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Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:00 pm
by zip
Keep us posted on how you like Bonerforge.. I've heard some pretty good reviews!


Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:59 pm
by Big.jazayrli
zip wrote:Keep us posted on how you like Bonerforge.. I've heard some pretty good reviews!

the original is EPIC, no question. i've used it twice.

I'm gonna use promax for this run, will review it for sure.

Today's workout (2 min between all sets):

Squats: 345x5x4x4
100 lb DB Row SS/Chins: 6/5 x 5/4 x 5/4
DB Curls 55 lb x 4
EZ Bar Curls 105 lb x 6
Cable Curls 75 lb x 6 (should have done more weight)

Workout felt pretty good today. Things are gonna be good,i can feel it. But DAMN IM SORE!

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 3:01 pm
by Big.jazayrli
on a sidenote: The running before the workout definitely downed my squats a bit, but all is well, will make up for it in next workout. i feel so out of shape haha

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 2:53 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Hit my second famine workout today (which puts me in famine day 4 of 7) and boy it was hard! The fact that i have a very spotty shoulder didn't help out at all, workout was as follows:

Incline DB Press 75x8 SS Shoulder Press 40x8
Dips BW+30x8 SS Shoulder Press 40x8
Pushups BWx10 SS Shoulder Press 40x5,35x4

Skullcrushers: 75x8
French Curls: 75x8
Cable Pressdowns: 80x10

This all burnt so bad it was unimaginable. I can definitely tell im getting where I need to be with this famine run. I feel so incredibly weak though, its just disheartening haha

diet is pretty spot on today, though yesterday i did go over a little bit, i don't think it was enough to be a problem. And my protein consumption hasn't exceeded 15 or 20g per day so far, so all is well.


more to come-


Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:39 pm
by xxtotuxx
nice job bro. keep it up.

there was nothing better than eating all the food on Day 1 of Feast.

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 5:29 pm
by Big.jazayrli
xxtotuxx wrote:nice job bro. keep it up.

there was nothing better than eating all the food on Day 1 of Feast.

true that man, it really is fantastic. Particularly since the first 3 days are kinda no-holds-barred (within reason)

Another thing i forgot to add: BW today: 197.5 (-4 lbs in 4 days, right on the money!)

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:53 pm
by DaCookie
Hey big J do you have a review for ultima/bioforge?

Keep us updated on the new bioforge.I recommend you try Adaptogen N, it really is something.Also I think you should drop the black cats.It has things in it which possibly could lead to an increase in estrogen.

Go to an all you can eat on your first day of feast :D I did that last time and it was really enjoyable.Got some class value downing like 5 plates of food while my mates struggled with like 1.5

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:32 am
by Big.jazayrli
DaCookie wrote:Hey big J do you have a review for ultima/bioforge?

Keep us updated on the new bioforge.I recommend you try Adaptogen N, it really is something.Also I think you should drop the black cats.It has things in it which possibly could lead to an increase in estrogen.

Go to an all you can eat on your first day of feast :D I did that last time and it was really enjoyable.Got some class value downing like 5 plates of food while my mates struggled with like 1.5
haha for sure man i will

bioforge (original, the only one i've used thus far) is an AMAZING product. Really its fantastic. Decrease in BF (mirror wise) and increase in LBM, allbeit not HUGE, more than without it. Also a very noticeable constant pump going from the I3C

Ultima i ended up trading away, didn't get a chance to use it in time.

What ingredient are you referring to in black cats?

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:38 pm
by DaCookie
Licorice root, white willow bark.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:43 pm
by DaCookie
I believe Rob says to stay from ingredients like this also, if I am right then hes is referring to phytoestrogens.

I think its not really 100% at the moment if they increase estrogen levels but better safe then sorry I think.

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:32 pm
by Big.jazayrli
ah right i do remember reading that.

At any rate i only use them sparingly, if ever, so its not anything that will become an issue.

I actually have a sealed tub of bullnox andrurush that im pretty excited to try out through this feast phase

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:39 am
by Big.jazayrli
Another boring day of hunger today. Gad i hate these last couple days. But tomorrow marks my third (and last) famine workout, which means i can either choose to take a 6th day of famine come thursday, or start feast a day early and take 4 days before i start working out on monday.

What shall he do!??! Only time will tell ;)

Another good/GREAT note: Abs are once again visible, residual damage from my Canada trip is slowly disappearing. And i expect it to continue to throughout my feast with the inclusion of such a high forskolin dose.

Good things to come peeps, stay chimed in :)

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:36 pm
by Big.jazayrli
Oh my Goodness. what a workout today.

Squats 240x13/DB Row 70x12

Bent Row 135x12/Reverse Grip Pulldowns 80x12

Then 3 different types of curls, all 30 second breaks between sets, this made me want to die, but got through it. Probably Gonna start feasting tomorrow or friday. :)

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:43 pm
by scump
hey man, in to see you hit 500 ;)

lol i read you say " But tomorrow marks my third (and last) famine workout,"

i was thinking :S hes not gunna run the BP ever again? lol untill i re-read it and realise what you mean.

about 3 weeks away untill i start my BP run, really cant wait!