Peb5048's first run at BP

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Peb5048's first run at BP

Post by peb5048 »

Alright a little background on myself. I am 5'4", 155lbs, almost 20 years old, I do not have a BF% Calculator, and I am a student at Penn State. I have been lifting for five years. The first three years was strictly sports training, but after that it was in order to stay in shape and gain muscle. I am a believer in that a strict diet is where weightlifting gains are made or lost. I count up my macros and break down nutrition consitently. What turned me onto the blueprint is coming across ecdysterone supplements in a magazine which led me to research them and it brought me here to the blue print. I am very excited to start because I love lifting and working out. I have already put together my plan which goes in affect August 22nd, but I was so anxious to get my blog going so I started.

August 9th - August 16th - Non-Traditional lifting, messing around with different techiques and theories until my rest period (supersets, circuits, partial holds, extended sets, drop sets, pre-exhausts, etc...)

August 17th - Starts my preperation phase, taking 5 days of from lifting before I start my Famine

August 20th - Move into Penn State, I figured give myself the first weekend off to go nuts before Famine

August 22nd - Start of famine, also known as the start of "Syllabus Week" at school, or as some call it "Silly Week" I thought that this would be a good week for famine because if I wanted to go out one or two nights it would be good in order of tiring me out and burning out my CNS

August 27th - Start of Feast

Meal plan - (Training) - 30% P/ 45% C/ 25% F
(Days 1-3 ) - 3,100 Calories (20x Bodyweight) 235g P/ 350 C/ 86F
(Days 4-11 ) - 3,100 Calories (20x Bodyweight) 235g P/ 350 C/ 86F on training days and 2,800 Calories (18x Bodyweight) 235g P/ 256 C/ 93 F on off days
(Days 12-28 ) - 3,100 Calories (20x Bodyweight) 235g P/ 350 C/ 86F on training days and 2,650 Calories (3100 x 85%) 230g P/ 230 C/ 88 F on off days
(Days 29 - 42 ) - 3,100 Calories (20x Bodyweight) 235g P/ 350 C/ 86F on training days and 2,170 Calories (3100 x 70%) 165g P/ 215 C/ 72 F on off days

*On OFF-DAYS - I tried to keep carbs low and fat a little higher because there is no need to eat that a large amount of carbs with little exercise and good fat helps the muscles recovery so I figured I would try this approach for minimal fat gain and maximal muscle gain

Here is my workout #1:

Warm-Up Bench Press
Bench Press w/ Dumbbell Pullover (1 Notch Up)* 1 x 8-10

EDT BLOCK: 20 Minutes 10 RM
Incline Dumbbell Presses w/ Seated Cable Rows
Incline Dumbbell Curl w/ Lying Tricep Extension

Warm-Up Squats
Squats w/ Stiff Legged Deadlift* 1 x 8 - 10

EDT BLOCK: 20 Minutes 10 RM
Stiff Legged Deadlift w/ Leg Press

Here is a sample workout for GLP for Chest and Legs

Day 1 - Chest

Bench Press w/ Dumbbell Pullover 6 x10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

EDT BLOCK 20 minutes 10 RM
-Incline Dumbbell Bench Press w/ Seated Cable Row
-Barbell Curl w/ Lying Tricep Extensions

Static Holds - Decline DB Press 2 x 5 - 10 seconds
Static Holds - Cable Crunch 2 x 15 - 20 seconds

Day 2 - Legs

Squat w/ Stiff Leg Deadlift 6 x10, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

EDT BLOCK 20 minutes 10 RM
Romanian Deadlift w/ Hack Squats

EDT BLOCK 20 minutes 10 RM
Back Extensions w/ Swiss Ball Crunch

Static Holds - Rack Pull 3 x 3 to 5
Static Holds - Cable Crunch 2 x 5 - 10 seconds

Cruise -

Meal Plan -Training Days - 2,200 Calories... 165 P/ 220 C/ 73 F
-Non Training Days - 1,650 Calories... 165 P/ 165 C/ 40g F

Training - I'm going with the tradition BP training guide for my first way through the cruise phase, but I am looking for a way to incorporate small muslces a little more, ANY SUGGESTIONS??

OVERALL: In Feast phase I am looking for a way to incorporate Shoulders just a little more...ANY SUGGESTIONS!!?!?!?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, you can incoporate shoulder presses/upright rows into an EDT block. As always, feel free to tailor to your liking!
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Post by peb5048 »

I'm going to be doing the "Big Bols Stack" during my BP run; any advice on how many cylces to buy. E-bol and tbol trib come with 150 capsules which is good for 25 days which will start in my feast phase and cbol creatine has 300 capsules which will start in my cruise phase which is also good for 25 days
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Post by RobRegish »

The plans you have in place will be fine. You may come up short (believe its only 25 days) so you MAY want to consider ordering more OR... try KA/Adaptogen N for your next stack!
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Post by peb5048 »

Alright, so I finally decided on my supplements I will be using for my first BP run and I decided to go with Kre-Anabolyn, Adaptogen N, and MASS Pro Amino.

What is the dosage for Kre-Anabolyn and Adaptogen N?

Do you know how long it will take after I place my order for it to get to my house because I'm leaving for school next friday and I placed my order today (Wednesday)?
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Post by peb5048 »

One last thing for the night, do I get a confirmation email from Mass Pro for my order or not because I haven't gotten one yet?
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Post by RobRegish »

You'll get one.

Suggest running AN at 3/night first 3 weeks, 2 night M-F with weekends off for duration. On KA, 2-3 caps a day with your highest CARB meals and on workout days, 1 an hour prior to and 1 immediately after.
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Post by peb5048 »

I am currently taking ZMA, I know I shouldn't be taking it during Famine, but could I start taking it again during Feast even though I am going to be taking Adaptogen N?


I weigh 155lbs, and I know that during feast I should take in around 20x my body weight.

155 x 20 = 3,100 Calories/day

I know this but I read on one of the forums that during the first two weeks on TRAINING DAYS, I should be taking in 120% of my calories and NON-TRAINING DAYS I should be taking in 100% of my calories.

Does this mean that this is what my first two weeks would look like

Non- Training days:
3100x1.0 = 3,100 Calories a day

Training Days:
3100 x 1.2 = 3720 Calories a day

Thanks for your help!
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Post by RobRegish »

ZMA is fine with Adaptogen N...

On the caloric zig zag, yes... you've got it right!
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Todays workout

Post by peb5048 »

Today I did a bunch of Giant sets in order to kind of see if I could take the Famine phase, I figured if I did this a week and a half before I started famine I would give my body the chance to recover and be under stress again when the famine workouts begin.

As I was reading the BCAA protocol it said if you are taking KA it is recommended that you take it with your BCAA dosing, Does that mean you drink your BCAAs with KA an hour before exercise or you take your KA 15 minutes before exercise with your dose of BCAAs?

A. Start sipping BCAA's 15 min prior to and during the workout. KA can be dose with a small amount of carbs an hour prior and immediatley after, ideally with a BIG dose of carbs.

Can I take Kre-Alkalyn and Burn It Up together in cruise for a size/fat burning stack, if so would you recommend it?

A. Yes.

Would caffeine with BIU be too much?

A. That's individual. WIsh I could tell you :)

My last question is one about my Blueprint Mass Stack order :D , I ordered yesterday and I live in NJ, do you think my order will be here by Thursday 8/19/10 because I leave for school on that Friday? If it won't arrive in time how would I change the shipping address to my school address? :oops:

A. I'd call MASS at 800 ASK MASS. That;s AskMass's outfit :)

Sorry for constantly having questions, I love every aspect of lifting and working out and I want to gain a deeper knowledge of the science behind everything, THANKS AGAIN!!!

A. My pleasure!
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Rest Day

Post by peb5048 »

Alright, so yesterday was my last day of lifting before I start my blueprint run. I am going to start my famine this sunday and rest until then (I may go for a jog one or two days).

Also, my Blueprint Mass Stack came in today!!! It makes me so excited, I can't wait to start.
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Post by peb5048 »

How come KA says with your protein/efa rich meals, but you told me to consume with carbs?
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Re: KA

Post by awisler »

peb5048 wrote:How come KA says with your protein/efa rich meals, but you told me to consume with carbs?
I am no expert so definitely get further clarification on this, but I believe he suggests with the high carb meal because of the insulin spike? Although I would guess that most of your meals would consist of being protein rich during the feast phase, as well as having at least moderate carbs.
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Post by peb5048 »

Last question of the day, I have a tub of glutamine would it be harmful to throw a scoop in my pre and post workout shakes along with MASS Pro Amino?
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