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Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:09 am
by pmartinez78
Thanks for the tip, Rob. I believe I only rested somewhere between 5-7 minutes before my last set. I'll be sure to rest 10-15 minutes next time.

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:56 pm
by RobRegish
Good man :)

Let me know how it goes...

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:57 am
by pmartinez78
Sure will, Rob.

I completely tore up my second lower body GLP last night. The EDT blocks are getting more brutal but it's all good.

GLP WO #2 Lower body:

RDL (185) 8,8,8,8
Hack squats (120) 8,8,8,8

Leg extensions (130) 10,10,10,10
Hamstring curls (70) 10,10,10,10

Static holds
Cable crunchs (95) 2x30 seconds

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:54 am
by pmartinez78
My GLP 1 upper body workout #3 didn't go so well last night. I was able to push out all the reps on my bench, but ran into some issues in my EDT blocks. I got a really bad elbow pain half way thru my 1st EDT block. I started feeling it when doing pullovers. I managed to finish my first block but I was not able to do my 2nd EDT block cuz the pain was so bad. I was only able to do 2 reps before I decided to stop and move on to my static holds.

GLP WO #2 Upper body:

Decline DB bench (85) 6,6,6,6
Pullover (85) 6,6,6,6

EZ bar curls (95) 6
Lying Tri ext. (95) 2

Static holds
Decline BB bench (245) 2x15 seconds

Because of the pain in my elbow, I'm thinking of changing my edt block and would like your input, Rob. First, I'm thinking of changing the pullovers to either weighted dips or dumbbell rows. I'm also thinking of going from EZ bar curls to BB curls and from lying tri ext to either decline close grip bench or cable pulldowns. Or what would you recommend Rob?

Now for unrelated issue, it seems like my lower pecs aren't as developed or as full as my upper pecs. My upper pecs seem fuller and wide but my lower pecs aren't as wide so it's bit off. I've had this issue before starting the BP and I did gain over all muscle mass in my chest but my lower pecs didn't fill in as I hoped. What would you recommend I change or add to my program to help bring up and even out my lower pecs?

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:12 pm
by RobRegish
"Because of the pain in my elbow, I'm thinking of changing my edt block and would like your input, Rob.

A. Absolutely. A template switch is a GREAT idea..

First, I'm thinking of changing the pullovers to either weighted dips or dumbbell rows. I'm also thinking of going from EZ bar curls to BB curls and from lying tri ext to either decline close grip bench or cable pulldowns. Or what would you recommend Rob?

A. Consider weighted dips, BB curls and decline close grip BB bench your alternatives!

Now for unrelated issue, it seems like my lower pecs aren't as developed or as full as my upper pecs. My upper pecs seem fuller and wide but my lower pecs aren't as wide so it's bit off. I've had this issue before starting the BP and I did gain over all muscle mass in my chest but my lower pecs didn't fill in as I hoped. What would you recommend I change or add to my program to help bring up and even out my lower pecs?

A. The weighted dips + decline bench will be the SWEET solution... :)

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:46 pm
by pmartinez78
Great...thanks for the input, Rob.

Now, one more question. Should I switch over from dumbbell to barbell on the decline bench?

Thanks again Rob for your input. I really appreciate it.

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 7:45 pm
by RobRegish
pmartinez78 wrote:Great...thanks for the input, Rob.

Now, one more question. Should I switch over from dumbbell to barbell on the decline bench?

Thanks again Rob for your input. I really appreciate it.
A. Yes absolutely.

REASON: Greater total tonnage/overload = more growth.

Easy math :)

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 12:29 pm
by pmartinez78
I completely forgot to put up Saturday's workout. Here it is.

GLP WO #3 Lower body:

RDL (195) 6,6,6,6
Hack squats (130) 6,6,6,6

Leg extensions (140) 6,6,6,6
Hamstring curls (80) 6,6,6,6

Static holds
Cable crunchs (95) 2x30 seconds

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:42 pm
by RobRegish
Looks like you nailed everything?

If so, GREAT work!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:22 am
by pmartinez78
Ya, I nailed my last lower body workout. Last night didn't go as expected though. I failed again on my last rep. I was only able to push out 275 for 1 rep. I rested for 13 minutes and was positive I was going to be able to nail it, but I failed. Oh well, still moving on looking forward to trying to hit my new 1 rep max.

GLP WO #4 Upper body:

Decline BB bench (205) 6,6,6,6
Weighted dips (45) 6,6,6,6

BB curls (95) 6,6,6,6
Decline CGBP (155) 6,6,6,6

Static holds
Decline BB bench (255) 2x12 seconds

On a positive note, I didn't have any elbow pain at all with this workout so I'll be sticking with it.

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 8:05 pm
by RobRegish
Great to hear on the elbow!!

And take note: Perfectly normal to miss a rep or two on GLP1. I do, all the time.. Don't worry, it'll be there on max day :)

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:22 pm
by pmartinez78
Well that's good to hear. I'm glad I'm not the only one it's happening to. Anyways, today is GLP lower body workout #4. I'm looking forward to see how it goes.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 8:29 pm
by RobRegish
Honestly, I think if you re-read the BP or The BP Perioidic in particular, I point it out there.

Very forgiving loading pattern given the rep spread...

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 10:11 am
by pmartinez78
Yes, you're correct Rob. I just re-read the periodical and it does mention it on page 63.

Anyways, last night's workout was pretty awesome. The EDT blocks whooped my butt but still manged to pull thru.

GLP WO #4 Lower body:

RDL (195) 8,8,7,6
Hack squats (130) 8,8,7,6

Leg extensions (140) 10,10,10,10
Hamstring curls (80) 10,10,10,10

Static holds
Cable crunchs (100) 2x15 seconds