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Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:04 am
by restoman45
warrior wrote:BluePrint Program - $ 35.00

Suppliments - $ 240.00

Personal Support backing the Program - PRICELESS!!!!!!

Blueprint is great but it's the individual service that sets you ahead of the pack !!! Thanks Rob :D
amen...and unlike other forums, people here are actually supportive of each other...

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 8:21 pm
by RobRegish
Many thanks guys...

This is the world I've always longed for but never had. So I created it.... :) Would've never happened though, without the help of a whole lotta' people.

Those being each and every one of you who share your experiences, gifts (that I do not have) and feedback with me.

Only getting better from here too. Once Dr. Scott Connelly gets here, we're takin' drug free muscle growth to a whole 'nother level.

:) :) :)

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:32 pm
by warrior
Completed the first GLP# 1- Chest workout yesterday. Workout went well, felt strong throughout workout.

GLP - Six sets at % of 1rm ( completed every set successfully )

EDT - x 4 sets

Decline DB press - 55lb
Dumbell rows -70lb

Incline DB curls -35lb
Tricep rope push downs -120lb

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:49 pm
by RobRegish
Fantastic work!!

Textbook man. Can't say it enough. Lemme know if you need anything.


Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:02 pm
by warrior
GLP# 1- Squat workout today. Had no problem getting throught the workout,legs felt good, definately tired now.

GLP - Six sets at % of 1rm ( completed every set successfully )

EDT - x 4 sets

Leg press - 180lb
Romain Dead Lifts -205

Static ab crunch x 2

Additional ab workout

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 7:52 pm
by RobRegish
Terrific work!!!

Now, just be mindful of the fact that you'll likely miss a rep here and there. Happens to me all the time. Just roll with it... Properly managed, your new 1RM PR will be there come workout #6 :)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 12:19 pm
by warrior
GLP# 1- Workout # 2 completed for both BP and Squat. Workouts went well, all six completed every set successfully. Squats are going better than expected. I will update in a few more workouts. Calorie intake 12x BW.

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:54 pm
by RobRegish
Wow, all that with just 12x BW in K?

Sounds like you're truckin' your way onto Main St, Gainsville... :)

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 6:55 pm
by warrior
GLP# 1- Workout # 3 & 4 completed for both BP and Squats. So far so good, all sets made successfully for both BP and Squats, feeling stronger everyday. Start deload set # 5 tommorrow for BP, can't wait for IRM on workout # 6. I will report the outcome in a few days :D

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 7:34 pm
by warrior
Thought I had some time so I'm listing workouts 3 & 4 for BP and squarts for my reference later.

GLP# 1- Workout # 3 - BP ( Completed all 6 sets successfully )
137x 10

EDT Block

Lat pull downs - 160lbs

Preacher curls - 60+bar
DB Skull Crushers - 30

Static hold - Decline Barbell press - 225lbs

GLP# 1- Workout # 3 - SQ ( Completed all 6 sets successfully )

147x 10

EDT - x 4 sets

Leg CURLS - 120

Static ab crunch x 2

Additional ab workout

GLP# 1- Workout # 4- BP ( Completed all 6 sets successfully )
137x 10

EDT Block

Decline DB Press - 60lbs
Dunmbell rows - 70lbs

DB Shoulder Press - 50LBS
DB Shrugs - 80lbs

Static hold - Decline Barbell press - 225lbs

GLP# 1- Workout # 4 - SQ ( Completed all 6 sets successfully )

147x 10

EDT - x 4 sets

Roman Dead lifts - 205
Seated leg press -250

Static ab crunch x 2

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 6:42 pm
by warrior
The following is a breakdown for feast workout #5 , can not believe how strong I'm feeling. Very tempting to add more reps for BP but sticking with the set plan of attack!!!

GLP# 1- Workout # 5- BP ( Completed all 6 sets successfully )
137x 10

EDT Block

T Bar - 115lbs
Incline DB Press - 60lbs

Incline DB Curls - 35LBS
Tricep rope pushdowns - 150lbs

Static hold - Decline Barbell press - 225lbs

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:10 pm
by RobRegish
warrior wrote:The following is a breakdown for feast workout #5 , can not believe how strong I'm feeling. Very tempting to add more reps for BP but sticking with the set plan of attack!!!

GLP# 1- Workout # 5- BP ( Completed all 6 sets successfully )
137x 10

EDT Block

T Bar - 115lbs
Incline DB Press - 60lbs

Incline DB Curls - 35LBS
Tricep rope pushdowns - 150lbs

Static hold - Decline Barbell press - 225lbs
Terrible dilemma, isn't it? :)

All kidding aside, this is one reason who I'm not monkeying with Cruise in 3.0. Why would you try and fix something that isn't broken?

So happy for your success. Will lay this old body down shortly and sleep well knowing.... you're happy :) :)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:59 pm
by warrior
GLP# 1- Workout # 5 - SQ ( Completed all 6 sets successfully )

147x 10

EDT - x 4 sets

Hack Squat - 250lb
Seated leg curls -125lb

Static ab crunch x 2

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:05 pm
by warrior
My new 1RM for BP - :D 290lbs

GLP# 1- Workout # 6- BP ( Completed all 6 sets successfully )
137x 10

EDT Block

DB Pullovers - 65lbs
Lat pull downs - 165lbs

Preacher curls - 70lbs (+ bar)
Skull Crushers - 30bs

Static hold - Decline Barbell press - 225lbs

Will complete my last feast GLP SQ workout and report in a few days!! So far so good!!!