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Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 10:54 pm
by jox51
Feast Workout 4. Deload

BB Benchpress 245x5
Pullups   BW x 9

Squats 315 x 8
Deadlifts 225 x 8


Incline DB Press   85 x 6 x 5 sets
T-Bar Rows 125 x 6 x 5 sets
Incline DB Press   85 x 5
T-Bar Rows 125 x 4
Incline DB Press   85 x 2
T-Bar Rows 125 x 3

Static Hold Abs

160 x 20 sec
160 x 20 sec
160 x 20 sec

Cardio. Escalated Density Cardio?

Ran more in the same amount of time than last time. :-)

Treadmill. 2.35 miles in 20 min

Felt very good, felt stronger and felt like I could last longer. Today was the best workout I had since starting BP. Looking forward to 1RM. :). Cheers.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:18 am
by jox51
1RP Max day

BB Bench Press 300

Squat 400

For some reason, I have never been a fan of maxing out.

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 2:28 am
by JML2011
nice job! Maybe by the end of my run I will be close to these numbers!

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:06 pm
by jox51
You will JML, just stay at it.

BB Bench Press GLP 1 style
1P50x 10
160 x 8
185 x 8
200 x 8
220 x 8
235 x 7

Incline DB Presses 85 x 6 x 4
Incline DB Presses 85 x 5
Incline DB Presses 85 x 4
Seated Cable Rows 115 x 6 x 6

Rack Pull Static Holds
315 x20 sec
335 x20 sec
355 x 20 sec

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:25 pm
by jox51
My Own Leg Workout

Hack SQ 

360 x 10
450 x 10
540 x 8 
630 x 6


Leg Ext. 210 x 6 x 7
Leg Curl 115 x 6 x 7

My own Shoulder workout

Seated DB Press
65 x 10
75 x 10 
85 x 5

Standing Barbell Press
135 x 7
135 x 6
135 x 5

Static Holds Abs

110 x 20 sec x 2

Workout went well. I felt strong doing the hack squats. Felt strong doing shoulders considering I havent worked them in about a month. Taking the formula and havent felt sore at all. Loving the Mass Pro supps. Big Props. Taking Mass Pro whey, kre- anabolyn, adaptogen-n, and the GABA.