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Day 3

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 1:38 pm
by peb5048
Today I woke up at 7:30am and just had my first meal of the day (pre-workout) of apples and blackberries.

Meal 1

1 Cup Blackberries
11.5 oz Apple Slices

230 Calories = 3 P/ 59 C/ 1.5 F

The workout I am doing today is chest/shoulders/tris which I will post as soon as I complete it

Workout 2

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:32 pm
by peb5048
Just finished my second workout:

Wide Grip Bench Press 1x10 with 205
Overhead DB Press 1x10 with 60

Close Grip Bench Press 1x10 with 165
Overhead DB Press 1x8 with 55

Incline Bench Press 1x10 with 185
Overhead DB Press 1x8 with 45

Decline Bench Press 1x10 with 205
Overhead DB Press 1x8 with 45

Decline Close Grip Bench Press 1x10 with 155

Lying Tricep Extension 1x10 with 85

Cable Tricep Pressdow 2x10 with 70

After My Workout I ate:

1 Small Banana
5.2 oz Nectorine
3/4 cup Canteloupe
195 Calories = 3 P/ 52 C/ 2 F

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:23 pm
by RobRegish
OK now careful on going into workout #3. I always counsel this but if at any time you feel sick, "off" or not right - stop. Health first.

Otherwise your workouts/diet look spot on. Nice work!


Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 6:46 pm
by peb5048
Do you have any suggestions on my cardio session tomorrow? My plan is to do a 30 minute jog on about 7-7.5 mph. If I was going to run around 12, should I hold off on food until around 230 because it is an hour later than when I ate today?

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:41 am
by RobRegish
That plan sounds reasonable. I wouldn't sweat it..

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:13 am
by peb5048
6:00 Dinner
1/3 Cup Peas
3 oz. Broccoli
2 oz. Onion
3.5 (3 oz) Peppers
1 Cup Cucumber
4 Cups Romaine
¾ Cup Whole Wheat Pasta
½ Tbsp Olive Oil w/ 1 Tbsp Vinegar
1 Tbsp Soy Lecithin
400 Calories = 8.5 P/ 63 C/ 12 F

9:00 Snack
1 Orange (6.5 oz)
1 Tbsp Soy Lecithin
125 Calories = 2 P/ 22 C/ 5 F

12:00 Bed
3oz Carrots
1 oz Pecans
1 Tbsp Soy Lecithin
270 Calories = 4 P/ 12 C/ 24 F

This is how my food intake stacked up the rest of yesterday

day 4

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 2:47 pm
by peb5048
The cat is out of the bag and its the truth, day 4 of famine is no fun! I woke up to day at 7 after going to bed at 1 am. Today was the first day I actually woke up hungry. I fought off the hunger until about 1215 when I went for a 3.5 mile run in thirty minutes about 7mph. I finished my run around 1245pm and my first meal of the day was at 130:

Meal 1 (45 minutes Post Cardio – 1:30 pm)
10.4 oz Grapefruit
7.9 oz Fruit Salad (Pineapple, Strawberries, Cantaloupe, Blueberries, Honeydew)
180 Calories = 1 F/ 46 C/ 3.5 P

Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2010 6:44 pm
by RobRegish
OK now as I always say, exercise caution going into workout #5. HEALTH first!

Otherwise, nice work up till this point :)

Day 5

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:19 pm
by peb5048
So, thats what ammonia smells like haha. I completed workout 5 and I'm on my way to finish up my famine. I have a quick question:

Tonight should I try to get 8 hours of sleep in order to start preparing for feast?

I will post my workout and food in a little bit.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:40 pm
by RobRegish
Sure, you've earned it :)

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:30 pm
by peb5048
Pre-Workout (230pm)
9.1 oz Apple
4.1 oz Nectarine
1 Cup Blackberries
245 Calories = 1 F/ 63 C/ 4 P

Squat 165x15, 155x15, 155x15, 155x15, 155x15
supersetted w/
One Arm Row 50x15, 50x15, 50x15, 50x15, 50x15

Seated Row 100x15, 85x15, 85x15, 85x15, 85x15
supersetted w/
Lat Pulldown 100x15, 85x15, 85x15, 85x15, 85x15

Standing BB Curl 65x15
Incline DB Curl 27.5x15
Preacher Curl 75x15
Hammer Curl 25x15
Reverse Curl 65x12

Post-Workout (415pm)
4.6 oz Banana
5.5 oz Orange
16 Grapes

245 Calories = 1 F/ 62 C/ 3.5 P

I'm going to have my dinner around 730 and a snack an hour before bed at 1030 and go to bed at 1130 in order to wake up tomorrow morning for my first day of famine at 730!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:30 pm
by peb5048
I mean feast!!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:22 pm
by peb5048
Okay, so this is going to be a lot, but here is my plan of attack for days 1-11 of feast. The first two days I am going to take off from lifting in order to recuperate from the hard famine that I just encountered. On Sunday I plan to do my first lift later in the day that way I get 2.5 days of food and rest in my system before attempting Workout 1. The way I am going to break down my Workouts for 1-5 is in two days and it goes like this:

Workout 1

Day 1 –
Warm-Up Bench Press
Bench Press w/ Dumbbell Pull-Over (Stretch Position) 1x8-10
Incline DB Press
Seated Cable Row
Barbell Curl
Lying Tricep Extension

Day 2 –
Warm-up Squat
Squat w/ Stiff Legged Deadlift (Stretch Position) 1x8-10
Front Squat
Leg Press
Russian Twists

After I perform Workout 1, I will change up my EDT blocks on Workout 2 to get a more total body effect. I will then return to my EDT blocks in Workout 1 during Workout 3 and back to Workout 2’s EDT blocks in Workout 4, and so on…

This is what I plan my schedule to look like:
Sunday – Workout 1; Upper
Monday – Workout 1; Lower
Tuesday - Morning Cardio
Wednesday –Workout 2; Upper
Thursday - Workout 2; Lower
Friday – Morning Cardio
Saturday – OFF

On days off I plan on eating 3,100 Calories a day and on training days I plan on eating 3,720 calories a day. I just want to take my time and thank you properly for everything you have done for me, you are a true inspiration and provide me with proper education and motivation I need to obtain my goals. ALL FEEDBACK IS WANTED GOOD OR BAD!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 7:44 pm
by RobRegish
Great plan Peb. Looks good..

Now The BP stipulates 3 days of rest before undertaking 1-5. Just curious why 2.5... scheduling conflict?

The frequency schedule looks agressive BUT if you can recover from it (you know better than I) then go for it. I personally like a one on/one off during this time perhaps inserting an extra rest day as needed. Just observe general recovery levels and play it by ear.

Your body will tell you...