Lovehasrisen's blue print journey..

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Lovehasrisen's blue print journey..

Post by lovehasrisen »

Through out my log..
I will be taking EC stack [25 mg E and 200mg caffeine x2 times a day..]
1 Green tea extract pill
3-4g of fishoil with meal

Famine Period
1. Will eat around 1800-2000 calories [Stats: 6'2, 250lbs]
2. Lots of Fruits and veggies [fruit juice - v8] throughout the day.. and lots of fruits near my workout.. ["organic"]

Workout program on Famine:
1. Superset between BB Squats and Lat Pulldowns (3 sets of 6 reps) – Rest 2 minutes between sets
2. Barbell Curls (1x6) – Rest 2 minutes
3. Incline DB Curls (1x6) – Rest 2 minutes
4. Preacher Curls (1x6) – Rest 2 minutes
5. Bodyweight Squats, walking lunges [each leg] (3x15) –DONE

1. Superset between BB Bench Press 10 reps and DB Arnold Press 8 reps for total 4 sets – 1 minute rest in between sets
2. Since I cannot do close grip bench press [injured my left arm during football, for some reason it still hurts after I do close grip bench press], I will do tri-rope press down on the rope machines (4x10)
3. BB Hang Cleans (4x8) – perform with light weights, something around 135 lbs. –DONE

Friday – Basically Monday’s workout but with 30 seconds rest in between, lighter weight (goal: 15 reps), 5 sets of each workout. – DONE

Feast period

Now.. I will add the E-BOL to my stack! and the left over tbol trib caps! Will save the cbol creatine for cruise.. Lots of protein powder, bcaas throughout the day..

1. Will try to eat around 3300 calories on workout days and 2600 calories on “off-days”. I understand it should be my BWx15, but honestly I have trouble eating. Yes, I know… I am 250lbs and I can barely eat over 3000+ calories per day. My Macro is going to look something like this: 50% Protein, 20% Fat, 30% Carbs. Will drink and eat protein throughout the day and will still try to do something similar to the “warrior diet” where I eat most of my calories near my workout and on “off-days” around 4-5pm.

Workout #1
*BB Bench Press (1x10) – After Warm-ups
*Slight Incline DB Pullovers (1x10)

1. BB Incline Bench Press / Lat Pulldowns
PR zones: 20 minutes total
2. BB Squats / BB Romanian Deadlifts
PR zones: 20 minutes total
3. Seated DB Curls [with or without incline] / Tri Rope press downs

WORKOUT #1 8-10 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #2 4-6 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #3 2-3 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #4 6-8 rep range
Rest 2 days
WORKOUT #5 Attempt new 1RM
Rest 2 days

I will use the "German Loading pattern"..
Still studying this.. don't understand 100% what I'm suppose to do..
Hope someone can make a "german loading pattern for dummies" sample for me..

Feast period
1. Will add the cbol creatine to my stack.. and drop E-BOL/tbol trib from my stack..
2. Will eat around my maintenance calories on workout days and will eat –800 calories [800 less...] on “off-days”
3. Diet: “anabolic diet” + “Warrior diet” [Basically: Will eat 60-65% fat, 30-35% protein and <50g of carbs per day] on off-days. On workout days I will drink/eat carbs pre-workout and post-workout, so I will NOT have a carb-up day [similar to the tkd diet].

Workout program on Feast:
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Post by RobRegish »

Way to go Love... Great detail. I'm keeping a real close eye on this one b/c of the diet marriages :)

Workout #1
*BB Bench Press (1x10) – After Warm-ups

*Slight Incline DB Pullovers (1x10)

A. You can, but I'd encourage you to experiment with variations. Meaning different bench angles, with a barbell, dumbell or EZ curl bar etc.

Some members with shoulder problems have done these with a cable and ZERO stress on the shoulder. It's just such a solid movement.... search for a variation. If you still can't find one, I'll come up with something new.
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Post by lovehasrisen »

I will start this log next week..
I'm going to be busy this week plus alot of personal stuff to finish.. :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man Love. Take care of business and then..... we TAKE CARE OF BUSINESS!
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Post by DaCookie »

Love have ya used the green tea extract before?Did you find it helpful?
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Post by lovehasrisen »

DaCookie wrote:Love have ya used the green tea extract before?Did you find it helpful?
Did I find it helpful? Not sure... It was really cheap... and I've read great articles on green tea extracts... so i added that to my diet :)

Update: I'm going to start the blue print today... LOL!


A. SuperSets (3x6) - 2 min. rest in between
*BB Squats with 225 lbs
*Lat Pulldowns with 200 lbs

B. BB Curls (1x6)
With 95 lbs

C. Incline DB Curls (1x6)
With 40 lbs

D. Preacher Curls (1x6)
With 40 lbs

E. SuperSets (3x15) - 1 min. rest in between
*Bodyweight Squats
*Walking Lunges

Post workout: 25 minutes of sprints, jog and walking..

Right now it's 6:10pm..
So far I had..
1 rice cake (~30-40g of carbs), 8oz Wild Berries, 1 sample pack of SizeOn MP pre workout (yeah I know.. this was a bad idea.. lol), 3 california mandorins, 1 large banana, 3 medium apples... I will eat more soon! :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Great start LOVE!

God I can't wait for this one..
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Post by DaCookie »

What brand you use?Nice workout man.
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Post by lovehasrisen »

DaCookie wrote:What brand you use?Nice workout man.
Just Higher Power Green tea extract pills..
100 caps for only $7.. 100 caps lasts me 2 months..

Update: Ate lots of veggies (peas, carrots..) and yeah.. i'm so hungry right now.. lol.. is it okay to eat carbs like cereal/oatmeal.. etc?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes absolutely.

I'm not sure where this impression got started but Famine is NOT a low carb diet. When the majority of your diet is fruits, vegetables, nuts and leafy greens..... it's mostly carbs.

So everything you're experiencing is perfectly natural Love. Just keep your eye on the big picture and you'll be fine.

This is an inspiring log and I've so yearned for someone to run Warrior diet with The Blueprint. I've seen Anabolic Diet logs (DaCookie is running a good one now) but never, never have I seen a Warrior Diet + Anabolic diet log.

We will all learn a lot from this Love, and for that I thank you..
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Post by lovehasrisen »

RobRegish wrote:Yes absolutely.

I'm not sure where this impression got started but Famine is NOT a low carb diet. When the majority of your diet is fruits, vegetables, nuts and leafy greens..... it's mostly carbs.

So everything you're experiencing is perfectly natural Love. Just keep your eye on the big picture and you'll be fine.

This is an inspiring log and I've so yearned for someone to run Warrior diet with The Blueprint. I've seen Anabolic Diet logs (DaCookie is running a good one now) but never, never have I seen a Warrior Diet + Anabolic diet log.

We will all learn a lot from this Love, and for that I thank you..
It's not really and anabolic diet.. but more like a tkd diet.. because I will be eating "50% Protein, 20% Fat, 30% Carbs" on workout days [feast].. but yeah.. eating high protein / meat in one serving is going to be tough.. esp. the fats.. they fill me up quick haha :D
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Post by lovehasrisen »

May 30, 2010

Mashed Potatoes [2 cups]
1/2 cup of gravy..
1 Medium apple
1 bowl of white rice and lots of veggies with some beef
Right now it's about 10 pm... will try to eat 200-300 calories and call it a day.. :)
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Post by lovehasrisen »

Yesterday's workout:

A. SuperSets (2x8) - 30 sec. rest in between
*BB Bench Press with 225 lbs
*DB Arnold Press with 35 lbs

B. DB Incline Bench Press (2x8) - 90 sec. rest in between
*With 75 lbs

C. DB Rear Delt flyes (2x8) - 45~60 sec. rest in between
*With 30 lbs

D. Tri-Rope Push Down (3x10)
*with 110 lbs

Well.. I was going to do extra workouts and cardio but I had to go home.. My sore throat is getting worse.. I will try to drink 1.5+ gallon of water today and see how it goes.. if not I'm dropping the EC stack.. atleast for now..

Yesterday's diet:
I ate around 2400-2500 calories.. which is alot! that's like my BWx10.. but ofcourse.. <50g of protein..
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Post by RobRegish »

OK Love... take my recommendations and get well. We want you 100% ready to go during Feast.

Many of you probably think my "health first" mantra is liability related. But think about this... if you're sick, how quickly are you going to get traction during Feast? Will you get traction at all??

Consider that as part of your thought process. Sometimes, it's better to live to fight another day...
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