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Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 2:43 pm
by RobRegish
That's up to you, really. I much prefer the Blueprint Periodic approach. Others are more concerned with building all out mass. Still others cut. It's a personal call.

The 2nd, 3rd and subsequent runs? You'll be pleasantly surprised. Given similar goals and a refined approach, many see the same types of stunning gains. Let's look at Brainsquirt for example. He just completed his 5th run with the goal of adding 12 quality pounds.

Well, he was actually gaining too fast and intentionally dialed it back! He eventuall hit his goal during cruise where another quality pound or two emerged.

And therein lies the beauty of The Blueprint. It's repeatable (with a few tweaks) to your liking. And it gets better, every time as you learn more :)

How to begin the Bp?

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:33 am
by zeebodybuilder
Ok I will just focus on the first 5 days whihc is the famine phase. Off my head I remeber itys all about depleting your energies and muscle in the gym, training 3 days that week . and keeping calories really low each mealk should be felt as still hunger in stomach. keep protein and carbs low as 50grams a day. How does this sound.

What foods would i need for this week? I dont think thats improtant here right as I would be eating many vegetables an fruits and fruit drinks mainly no protein or weight gainers to help support muscle growth. Also my meals will be more based on chappatis and curry. I beleive there hardly any protein in that as a meal, But yeah there maybe some carbs as the chappatis are made out of carbs as its flavour..

OK just read the Ideas for the FAMINE phase in the BP.

It says to do 1 hour cardio aswell. So If im training saturday monday wednesday as the 3 days for famine phase. when shall i do the 1 hour cardio on the 2 days off or after the training. But what bout after the training im tight on time. is 30mins slow jog enough on the traedmill,?

By cardio does it mean to do all the cardio mahcines for shoulders running machines, rowsing machine etc etc? or just any 1 machine for 1 hour with medium speed do the job?

It also says fasting a few hours trhought the day will also help alot. That wount be hard for me to do as im used to fasting for full days thats 14-15 hours sometimes.

1 more questions, still have a slight flu do you think I can still start the prgram. I have hayfever it comes on goes then get like a running nose. would that still be ok. If it happens on the day I start the BP?

as of the strips you can also smell your body oddur while training rite, If you smell more then normal, lol,. then your in the right state, but would I smell anything on the first day or will it take 2-3 day time to build up?

Yes I need to buy some fruits and vegatbles as this will be my foundation meals on the 5 days of this phase..

Most important I have to lower the calories..

Why is it important to measure resting heart rate?
and how do you do this?

Also on these first 5 days I must not take energy pills and creatine. as its about weaking your body and not strengthng it up and feeling strong..

Please check all the above and see if I havent missed anything out.


P.s I think If I got throught the Bp step by step it would be easier to learn and understand..

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:01 pm
by RobRegish
OK Zee here we go...

Q. Ok I will just focus on the first 5 days whihc is the famine phase. Off my head I remeber itys all about depleting your energies and muscle in the gym, training 3 days that week . and keeping calories really low each mealk should be felt as still hunger in stomach. keep protein and carbs low as 50grams a day. How does this sound.

A. Almost. You want calories at 8x bodyweight and yes, you should be quite hungry. You want protein low, BUT most of our calories should come from carbs from fiberous fruits and vegetables.

Q. What foods would i need for this week? I dont think thats improtant here right as I would be eating many vegetables an fruits and fruit drinks mainly no protein or weight gainers to help support muscle growth. Also my meals will be more based on chappatis and curry. I beleive there hardly any protein in that as a meal, But yeah there maybe some carbs as the chappatis are made out of carbs as its flavour..

A. You've answered your own question. Fruits and vegetables! The foods you mention sound fine. Unsure what chappatis is but provided it's low protein and consumed in small/moderate amounts....good to go!

Q. OK just read the Ideas for the FAMINE phase in the BP.

It says to do 1 hour cardio aswell. So If im training saturday monday wednesday as the 3 days for famine phase. when shall i do the 1 hour cardio on the 2 days off or after the training. But what bout after the training im tight on time. is 30mins slow jog enough on the traedmill,?

A. I see cardio as optional during this time It's likely more necessary if you have a mesomorph/endomoph leaning somatype (naturally carry more bodyfat and muscle than most). These folks gain fat AND muscle very easily.

Q. By cardio does it mean to do all the cardio mahcines for shoulders running machines, rowsing machine etc etc? or just any 1 machine for 1 hour with medium speed do the job?

A. Any one activity is fine. You needn't over-think this as it isn't "crucial". The weight workouts though, are..

Q. It also says fasting a few hours trhought the day will also help alot. That wount be hard for me to do as im used to fasting for full days thats 14-15 hours sometimes.

A. I'd leverage this then. You can fast most of the day, have a small piece of fruit preworkout and your big meal after the workout. That in fact, would be optimal for many people. See the Warrior Diet mentioned on page 26 in The Blueprint:

"Diet suggestions include The Warrior Diet ( In a nutshell, this radical strategy calls for fasting during the day, a small pre-workout meal of 200-300 calories from fruit, the depletion workout recommended and then eating the balance of your calories for the day during your post workout meal. Yes, it's difficult, but it does seem to do the job (and do it nicely) given our objective. Ease into it by fasting until noon day one, and add an hour or so each day.

Man that author really did his researh :)

Q. 1 more questions, still have a slight flu do you think I can still start the prgram. I have hayfever it comes on goes then get like a running nose. would that still be ok. If it happens on the day I start the BP?

A. No, it's not OK to start with any such system. We're trying to disrupt homeostasis and slight flu is not homeostasis. It could also worsen the symptoms. If I value anything more than your gains, it's your health. I can't say this enough

"If you're feeling sick, excessively run down or otherwise not right....STOP. I value your health above your gains. So should you."

Q. as of the strips you can also smell your body oddur while training rite, If you smell more then normal, lol,. then your in the right state, but would I smell anything on the first day or will it take 2-3 day time to build up?

A. This is an extra question and I'm charging you $1 for any more :) JUST KIDDING!

The odor is usually present from day 3 onward an usually occurs during workout #2. Some get it outside the workout as well. I personally like it because friend inhibit gains. JUST KIDDING!

Yes I need to buy some fruits and vegatbles as this will be my foundation meals on the 5 days of this phase..

Most important I have to lower the calories..

Q. Why is it important to measure resting heart rate?
and how do you do this?

A. You're up to $3 in fees now :) It is important to measure resting heart rate because it's an objective measure to evaluate the success we're having in disrupting homeostasis. It doesn't happen in EVERYONE but in general, it's a very reliable indicator. Your bodyweight loss, multistix(tm), smell of ammonia, general mood, hunger etc are all signs I/you can use to know when you're "there".

Q. Also on these first 5 days I must not take energy pills and creatine. as its about weaking your body and not strengthng it up and feeling strong..

A. Caffeine/thermogenics are appropriate IF you don't have any pre-existing conditions and IF you tolerate them well. I don't know if you're allergic to nuts, let alone powerful thermogenics. You probably get my point. Creatine is a definate no-no. You want to avoid anything that "puts" back in terms of energy substrate.

Q.Please check all the above and see if I havent missed anything out.
A. That was pretty comprehensive :)


Q. P.s I think If I got throught the Bp step by step it would be easier to learn and understand..
A. Agree. Once you've been through it once, things become MUCH clearer. Look at Draco/Brain etc.. Shining examples...

Famine phase

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:54 am
by zeebodybuilder
Below is what is suggested for the Famine week training. I will layout the training plan and what it asks me to do. Firstly I would like to know the weight used MUST be HEAVY enought to complete the number of reps required and NOT LIGHTER right?

Plus all reps must be done using PERFECT FORM to fully work and breakdown muscle right?

Push/Pull routine, to be performed on alternating days. Pick 2-3 exercises
per bodypart focusing on maximally depleting the muscle and all energy
substrates therein:

Legs, Back and Bi's
2 minutes of rest between sets,
3 total sets for each movement in the 4-6 rep range.
These should be structured as jump sets in the following fashion.

How many sets reps do you do for warm up on Squatss and then back?

SET1- Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
above doumbell rows WOULD that be using a flat bench angle or a incline.
2 minutes of rest between sets

SET2- Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns
2 minutes of rest between sets THEN BICEPS RIGHT.

Or is it meant to be/look like this below.

Set1 Legs/Back
Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
above doumbell rows WOULD that be using a flat bench angle or a incline.
2 minutes of rest between sets

Set2 Legs/Back
Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
above doumbell rows WOULD that be using a flat bench angle or a incline.
2 minutes of rest between sets

Set3 Legs/Back
Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
above doumbell rows WOULD that be using a flat bench angle or a incline.
2 minutes of rest between sets

AS i thought it meant 3 sets of each movement?
- Biceps should be placed after legs/back.
- I suggest you pick 3 movements,
SET1- Standing barbell curls, 4-6 REPS
SET2-incline 4-6 REPS
SET3-preacher curls

Is that rigth above 2 mins rest between each bicep exercercise. or is it super setted from 1 exercises to 2nd then immediately 3rd then rest 2 mins??

- 3 total sets with 2 minutes of rest between each. Select a weight that puts you
in the 4-6 rep range

How many sets reps do you do for warm up on CHEST and SHOULDERS?

Chest, shoulders and tri's
1 minute in between sets,
4 total sets for each movement in the 8-10 rep range.
Jump set pairings should be as above on
Monday with the following suggestions:

SET1- Wide grip bench press, incline and decline press supersetted with shoulder presses

WAS THE ABOVE meant to be Wide grip bench press flat or Inlcine or decline press. Or you have to train all 3 then superset it with shoulder press? 8-10 reps

Shoulder press is that with the bar of dumbells? in the 4-6 rep range right?

So it will look like this below,

SET1- Wide grip bench press, supersetted with shoulder presses 8-10 reps
1min rest
SET2-Wide grip bench press, supersetted with shoulder presses 8-10 reps
1min rest
SET3-Wide grip bench press, supersetted with shoulder presses 8-10 reps
1min rest
SET4-Wide grip bench press, supersetted with shoulder presses 8-10 reps
1min rest

One superset of each, resting 1 minute between sets

The weight used above must be the same for all sets. or can you drop it slighty by 5lbs each set if needed to get into the right rep range.

I wuld like to see how you lay it out by answering the bove then I,ll complete the rest of this temeplate..

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:28 pm
by RobRegish
Hi Zee, here we go....

Below is what is suggested for the Famine week training. I will layout the training plan and what it asks me to do. Firstly I would like to know the weight used MUST be HEAVY enought to complete the number of reps required and NOT LIGHTER right?

A. Correct. This is always a bit of a crapshoot so an estimate is necessary. Don't be too concerned if you're too far over/under.

Plus all reps must be done using PERFECT FORM to fully work and breakdown muscle right?

A. Generally speaking yes. I wouldn't obsesses over it but don't get sloppy either. Just make sure to be "in the ballpark" i.e reasonable form. The big barbell lifts are where you need to be careful/have perfect form.

Push/Pull routine, to be performed on alternating days. Pick 2-3 exercises
per bodypart focusing on maximally depleting the muscle and all energy
substrates therein:

Legs, Back and Bi's
2 minutes of rest between sets,
3 total sets for each movement in the 4-6 rep range.
These should be structured as jump sets in the following fashion.

How many sets reps do you do for warm up on Squatss and then back?

A. I generally do 3-5 when using weights in this range. Keep in mind 2 min isn't a long rest interval so that'll cut the weight down some (and your needed warmups down some).

SET1- Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
above doumbell rows WOULD that be using a flat bench angle or a incline.
2 minutes of rest between sets

SET2- Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns
2 minutes of rest between sets THEN BICEPS RIGHT.

A. Correct

Or is it meant to be/look like this below.

Set1 Legs/Back
Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
above doumbell rows WOULD that be using a flat bench angle or a incline.
2 minutes of rest between sets

A. Flat

Set2 Legs/Back
Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
above doumbell rows WOULD that be using a flat bench angle or a incline.
2 minutes of rest between sets

A. Flat

Set3 Legs/Back
Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
above doumbell rows WOULD that be using a flat bench angle or a incline.
2 minutes of rest between sets

A. Flat

AS i thought it meant 3 sets of each movement?
- Biceps should be placed after legs/back.
- I suggest you pick 3 movements,
SET1- Standing barbell curls, 4-6 REPS
SET2-incline 4-6 REPS
SET3-preacher curls

Is that rigth above 2 mins rest between each bicep exercercise. or is it super setted from 1 exercises to 2nd then immediately 3rd then rest 2 mins??

A. One exercise of each. No supersets needed.

- 3 total sets with 2 minutes of rest between each. Select a weight that puts you
in the 4-6 rep range

How many sets reps do you do for warm up on CHEST and SHOULDERS?

A. 3-5

Chest, shoulders and tri's
1 minute in between sets,
4 total sets for each movement in the 8-10 rep range.
Jump set pairings should be as above on
Monday with the following suggestions:

SET1- Wide grip bench press, incline and decline press supersetted with shoulder presses

WAS THE ABOVE meant to be Wide grip bench press flat or Inlcine or decline press. Or you have to train all 3 then superset it with shoulder press? 8-10 reps

A. You don't have to train all 3 (you can though). Pick one to make it easy.

Shoulder press is that with the bar of dumbells? in the 4-6 rep range right?

A. Right. Either barbell or dumbells your choice

So it will look like this below,

SET1- Wide grip bench press, supersetted with shoulder presses 8-10 reps
1min rest
SET2-Wide grip bench press, supersetted with shoulder presses 8-10 reps
1min rest
SET3-Wide grip bench press, supersetted with shoulder presses 8-10 reps
1min rest
SET4-Wide grip bench press, supersetted with shoulder presses 8-10 reps
1min rest

One superset of each, resting 1 minute between sets

The weight used above must be the same for all sets. or can you drop it slighty by 5lbs each set if needed to get into the right rep range.

I wuld like to see how you lay it out by answering the bove then I,ll complete the rest of this temeplate..

A. You've got most of this right. I appreciate the questions...

Famin phase day 1

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 7:11 am
by zeebodybuilder
I feel like breaking it down even firther to 1 day at a time at this stage.. so I will start from day 1 whihc will be today. I want to strt this today hopefully if i can get my confusion sorted. the above reply is posted all over the place so i decided to post and ask 1 day at a time.

So day1 traing famine phase..

Push/Pull routine, to be performed on alternating days.
Pick 2-3 exercises per bodypart focusing on maximally depleting the muscle and all energy

Legs / Back /Biceps
2 minutes of rest between sets,
3 total sets for each movement in the 4-6 rep range.
These should be structured as jump sets in the following fashion.

How many sets reps do you do for warm up on Squatss and then back?

A. I generally do 3-5 when using weights in this range. Keep in mind 2 min isn't a long rest interval so that'll cut the weight down some (and your needed warmups down some).

warm set 1 squats 10 reps
warm set 2 squats 7 reps
warm set3 squats 5 reps
SET1- Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
above doumbell rows WOULD that be using a flat bench angle.
2 minutes of rest between sets

How do i add warmup for back before doing 1 arm dumbell rows. Or would it be ok to jump right in after 1 main set 4-6 reps squats.

So just to confirm I would do the above 1 main set 4-6 reps for squats and then super setted with arm dumbell rows at 4-6 reps once. Or would I need to do this 3 times as it says above to do 3 total sets for each movement in the 4-6 rep range.

SET2- Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 4-6 rep range
2 minutes of rest between sets THEN BICEPS RIGHT.
Same as above would I need to do 3 sets of this taking 2 mins rest inbetween?


SET1- Standing barbell curls, 4-6 REPS

SET2-incline dumbell curls

SET3-preacher dumbell curls
Finished workout

How does this look for todays training?

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 7:37 am
by RobRegish
Here we go..

Q. How do i add warmup for back before doing 1 arm dumbell rows. Or would it be ok to jump right in after 1 main set 4-6 reps squats.

A. 1, perhaps 2 sets of warm ups is adequate. I wouldn't jump into a 4-6 rep range without warming up.

Q. So just to confirm I would do the above 1 main set 4-6 reps for squats and then super setted with arm dumbell rows at 4-6 reps once.

A. First set do you squats and them IMMEDIATELY go into DB rows. Then rest for 2 min. Repeat 2 more times.

Q. SET2- Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 4-6 rep range
2 minutes of rest between sets Same as above would I need to do 3 sets of this taking 2 mins rest inbetween?

A. Correct


SET1- Standing barbell curls, 4-6 REPS

SET2-incline dumbell curls

SET3-preacher dumbell curls
Finished workout

How does this look for todays training?

A. There it is. You've got it now. Now go hit it hard!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 8:06 am
by zeebodybuilder
Yes will hit it hard for sure. I need to buy a stop watch though, lol.

ok finally check my layout. Should be fine now..

start of by doing 2 sets on warm up for back on 1 arm dumbell rows

dumbell rows
warm up sets
set1 light weight 10 reps
set2 light + a bit more weight 8 reps
The above was to warm up the back as i dont know how else to fit it in.

then start the warm sets for squats

warm up sets
warm set 1 squats 10 reps
warm set 2 squats 7 reps
warm set3 squats 5 reps
SET1- Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
2 minutes of rest between sets. 4-6 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

SET2-Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
2 minutes of rest between sets . 4-6 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

SET3-Squats (feet close) supersetted with 1 arm dumbell rows
2 minutes of rest between sets. 4-6 REPS FOR BOTH EXERCISES

Exercise 2 Below. Is there a warmup needed here. I would think No.. as the lats have alrteady been primed warmed up doing rows from b4.

Set1-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 4-6 rep range
2 minutes of rest between sets

Set2-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 4-6 rep range
2 minutes of rest between sets

Set3-Seated cable rows supersetted with pulldowns 4-6 rep range
2 minutes of rest between sets

The move to biceps


Warm up
1 standing barbell curls 10 reps
2 S barbell curls 8 reps
Then 1 min rest

SET1- Standing barbell curls, 4-6 REPS

SET2-incline dumbell curls

SET3-preacher dumbell curls
Finished workout

How does the warmup look for the biceps. Dont want to do to mant reps sets as I know 2 sets will have warmed my biceps up as i want to use heavy weight as possible.

Please check this and then im ready to go..

Cheers. Will log it as simple as I can..on to pull more attention. currently i know of 2 logs running a 3rd will look nice, lol.

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 8:36 am
by RobRegish
That looks great.

The 2nd warmup for back you inquired about won't likely be needed. Feel it out though...

That's plenty of warmup work for your bi's too. I wouldn't be surprised if they're plenty warmed up already due to the multiple rows/pulldowns etc...

Nice work Zee!

Day3 Famine training

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 7:40 am
by zeebodybuilder
Chest, shoulders and tri's
1 minute in between sets,
4 total sets for each movement in the 8-10 rep range.
Jump set pairings should be as above on

set1- Wide grip bench press, press supersetted with shoulder
Is the above WIDE BENCH PRESS Using the Flat Bench

The above ahs to be done 4 sets right so should like this below right?
- Wide grip bench press, press supersetted with shoulder
1min rest
- Wide grip bench press, press supersetted with shoulder
1 min rest
- Wide grip bench press, press supersetted with shoulder
1min rest
- Wide grip bench press, press supersetted with shoulder

- One superset of each, resting 1 minute between sets
Confused here as it says to do 4 sets for each movemnet and down her it says do 1 superset of each. That would like belwo what i laid out for trcips right? What do you mean of the above? One superset pf each

- Decline close grip bench presses, skull crushers/lying tricep extensions and cable pressdowns
Decline bench press
1min rest
Skull crusers supersetted
1min rest
lying tricep extentsion
1min rest
Cable press downs.
end of workout

Isnt lying tricep extension and skull crushers the same exercise?

- One set of each, resting 1 minute in between sets

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 7:57 am
by RobRegish
Please see answers below:

set1- Wide grip bench press, press supersetted with shoulder
Is the above WIDE BENCH PRESS Using the Flat Bench


The above ahs to be done 4 sets right so should like this below right?
- Wide grip bench press, press supersetted with shoulder
1min rest
- Wide grip bench press, press supersetted with shoulder
1 min rest
- Wide grip bench press, press supersetted with shoulder
1min rest
- Wide grip bench press, press supersetted with shoulder

- One superset of each, resting 1 minute between sets
Confused here as it says to do 4 sets for each movemnet and down her it says do 1 superset of each. That would like belwo what i laid out for trcips right? What do you mean of the above? One superset pf each


Set of wide grip BB bench supersetted with shoulder press
Rest 1 min
Set of close grip BB bench supersetted w/shoulder press
Rest 1 min
Set of flat DB bench supersetted with shoulder press
Rest 1 min
Set of incline DB bench supersetted with shoulder press



Decline close grip bench press
1min rest
Skull crushers
1min rest
Decline DB tricep extensions
1min rest
Cable press downs.

end of workout

- One set of each, resting 1 minute in between sets

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 11:49 am
by zeebodybuilder
So this is my workout for day 2 training.

Chest and shoulders
Set of wide grip BB bench supersetted with shoulder press 8-10 reps
Rest 1 min
Set of close grip BB bench supersetted w/shoulder press 8-10 reps
Rest 1 min
Set of flat DB bench supersetted with shoulder press 8-10 reps
Rest 1 min
Set of incline DB bench supersetted with shoulder press 8-10 reps
1min rest then move to tricepz

Q1The weight can be lowered slightly to achive the right number of rep range right. as short rest and more reps will mean dying out faster.

Q2Set2 Close grip bench is that medium as close grip will work the triceps more? Is that medium grip so the inner chest is worked more?

Q3 For shoulder press If choosing to use dumbells I should stick with dumbells as my shoulder superset for all 4 exercises above right?

Decline close grip bench press 8-10 reps
1min rest
Skull crushers 8-10 reps
1min rest
Decline DB tricep extensions 8-10 reps
1min rest
Cable press downs 8-10 reps
END of workout

How does it look now. should be perfect ?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 12:10 pm
by RobRegish
Q1The weight can be lowered slightly to achive the right number of rep range right. as short rest and more reps will mean dying out faster.

A. Right

Q2Set2 Close grip bench is that medium as close grip will work the triceps more? Is that medium grip so the inner chest is worked more?

A. Close grip for the triceps. Medium to recruit a bit more of the chest. Don't sweat it..

Q3 For shoulder press If choosing to use dumbells I should stick with dumbells as my shoulder superset for all 4 exercises above right?

A. Yes.

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 6:42 pm
by zeebodybuilder
This the 2nd workout...

Chest and shoulders
Set of wide grip BB bench supersetted with shoulder press 8-10 reps
Rest 1 min
Set of close grip BB bench supersetted w/shoulder press 8-10 reps
Rest 1 min
Set of flat DB bench supersetted with shoulder press 8-10 reps
Rest 1 min
Set of incline DB bench supersetted with shoulder press 8-10 reps
1min rest then move to tricepz

Decline close grip bench press 8-10 reps
1min rest
Skull crushers 8-10 reps
1min rest
Decline DB tricep extensions 8-10 reps
1min rest
Cable press downs 8-10 reps
END of workout

So this is now complete and ready to do tommarow rite?
