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Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:24 pm
by DaCookie
Heres a new one for you Rob:

Fenugreek extract standardized for Fenuside, what you think?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:36 pm
by Big.jazayrli
DaCookie wrote:Heres a new one for you Rob:

Fenugreek extract standardized for Fenuside, what you think?
isnt that the substance from which 4-hydroxyisoleucine is derived?

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:12 pm
by RobRegish
I actually love a well done Fenugreek and think highly of it.

Best ever was Sabinsa's 70% Fenusterols. I still have some left! Fantastic stuff. Standardizing for 4-hyroxy iso is the ideal if looking to shuttle nutrients into muscle. You see it in Kre-Anabloyn for example. And I'm pretty sure it's from Sabinsa so like everything else MASS uses, top shelf.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 9:53 am
by DaCookie
Ah if its in KA then no need to worry about it then.I should really check whats in KA and adaptogen N, havent bothered because they were both so good lol

Heres 2 more for ya rob:

Epimedium (Icariin)

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 6:27 pm
by RobRegish
Icariin interests me very much because it's not a test booster... it's a tesosterone mimetic, which I find intriguing. I still have to toy with it but suspect Faggadogia outperformed it in tests which is why you saw Icariin dropped from the new BF.

That's IF you're shooting for higher test levels. A test mimetic on the other hand, represents another avenue. An interesting avenue..

The I3C is a quality anti-E and probably one of (if not the) best truly NATURAL anti-e. Present in large amounts in cabbage, it was responsible for the lower rate of breast cancer way back when when people ate more of it. DIM (di-indole methane - related compound) was supposed to be stronger but it didn't work out that way...

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:34 pm
by DaCookie
So basically this is what I want to add to my next bulk(ill be using other things also, mostly stuff i havent used up and of course KA and AN):

fadogia aggrestis(faggadogia WAT lol)
ara a
bulk forskolin(heard the bulk stuff is no different?Pretty cheap from nutra)
d-aspartic acid

And then I was thinking of I3C as you speak of it highly and I dont have an anti-e.Do you know a good source?You think I should add Fenugreek or replace something?Know a good source?I have a good bit more money now so its not really a problem.2 exams left!Kinda in the fence now about if ill bulk or cut.Maybe some mad partying for a week and then bulk for a quick blueprint run(quick ones seem to work better with me?Gained really little near the end of my first carbs bulk, thats where I put on the fat)

For the bulk I will be using e-bol, tbol trib also but only till they are finished.Dont think I will repeat purchase those.Maybe the cbol creatine though.Was thinkin about Gamma GH and DHEA too.I dont get nitro AKG, just looks like a pump product advertising stuff about NO like all the others

Cheers Rob.I hope this helps others.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 6:04 am
by RobRegish
OK here's what I'd do. You've got some over-lap there so its time to simplify..

KA and AN

These are going to REALLY add to things as you'll soon see. All of your test boosting/protein synthesis bases are covered with these. And FYI AN already contains DHEA so no need to supplement with that. Likewise with KA you already have a solid creatine in there plus nutrient partitioners.

I see no need for Faggadogia/D-aspartic acid this run as it'd be overkill on top of Bulgarian Trib, Longjax, DHEA and Ldopa. Even if it added to things you wouldn't know what's doint what!

Likewise, I3C would only be indicated if you had an estrogen related issue? Do you?? If not I'd drop it or perhaps save for Cruise.

Gamma GH would be a solid addition but I'd like you to consider the following insofar as those extra discretionary dollars are concerned..

Your real complimentary products here are nutritional in nature, not performance enhancing. AN/KA already have that more than covered and each brings 4-5 compounds to the table. Almost over-kill in itself.

Rather, I'd suggest investing in more BCAA's and quality whey proteins/peptides like MassPro or modified starches like WMS, Kwik Karb or a soon to be named third product I have under wraps :)

Yes, it's coming. Something entirely unique, non-hormonal and guaranteed to blow the doors off of whatever you're using currently. Something so profound it'll obliterate DOMS, replenish muscle substrate WHILE you train and drastically accelerate recovery. Something that will allow you to workout out harder, longer and MUCH more frequently.... making every Feast phase that much more productive.


Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 10:57 am
by DaCookie
Found something on fadogia agrestis, but its 2 years old so I dont know the outcome ... opic=32791

No I dont have estrogen issues.

Cant wait for what you have in store.

Edit: Also I havent used up a lot of the other stuff too and I will purchase them again.When you said to get BCAAs and WMS I really loaded up.I bought a 10kg tub of WMS, 1kg of BCAAs and 500g of glutamine.Still have most of that left.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:03 pm
by RobRegish
They will still serve you well.

WMS isn't perfect but it's no worse than sugar and loads nutrients quickly and efficiently. Unlike sugar it does so without bloat and making you feel like death.

The BCAA's/Glutamine of course, are rock solid.

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 3:38 am
by jimmyk21
RobRegish wrote: or a soon to be named third product I have under wraps :)

Yes, it's coming. Something entirely unique, non-hormonal and guaranteed to blow the doors off of whatever you're using currently. Something so profound it'll obliterate DOMS, replenish muscle substrate WHILE you train and drastically accelerate recovery. Something that will allow you to workout out harder, longer and MUCH more frequently.... making every Feast phase that much more productive.



Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 5:08 am
by RobRegish
Once the lab samples are back and final formula is in the works..... you will be hearing MUCH more about it :)

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 2:08 am
by dracotdrgn
Hope that's soon, got me hooked

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 6:49 pm
by RobRegish

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:01 pm
by Big.jazayrli
RobRegish wrote::)

<-- wants to test said product being the blueprint whore that he is!

... :D