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Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:34 am
by RobRegish
Yeah, great call. I find 10lbs a push to be very accurate, at least for me...

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:15 am
by lovehasrisen
June 9, 2010

Weight: 245 lbs [+5lbs]

Great! lots of protein and carbs. Been taking Slin-Sane too! this stuff rocks! no bloating.. muscles feel hard.. cheap.. :D
Been eating 2 big meals a day.. and protein shakes in between..
Will start tkd + Warrior diet soon!

Note: Again, another long workout.. today we were at the gym for 2 hours..

A. BB Bench Press (1x6) - 45~60 sec. rest in between each warm up set, 3~5 min. rest before x6 max..
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 205x1
4. 225x1
5. 235x1
6. 245x1
7. 255x6

B. DB "Pull overs" (1x8)
*With 45 lbs

C. EDT SuperSets (20 minutes)
*DB Incline Bench Press with 60 lbs
Total: 66 reps [+14 reps!]
*Lat Pulldowns with 180 lbs
Total: 66 reps [+14 reps!]

D. BB Squats (1x6) - 1 min. rest in between each warm up sets, 3 min. rest before x6 max..
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 225x1
4. 245x1
5. 265x1
6. 275x1
7. 295x1
8. 315x6

D. #2 Stiff-leg deadlifts (1x6) - 1~2 min. rest in between
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 205x1
4. 225x1
5. 255x6

E. EDT SuperSets (10 minutes)
*BB Romanian dead lifts with 205 lbs
Total: 37 reps [+5 reps!]
*Machine hack squats with one 45's on each side (total: 90 lbs)
Total: 37 reps [+5 reps!]

F. Standing DB Curls (3x8) - 2 min. rest in between
1. 45x8
2. 45x8
3. 45x8
[+5 lbs]

I'm super tired right now..
Can't wait till saturday.. workout #3! :)

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:23 am
by RobRegish
WOW. You're really thriving here Love..

Great going. Will be interested to see how things pan out given the diet change. Great going!!

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:05 pm
by lovehasrisen
RobRegish wrote:WOW. You're really thriving here Love..

Great going. Will be interested to see how things pan out given the diet change. Great going!!
Should I up the weights on EDT? Or continue using the same weights

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:55 pm
by RobRegish
Once you've achieved a 20% increase in reps (from your fist workout), add 5% to the weight used.

There's your barometer :)

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:52 pm
by lovehasrisen
June 13, 2010

At around 7000 calories last night.. yes.. 7000..
I went to an 'all you can eat' korean barbecue place.. :D

Weight: 243 lbs
[-2lbs.. weird.. because i've been eating above maintenance and no cardio..]


A. BB Bench Press (1x3) - 45 sec. rest in between warm up sets, 3~4 min. rest before my x3 max..
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 205x1
4. 225x1
5. 245x1
6. 265x1
7. 275x3
*I was aiming for x4 reps.. but did 3 reps without spot.. weight felt a bit heavy towards the end..

B. DB Pull overs (1x8) with 50 lbs
[+5 lbs]

C. [EDT] SuperSets (20 minutes)
*DB Incline Bench Press with 60 lbs
Total: 86 reps [+34 reps since first workout...]
*Lat Pulldowns with 180 lbs
Total: 88 reps [+36 reps since first workout...]

Note: Hmm.. I've tried the EDT program in the past.. and i'm suprised my reps are going up.. I mean.. 30+ reps after two workouts..(?) lol!

D. BB Squats (1x4) - 50 sec. rest in between warm up sets, 4 minutes rest before my x4 max rep...
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 225x1
4. 245x1
5. 275x1
6. 315x1
7. 325x1
8. 345x4
*Weight felt a bit light.. :D

D. #2 Stiff-leg deadlifts (1x4) - 60 sec. rest in between warm up sets.. 3 min. rest before x4 max..
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 205x1
4. 225x1
5. 245x1
6. 265x1
7. 275x4

E. Front Squats (3x8) - 1 min. rest in between
1. 135x8
2. 135x8
3. 135x8
*Working on form.. no lower body EDT today.. next week we will do EDT supersets with BB front squats and BB Romanian deadlifts..

F. Standing DB Curls (3x8) - 2~3 min. rest in between
1. 8x50
2. 8x50
3. 8x50
[+5 lbs]

G. Tri-rope Push downs with spread and 1 sec. hold.. (3x10) - 1 min. rest in between
1. 10x80
2. 10x80
3. 10x80

Note: Next workout will be on Tuesday since it's deloading.. and we will have an extra day rest before x1 Max rep day..

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:17 am
by scump
looking good man, will be interesting to see your new 1rm max.

so are you moving onto GLP or did you say your gunna do WS4SB?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 4:28 am
by lovehasrisen
scump wrote:looking good man, will be interesting to see your new 1rm max.

so are you moving onto GLP or did you say your gunna do WS4SB?
Most likely the German program..
I'm going to do the WS4SB on my 3rd phase.. :)

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 6:12 am
by RobRegish
Hmmmm.... sure sounds like The Blueprint sure is working for you!!!

Way to go Love!!

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 3:48 pm
by lovehasrisen
RobRegish wrote:Hmmmm.... sure sounds like The Blueprint sure is working for you!!!

Way to go Love!!
Hope so..
I can't wait till that German training.. still confused on what-is-what.. but i'll try to study and figure it out :p

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:43 am
by lovehasrisen
June 16, 2010

Will start cutting carbs and calories to maintenance and then next week (after PRs) will cut below maintenance..

Weight: 252 lbs.. yes.. 252 lbs..
LOL something is wrong with my weight.. i'm sure the scale is accurate.. oh well, i look and feel lean :)


A. BB Bench Press (1x12) - 60 sec. rest in between, 3 min. rest before last x12 reps..
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 205x1
4. 215x1
5. 225x12

B. DB Incline Bench Press (3x15) - 1~2 min. rest in between
1. 50x15
2. 50x15
3. 50x15

C. Lat Pulldowns (3x15) - 1~2 min. rest in between
1. 150x15
2. 150x15
3. 150x15

D. BB Squats (1x12) - 45 sec. rest in between warm up sets, 3 min. rest before x12 reps..
1. 135x5
2. 185x1
3. 225x1
4. 245x1
5. 255x12

E. Standing DB Curls (3x12) - 2 min. rest in between
1. 12x35
2. 12x35
3. 12x35

Quick question:
Will do my 1RM on Friday.. my question is.. should I do the EDT sets on my Max day [friday]? and.. i'm planning on doing something similar to this..

Bench: 5x135, 1x185, 1x205, 1x225, 1x245, 1x255, 1x275, 1x285 and up 10 pounds each time.. similar with squats, deadlifts.. etc

does this look okay?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 4:51 am
by Big.jazayrli
the weight is probably just a large korean BBQ baby waiting to exit.. if you know what im sayin

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:00 am
by RobRegish
Looking and feeling lean speaks well (really well) to a recomp and it's only going to accelerate once your next diet phase comes in..

Satisfy those 1RM PR's first, then proceed to EDT IF you have the energy. Is this being all done on one day?

If so that's a tall order. But again, if you have the energy do the EDT blocks AFTER the 1RM is satisfied. That goes for all 3 big lifts. Meaning get all your PR's first in the compounds.

Then proceed to EDT to finish the workout. Boy I envy you younger guys...

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:57 am
by lovehasrisen
Big.jazayrli wrote:the weight is probably just a large korean BBQ baby waiting to exit.. if you know what im sayin
Might hit KBBQ next week.. for my "carb-up" day.. :p