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Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 12:42 am
by askmass
Sometimes a slight grip width adjustment can make all the difference.

We are all unique, so what is optimum for you might not be for me, but it's something that occurred to me when looking over your post for some reason.

Stay at it. I have a feeling you are going to be finishing very strong all-around given the new leg press PR happening this soon.

Best to you, doolee.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:58 am
by RobRegish
Great work on the legs!

On the bench, do look into your rest periods between sets/grip issues. Of the two, the rest periods are the more significant. You may have to rest up to 5-10 min between sets to recover the CNS. The CNS recoveres MUCH slower than the ATP/phosphagens, which are usually fully re-stocked within 3 min.

Just something I've noticed. Also, if you haven't already - look at your warmups. Suggest consulting the "How to Warm Up" stickie in my sig line. It may well benefit you!

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2010 2:36 am
by doolee
thank you both for the much needed support! Tomorrow is my 1rep max. hoping to get that 135 up... and who knows what else on legs ^^. Been working on squat form, but still doesn't feel comfortable enough to add considerable weight.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 7:24 pm
by doolee
Slightly annoyed because the 2 days on one day off routine would have had me working out on friday. However, due to events beyond my control, I had to miss up till today, Sunday. Been taking ecdy as normal, however, and I'm hoping for an amazing workout today! So excited to get back into it! Hopefully the excessive 2 days of extra rest won't hurt my BP program too much.

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:53 pm
by RobRegish
When in doubt - rest.

You will almost always be rewarded!

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:42 pm
by doolee
Today seemed fairly strong. Deload Workout
Bench Press 115x6 (working set)
Leg Press 540x6
-could have gone heavier, but started cramping near ankle and feet. Strange since I drank a liter of water before and another during. Thought to play it safe.
SLDL 135x6

Felt I made some decent progress on my EDTs as I decided to up the weights on most compared to the previous week. Is this large of an increase normal? Or maybe it is because this EDT was previously performed on my first workout following famine.

Incline Dumbbell Bench
15 minutes 79.33lbs/min (up from 51.75)

Seated Cable Row
15 minutes 280lbs/min (up from 190)

Barbell Curl
85x9, 75x15
15 minutes 126lbs/min (up from 104)
forearms started to give out for some reason

Tricep Pushdowns
15 minutes 100lbs/min (up from 90)

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:15 am
by doolee
doolee wrote:EDT Workout 1:
Incline DB press + seated cable row
Barbell curl + tricep pulldowns

EDT Workout 2:
Lat pulldown + shoulder press
leg extension + leg curl

EDT workout 3:
Calf raises + shrugs
Abs (weighted leg raise + weighted crunches)

Excited to start the phase and see the gains!
GLP is slowly approaching, and I'm starting to see why 2 EDT workouts were recommended. I was hoping to condense the three into two, and any input would be appreciated. My current idea:
EDT 1 (upper body day) + decline bb static
incline or decline db press + seated cable row
Shoulder press + lat pulldown
EDT2 (lower body day) + ab crunch static
Leg extension + curl (I would love to superset RDL, but my spot would get taken so unbelievably fast due to the amount of people. Gonna keep it to 1 working set similar to feast 1-5)
Shrugs + calf raises

I opted to drop bicep and tricep work as it seems from a lot of posts that the bench press and back work will be ample. I really do want larger arms as my goal is to gain mass (which would probably come easy with my noob gains/age of 19), but if Rob says he hasn't curled in years I have to have faith =). Let me know what you guys think!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 12:46 am
by doolee
SO EXCITED. Was feeling sore still (3 days off, but couldn't get much sleep) in my triceps and hamstrings, and had barely any energy so I wasn't sure how my 1 rep workout would be. Took my EC, walked in the gym, and I knew it was going to be a good workout.

1 rpm bench: 145 (PR! 125 previously).
135 went up so easy I was a little surprised I couldn't get past 145. Still very happy about this though as my chest progression has always been VERY slow.

1rpm leg press: 860 (PR!)
Never had a real max on leg press, but I had never been higher than 700. My hamstrings were a little sore, and I ran out of time at my gym. I felt like I could have gone higher, but didn't want to risk it today.

Had a lot of trouble doing my dumbbell pullovers though. Did a set of five with the usual weight 60 pound dumbbell. Couldn't get a good stretch in the chest like usual, because my triceps felt like they were about to tear. Was too sore to even try to lower the weight.
All EDTS went up.

Thank you guys for all the support. Namely Rob and John for keeping my spirits up when I was doubting bench progression. Can't wait to begin GLP1!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:47 am
by xlb57
That's what's up my man! Congratulatons on your accomplishment. Time to set a new goal now and start hammering away at the iron to attain it!

Posted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:58 am
by RobRegish
New PR's!

Fantastic man. Don't get to married to them though... new PR's with GLP1 are right around the corner :)

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:54 am
by doolee
Been busy so haven't been able to complete my log. However, I am at the end of my GLP1, and thus, the end of my feast.
Weight - 202 up from 180
It should be noted that I did increase my bf%, but seeing as how I'm 19 I really was aiming to put on as much mass as possible.
Bench Press - 165 up from 145 (145 being the PR I set on the 1st week of feast with my pre-famine being 125).
Leg Press - 930 up from 860
EDTS: All EDTS went up by approximately ten pounds while maintaining equal reps.
Dumbbell Pullovers: stayed roughly the same, but I had issues with my triceps while performing the exercise. The strain is still there, but no longer painful to perform.

Thoughts: Really enjoyed the gains, and I have visually increased my muscle mass significantly. Looking forward to cruise as I really would like to try BIU. Rob has praised it repeatedly, and I want to see the difference from my current E/C + KA stack.

Future Plans: Planning on continuing my bulk till Mid January, mixing my routine up with the Dorian Yates mass videos on bb. Will get through about 4 weeks of that, and then I plan on cutting till around May (any advice on long term cuts would be appreciated!!!). Will then attempt my second BP run throughout the summer, using either EBOL or the adaptogen N (though i'm 19 and would like to save it till near expiration date if possible).

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:30 am
by RobRegish

22lbs? Even with some fat gain those lifts indicate a LARGE % were LBM. Fantastic work and that's a terrific bulk. Specifically, THIS really speaks volumes!

Bench Press - 165 up from 145 (145 being the PR I set on the 1st week of feast with my pre-famine being 125).

So a 20lb jump during what, 3 weeks or so into BP and ANOTHER 20lb jump 3 weeks later? Awesome stuff!!

Would you consider posting this on body building dot com? If you do, please include this, telling them where to get it: ... nials.html

Either way, happy for you as THIS is the reason I wrote the book! The BEST is yet to come however. I'll be right here to assist in the cutting if so desired although in your case, I'd rather go with a re-comp. At age 19, it's important to build as much LBM as possible even at the expense of being "ripped". Your goals though so I'll support whichever you choose.

This is YOUR Blueprint!

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:39 am
by doolee
I will gladly post on bb. People need to know that the blueprint is good stuff! Excited to read 3.0 for all the new and interesting information!

I considered recomp, but some of my clothes are starting to get uncomfortable at this point. Already pushing it as it is. I'm not quite sure I'll carry out the entire lengthy cut, but I definitely could drop 10 quick pounds or so. After that, I may proceed with a recomp.

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 1:11 pm
by DV8
Congrats on those awesome gains!!! 20+lbs in that amount of time is really amazing.

The increase in your lifts is what really impressed me though. While 20 and 10 lbs is impressive, the % increased for each lift is outstanding.

Looks like another great example of how this program pays off!

Great job!