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Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 8:13 am
by RobRegish
Thanks Zee, way above and beyond as always...

What began as an interesting side project has now mushroomed into something much, much larger. Consider the following:

1.) I sold my very first course on 3/17/2009. This, due in large part thanks to MASS for giving The Blueprint a home and bringing it out of my basement, putting it out there such that people could benefit.... regardless of whether or not they used MASS products. I will be forever grateful...

Things were SLOW going and there was a LONG time when AskMass and I were the only 2 on here :)

2.) Circa late December 2008 an order came across from Greece. Turned out to be Thermolife rep Bane. As you know, The Blueprint doesn't even mention Thermolife, not once. In fact, it recommends a competing Ecdy product (Kre-Anabloyn).

3.) On January 5th 2009 Thermolife very publically and officially endorsed the program, invited me to their website and allowed me to promote. To this day, they include a link to my ad copy web page and allow me to "pimp" as it were, although I try not to do too much of that anywhere.

4.) Things started to happen rapidly. I had many satisfied customers and now....they were beginning to talk about it/log it on the boards.

5.) There is no "sales engine" for The Blueprint. I am a lousy salesman and will admit that right here and now. My strengths lie in researching, analyzing and the practical application. On that score, I think I have succeeded.

So we find ourselves in a most interesting situation. For the first time that I can remember, we have at least two supplement companies agreeing and promoting one thing; an independent voice (The Blueprint) that will allow their respective customers to get the MOST out of their products.

I have to tell you this is long overdue and I am most pleased it has worked out this way. People have been professional, honest and keeping the focus right where it should be: your results.

Speaking of which Zee, I see things are starting to snowball now. And I couldn't be happier for you!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:22 am
by zeebodybuilder
Thank you I love your support, seriously. every reply is bettre then the 1 before I dont know which 1 to delete when inbox is full lol,..

Seriously your are the best..

I just want to succed on my first time round on Bp..

1 thing i just ant to mention is that my weight is down or still same at 74kg. Hopefully soon it will rise..


workout 2 bench

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:11 pm
by zeebodybuilder
Just wnated to liost as I go.. I did this workout as you know on monday..

Workout 2: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 61%x8, 66%x6, 73%x6, 78%x6, 85%x6


wokrout 2 squats

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:12 pm
by zeebodybuilder
I will be doing this workout on wednesday or thursday depending if im still feeling soreness in my legs..

Workout 2: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 61%x8, 66%x6, 73%x6, 78%x6, 85%x6


Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:18 pm
by RobRegish
Yeah Zee. Good planning and use this time to fuel the fire!

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:29 am
by zeebodybuilder
I have deiceded to take another days rest as legs are still abit sore and if tommarow I feel they still not ready I will take another day off and train them friday If needed..

I will like to ask If I train them friday could I still go and train chest on staurday.. as by then the chest will have recovered?

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 6:31 pm
by RobRegish
Sure Zee. Remember, you're shooting for full recovery.

Use those off days to your advantage to practice visualizing your lifts. If your goal is 5 reps, picture 7 or 8. You get the picture.

What the mind believes the body will achieve. Believe it..

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:57 pm
by zeebodybuilder
1 thing i keep forget to mention is that I really have difficulty in building the arch while bench pressing,, also have read some many times that shoulders blades should be squuezed together but cant seem to work this positioning out??

any tips videos ii can watch to fully understand Rob?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 6:16 am
by RobRegish
Many schools of thought on this but here's what I do:

The key is staying tight as a drum. I lay perfectly flat when setting up. Get my hand spacing just right first. Also, I make sure that the bar is lined up with the wrist and not held back in the palm... essentially turning it into a tricep extension and you lose a lot of leverage.

Then I get my arch. I bury the shoulder blades into the bench, squeezing them together and tuck my feet. I take that bar out of the rack with authority too. Squeeze the hell out of it to activate the triceps. I have no spotter/liftoff (I do it in a power rack).

Now don't stress too much about this. If you over-concentrate on it it'll throw your ability to get the reps/weight. This is no time to radically change your form. Just be mindful of staying tight/lifting it with authority and you'll be fine....

And I saw your FB bench. You bring a strong mental game to the table and stayed tight when the rep got challenging. Powered right through it and accelerated right through the top of the lift so no, I'm not worried :)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:58 am
by zeebodybuilder
Lol, thanks but recently couldnt even get the arch back on like i did in that video,


workout 2 legs

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:20 am
by zeebodybuilder
What I succes please check log/..

wokrout 3 bench saturday

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:21 am
by zeebodybuilder
Thsi is what I will be doing on my 3rd workout..

Workout 3: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 66%x8, 73%x6, 78%x4, 85%x4, 90%x4


Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2010 7:31 pm
by RobRegish
Yes, and I saw on your other log it went quite well :)

You're getting it now Zee. Three or four in a row!

workout 3 squats

Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 5:10 pm
by zeebodybuilder
Will be doing this for tuesday..

had a great workout.. I dont care about the pump like you said just care bout the energy and my getting focussed on lifting that heacy weight.. for the reuired reps thats all i have in mind now. I dont care bout how pumped I AM..

Workout 3: 6 sets as follows- 50%x10, 66%x8, 73%x6, 78%x4, 85%x4, 90%x4



also what your honest opinion on my log. do you think its decent enough for readers to folllow me..