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Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:26 pm
by Phrogg
successfully didnt lift today. (I cant stand it not lifting. I work at my gym as a weightroom attendant so it makes it even more difficult.) I did some cardio though. Just ran a 5k and then did 10 min on the eliptical. Rest of diet looked like this.

Meal2 handfull of wasabi almonds, 1 scoop myofusion
meal3 2 whole wheat wraps with 1.5 grilled chicken breasts in them, lettuce, mustard, pickles, 1 carbmaster yogurt.
meal4 pre workout- 2 fruit and nut granola bars, 1 scoop whey
meal5 1 scoop whey, big bowl of special k vanilla almond cereal, 1 cup cottage cheese+1 carbmaster yogurt
meal6 (to be eaten) probably some cottage cheese and PB

I usually dont eat cereal at all but I was craving it. Anyways, not lifting has me feeling kinda down :cry: but im gonna stick with it!

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:17 am
by RobRegish
Good deal.

Use this time to build the fire inside, which sounds like it's already raging..

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:35 am
by Phrogg
Damn , that fire is raging for sure! I ran 5 miles today. I was bookin it...well for somebody that doesnt do much cardio. I did the 5 miles in 34 min. Aint bad for someone who doesnt ever run.


meal1 1 cup oats, 1 scoop whey, 1 carbmaster yogurt, 1 tbsp natty PB
meal2 Premier nutrition Protein bar (30g protein)
meal3 2 whole wheat chicken wraps (same as yesterday), handful almonds
meal4 Another protein bar (will be a serving of my isomass extreme gainer during feast)
meal5 Ripped berry acai smoothie from booster juice with added green tea matcha booster(usually its 1 schoop whey, 1 scoop waximaize)
meal6 2 chicken breasts, 1 cup green beans, 1 large yam
meal7 1 cup cottage cheese, 2 tbsp natty pb

I was thinking of using this basic diet for feast phase...whatcha think rob? Its about 3500 cals.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:47 am
by RobRegish
This is an excellent template and yes, good to go for the Feast!

Nice work Phrogger. The makings of your off week (attention to detail, questions you're asking) all point to a great first run.

Right here with you every step of the way too :)

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:25 am
by Phrogg
Did 30 minutes of HIIT on the arc trainer, then did a bunch of shrugs. Didnt run today because my calves were a little tender from the run I had yesterday. The diet was solid..about like yesterday.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:54 am
by Phrogg
My last lifting day was last friday. Could I just start the famine this saturday or would it be wise to start it on monday. Thanks again, Rob.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:17 pm
by RobRegish
Best to start when you feel ready. I like Mondays....can't really tell you why. Possibly due to better "structure" during the week.

Others may prefer another day of the week. The key is your comfort level with the material, the task at hand and being mentally/physically ready.

Brainsquirt is great at answering these types of questions. Perhaps PM him for his take.

Those are the qualifiers in my book.

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:02 pm
by Phrogg
Alright I have decided to start my famine phase on saturday.Tomorow Ill do another intense cardio session then probably go out for one last cheat meal. Today, diet was good and I did another intense 30 min of HIIT on the arc trainer. Cant wait to start this and get the famine phase out of the way!

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:45 pm
by cyingling
good luck phrogg.. it really isn't too bad.. of course i'm saying this before workout #3..

just keep it up..

Day one famine 5/1/10

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 10:10 am
by Phrogg

Ok so todays the first day of famine. Im about to head out to work. Had one last big cheat meal last night and boy, was it good! Philly cheesesteak sandwhich with sweet potato fries. Then a whole bunch of peanuts. Went to rodeo steak house but didnt have much cash so I opted for something other than steak. Took my sister out because she was having friend troubles and she needed cheering up.

Breakfast this morning looked like this

1 medium apple, 1 tbsp no salt added natty peanut butter, 1/2 cup of brewed green tea.

I only was able to get 1/2 the cup of green tea before I almost puked. The stuff is terrible without sweetener! Anyways about to head off to work then hit up the gym after. Will post back later with rest of diet and workout.

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:28 pm
by RobRegish
Nice start Pfrogger!

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 8:33 pm
by Phrogg

Workout went like this
Squats (warmup) 135x10, 185x10, 225x7...Working sets (245x7, 255x6, 255x5)
Cable rows 70x10, 70x10, 70x10...working sets ( 120x6, 120x6, 120x6)

Legs and back didnt feel that bad so...I did 3 supersets with Bent over rows and SLDL. Just did high reps like 12-15 reps per excersise and just used 135.

Ez barl curls 3 sets 65x8, 65x7, 65x7

Incline DB curls 3sets 25sx8, 25sx8, 25sx8

Preacher curls 3 sets 65x5, 55x7, 55x7

Then did 20 min moderate intensity cardio on the arc trainer. Got home and ate a baked butternut squash. Right now I made a fruit smoothie with odwalla superfood juice and frozen bananas; also having some carrots and cauliflower to fill me up.

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 8:33 pm
by Phrogg
Oh and the squats are rows were superset. 8)

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 4:47 am
by RobRegish
"Legs and back didnt feel that bad so...I did 3 supersets with Bent over rows and SLDL. Just did high reps like 12-15 reps per excersise and just used 135".

Recall your rep range should be 4-6 :)

No worries though, just stick with the plan. First workout isn't bad. The 2nd is more challenging and the 3rd is more difficult still...