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Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:29 pm
by RobRegish
Great work! Congrats on the 5x5 progressions..

"With the kind of split I use, what do you think would be the best way to get in some arm work? I just dont think I want to add in a day of just arms, never have wanted to do that. Maybe after Legs for Bis and maybe a little bit of triceps after shoulders?"

IF I do them at all (I usually don't) I'll pair them up in an EDT block:

Overhead DB tricep extension
Incline DB curls

I'll usually favor a quickie, meaning I'll set up a low pulley off a cable row, attach a handle and lie down, have someone assist me into the fully contracted position with a mega weight and peform a static hold for the biceps. You can do this on a universal machine too, lots of ways to do it. Two holds of about 5-10 seconds.

Similar thing for triceps. I don't waste too much time. If you're pushing and pulling as much as you should be in The BP, your arms get plenty of work.

Chick's dig big arms I guess, but I'm done in that dept :)

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 2:08 pm
Yeah I am with you in that I have never been a "Train the Arms" type of person. I actually despise it greatly. All of my arm training comes from heavy presses and pulls. Don't think I have ever had an arm day even though every person I train with thinks I am crazy.

Think I may try the static holds for Bi's one time a week and let Tri's be as they are. Anything for Tri's would just inhibit recovery from big presses.

Overall things are progressing nicely towards where I want to be when I start this run. The plan leading up to vacation is as follows

12&13th-Off (light cardio)
17&18th-Shoulders/Legs(Deload both)
19&20th-Off (light cardio)
21st-Max Effort Chest
22nd-Max Effort squat followed by light full body just to get ready for travel
23rd- Go see my family!

The Chest day on the 14th I am going to go and really push heavy but going to keep the reps down. Will probably Rep out at 295 or so. If I am feeling great I may go 305 or 315. The light Shoulder day is just so I can be fully recovered before getting my Pre BP max as a bench mark.

I may bump both max effort days ahead 1 day if I feel up to it and do a full body on the 22nd by itself. 2 weeks of rest leading into BP, which will be starting the day after I get back to Kuwait.

I really think running in to this thing I will be at or near my PRs for both lifts. Its gonna be a good run, lots of planning has gone into it already and I am going to be nearing a plateau in the next two weeks. We will see how the BP does to keep gains coming on top of where I am now.

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:27 am
by RobRegish
Oh, I am too... b/c I know where you'll end up :)

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:03 am
Today I did some conditioning work. Did a little jogging and some ab work. Also did some cargo net drags, (My take on sled dragging)with a cargo net loaded down and drug across the shop floor. Did three runs each forward and backward. Man, that backward drag can be a beast!

Felt good, kept my heart rate up for probably a good 30-35 minutes. Nothing too taxing though. I have been eating alot cleaner lately but I can tell my calories are probably a little under maintenance. Recovery is a bit slower than when I am cramming my face full.

One thing I have been thinking of is the difficulty I am going to have with my calorie counting out here. I eat what they serve and there is no telling how many calories are in it. Some things are easy to get and count here, but there is a limit on how many I can get. Like grill chicken breasts, I can get two per meal etc.. I have a good idea to "how much" I eat now to maintain my weight since it is extremely stable (Never waivers more than a pound unless I make it by eating) and I have been succesful at manipulating it up or down when I want to. Instead of trying to count it or trust what they say is in it I will probably just increase my consumption of food by say 10% or so and evaluate my progress through the training and adjust as needed based on fat gain/recovery ability. Thoughts?

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 8:46 pm
by RobRegish
Perfectly logical and makes sense to me.

I don't expect people to count every calorie. I don't, if that helps.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:07 am
Alright, had a choice to make today. Lift today with a spotter or tomorow without. I chose to lift since I was feeling pretty good.

Flat BB Bench:

Warmup, 295X1 (Felt really good, so I went up) 315X3, 275X6 (After maybe 1 minute rest)

Full Incline DB Press Sup Set W/ Pullovers: (Opted for these rather than the low level just because I got a good set for flat w/ a spotter)

100X8, 100X6, 100X6 (Same for pullovers, slow controlled full ROM reps)

Decline BB Close Grip:


Rope Tricep pushdowns:


DB Incline Flys:

45X10 (Only 1 set, was feeling pretty good already thought I would go grab some food)

Overall about a 9/10 for the day. I alwys wish I had never left the gym once I get out of there. I am convinced the toughest thing to learn with training is rest. I am weighing in at 240 today dressed, so I am definetly just under maintenance calories right now.

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:42 pm
by RobRegish
Good man, and spot on with the rest!

9/10 is a nice place to be :)

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 7:35 am
I think I am feeling better just for having kept a log this long! PR for me!

Back today. Was feeling pretty good coming in and really had a good workout.

Mixed Grip Pullups:

12, 8, 8

T-Bar Rows:

1 PlateX12, 2 plates X 12, 3 Plates X 12, 4 Plates X 8, 4 Plates +35 X 6

With a drop set working back down.

Lat Pulldown:

Light weight plus controlled movement. Really got a great pump, not sure of the weights. 4 sets of 12-15.

DB Rows Sup Set w/ Seted Cable rows:

70lb DB and light weight on cables. 3x10 of each

Pretty good workout. Felt great and my strength is really doing well. I had more pullups in me but didnt want to be completely dead for the rest of the workout. The T-Bar rows were pretty heavy, should have just dropped 5 plates on and went to town. I used 45s today when I normally use a couple 25s and the rest 35s so I can get a fuller range of motion without plates hitting my chest.

1 more back day before heading home. The next full run through will be what I consider my starting point for my BP run. I will judge all of my gains on BP against next weeks workouts.

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 8:04 pm
by RobRegish
Good man. Keep rollin', you're doing great and I appreciate you sharing with us. We're all here to learn, share and grow.

That includes me :)

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 4:32 am
Yeah man, if nothing else its been good for me to keep a log. Keeps me from training every day. Today I may go out to the shop and do some cardio and abs. Only a few more workouts left to log before I head home for a break.

Going to oreder my Supps in the next couple of days so they will be here when I get back. Probably will take tomorow completely off as well.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 11:47 am
Today went and did 30 min of HIIT cardio and some Ab work as well. Was actually a really great workout, normally I never say that about a cardio day. I have really had a decent day avoiding eating junk today also.

Tomorow is shoulders, looking to get in there and lighten the load a bit from the last couple of weeks. My intent is to keep everything at around 70% or so. Who knows, I may get in there and go heavy just because I love to.

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:26 pm
by RobRegish
Great work man. Keep it coming. Good sign motivation this high on an "off" day.. Very good sign :)

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 5:48 am

DB Shoulder Press:
Warmup, 70X10, 70X12

BB Shrug:
135X15, 225X15, 315X15, 365X10,

BB Upright Row:
BarX10, 95X10, 95X10, 105X10

Lateral Raise DB 25X10X1

Front Raise DB 30X10X1

And that was it. Quick and to the point. Feels good to not have punished myself with big ass dumbells and super heavy shrugs. No failure sets today, just slow controlled reps with an emphasis on the proper muscles.

This was probably my last shoulder workout for a few weeks. I may get in a few sets of shoulder presses sometime next week but it will most likely not be a full shoulder routine. Plan on doing some more cardio tonight at some point. Really feeling great about where I am headed into both vacation and my BP run. Legs tomorrow, folowed by a day or two off. We will see how it feels.

Rob, working on you a couple more orders brother, we will see if I can get them to commit. They are hesitant because obviously I have yet to even start the program yet. I tell them though, so much great info and pretty a much a personal trainer in you w/ the forum and all.

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 6:48 am
by RobRegish
Wow that's much appreciated. I hope they do come on board. Like you said, even if you DON'T run BP... so much to offer.

Thank you again. I have potential BIG plans for The BP but until then... you guys getting the word out is my only means of marketing.

And believe me, I DON'T forget those that help me along the way. I won't go into details, but several guys on this board can tell you firsthand. That starts with John Drake/AskMass by the way, without which none of this would be possible.