is hotly debated. The truth is, it depends...

If you're a 90 year old 100lb woman it matters. If you're you or me it matters. If you've fasted for 20 hours it matters. If you've just trained it matters.

The longer you go without it and the stronger the demand for it, the more it'll use to make muscle. Which is why BP works so well..

Your workout frequency would kill me. Literally kill me. No way I could recover from that. Consider the following:

One on one off. At least give that a chance. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised as to what a rest day can do. It'll be an eye opener in a very pleasant way.. Very pleasant.

Let me know your thoughts on that. You're clearly putting alot into it so you're going to get alot out of it :)

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:20 pm
by Justin
ok thank you! and about the rest that was the one thing I wasn't sure about but this way i always have days between the main compound movements (back,chest) for upper body and my arms so they can recover properly. But maybe your right about the over working me but I wanna try it out because before the workload was even greater and i wasn't having much success because i was stressing my body to much maybey with a little less it will be perfect. I wanna find the amount my body can currently handle... and the only way it to experiment a certain way

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 8:46 pm
by Justin
Hey Rob have u ever heard of optimum anabolics... i was with my friend today(workout partner) and he said that what iw as doing seemed similar to optimum anabolic so it got me curious... and i researched ti a little and this program has yo depleted from protein for 3 weeks! I don't know if its just me but that seems a little bit long...

another concern of mine is that I'm getting full to early is their any way to enhance my appetite