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Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 11:26 pm
by RobRegish
Linkiroth wrote:Just for clarification because I feel that the BP is not terribly clear on all this:

In general, prior to performing the chosen loading pattern, we perform the normal feast "bridge" workouts (as outlined in the feast stickies) in order to establish a 1RM.

A. Correct!!!

Following these "bridge" workouts and the establishment of a new 1RM, we rest for X (EDIT: 3... :)) number of days and then begin our loading pattern of choice (in this case, GLP #1. But the other protocols would follow the same principles) using our new 1RM as a guideline. In the context of the Blueprint periodic (is that camelcase?),

A. You lost me on camelcase.. :), but you're nailing it so far!!!

we then proceed with our new 1RM (105% of 1RM established in the bridge) from GLP #1 to GLP #2 and so on into the Russian programme and finally 10% solution. (with the caveat that most people will break between GLP #2 and the Russian programme to fast and return to feast)

Is that how I am to understand it? One would not simply jump into GLP#1 after the fast?
A. Your interpretation is excellent!! Bear in mind though, those bridge workouts 1-5 are uber-important. Also, your training frequency is VERY important. Meaning if you start with a 1on/1off, periodically re-evaluate every 10 days or so.... b/c in short order, you'll need to move to a 1on/2off, to accommodate the greater stresses (brought about by lifting heavier weights for more reps).

Otherwise, fantastic work interpreting my ADD-laced hyper-verbage... :)

Hope that helps!!