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Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:57 pm
Well i'm back, had an injury, that set me back a few weeks, so i had a couple of weeks getting back up to speed and now its time for my attempt at the BP.

Im starting first thing in the morning, 1600 calories for 5 days, that will be absolute hell especially after bulking :( no protein where possible.

Im going to follow the standard depletion, feast bridge workouts followed by 6 weeks of GVT then the standard 5x5 workout to finish.

Very interested how this will work out, i'm interesting in cutting/leaning up rather than getting bigger.

I'll be back tommorow with days work!

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:10 pm
First day, it was frickin hard eating just fruit, veg and a little potato :(

Food intake was :
2x banana 300 cal
3 x apple 200 cal
1 x grapes 400 cal
broccoli and carrot medley 100 cal
Gravy 50 cal
potatoes 250 cal

total 1300 cals - was aiming for 1600 ish - not sure what to do with the remaining 300?!!
Workout was:

Squat 90kg + Cable Row 75kg superset 6 x 3 sets

Barbell Curl 40kg x 6
DB Incline Curl 16kg x 6
Preacher DB Curl 12kg x 6

Legs feel a bit stiff, not done legs for a while :( due to injury!

Roll on tomoro another fruit and veg delight

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:11 pm
by bigpelo
This is a bad move from myself but I found it funny:

Enjoy your famine!

And with your remaining calories, take a huge glass of warmed milk right before bed, it will help with your sleep.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 4:37 pm
bigpelo wrote:This is a bad move from myself but I found it funny:

Enjoy your famine!

And with your remaining calories, take a huge glass of warmed milk right before bed, it will help with your sleep.
lol food porn, that will be me on Sunday lol :twisted:

Milk is a good shout too.

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:03 pm
just had a nice glass of milk to finish off. MMM

Legs stiffening up already :oops:

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:55 pm
Well thats day 2 of the famine done, today was chest shoulders and triceps.

Flat Bench 225 x 8 + Shoulder Press x 10 with 40lb DB (sat on edge of bench - no back support)

Decline Bench 225 x 8 + Shoulder Press x 10 with 40lb DB (sat on edge of bench - no back support)

Incline DB 100 x 7 + Shoulder Press x 10 with 40lb DB (sat on edge of bench - no back support)

Press Downs 50 x 10

Skullcrushers 90 x 9

CGBP 135 x 8

Not used to so little volume but feeling good so onwards and upwards, rest day tommorow.

Diet was as follows:

3 x Apples 200 Cals
3 x Bananas 400 Cals
Grapes 200 Cals

Baked Potato 250 Cals
Salad 50 Cals
Beans 200 Cals
Cheese/Cott Cheese 150 Cals

Total 1450 - shooting for 1600, so maybe enough for a treat/glass of milk!

Roll on feasting. :roll:

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:34 pm
by bigpelo
Are you doing the 3 famine workouts in 3 days?

Usually, you are suppose to do the workouts on day 1, 3 and 5. The third workout on day 5 is not mandatory, depending on your mood, rest heart rate, body weight decrease, etc.

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:39 pm
bigpelo wrote:Are you doing the 3 famine workouts in 3 days?

Usually, you are suppose to do the workouts on day 1, 3 and 5. The third workout on day 5 is not mandatory, depending on your mood, rest heart rate, body weight decrease, etc.
yeah i am, i know i was supposed to take a rest day today but my boss screwed my diary up, hence i had to do today and take tomorrow as a rest day then Friday i'll do my 3 rd workout then last day famine on Saturday. Not ideal but beyond my control :shock:

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2011 5:44 pm
Rest day - no workout today.


3 x Apples 150 Cals
3 x Bananas 350 Cals
3 x Tangerines 50 Cals

Pasta 650 Cals
Tuna 50 Cals
Veg Medley 50 Cals

300 Cals spare again - prob another glass of milk.

Roll on tommorow , final famine workout, then one more day and i'm back on it! :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:06 pm
day four of the famine for me.

did my final workout today.

Squat 70kg x 12 & Cable Row 75KG x 12 x 3 (30 second rest)
Barbell Curl 25kg x 12
Inc Db Curl 12kg x 12
Preacher DB Curl 8kg x 12 (all 30 second rest)

Diet was:

3 x Bananas 400 Cals
3 x Apples 200 Cals
3 x Tangerines 100 Cals
Cheese & Pickle sandwich (450+220+30) 700 Cals
Pint of lager :twisted: 200 Cals

Total 1600 Cals right on target for once.

One more day of famine then its feast time :lol: :lol: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 3:41 pm
by Hank!
nice work bud, the reward is right around the bend

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:07 pm
by ckeahey76
Day 4, you are almost there. Keep it up and don't give into temptaion. I just finished a famine phase 2 weeks ago and I was really craving protein, any meat would do. :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:45 pm
ckeahey76 wrote:Day 4, you are almost there. Keep it up and don't give into temptaion. I just finished a famine phase 2 weeks ago and I was really craving protein, any meat would do. :lol:
its a real test of will, but one more day and it will be over, and worth the pain hopefully

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 6:25 pm
Well day 5 of the famine is done, my appetite is a bit shot but i cant wait to get eating again :)

No workout today - just resting, legs feeling a bit ropey following yesterday.

Diet has been similar to other days.

3 x Bananas (400 cals)
3 x Apples (150 Cals)

Baked Potato 350 Cals
Salad 50 Cals
Beans 200 Cals
Cheese/Cott Cheese 175 Cals

300 spare - glass of milk then its feast time in the morning :twisted: :P


This hasnt been as hard as i expected, i did it warrior diet style , best way IMO 8)