Size but little definition?And tanning.

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Size but little definition?And tanning.

Post by DaCookie »

Ive always been pale.Not milk coloured but not far from it.I dont tan well, I just go red then back to white.Does being tan have anything to do with definition(see all the white guys using bronze for mr olympia)?Any way to make me more tan without the sun(seeing as I dont tan well) or without fake tan?What can I take that is safe?

Im small in weight compared to the guys on here, but im still much bigger than people who are my height and weight, I think it may be due to having bones with not much mass or something so im a good bit bigger than my weight says but everytime I talk with my mates they always say "you have size but not really any definition"(have had like 2 or 3 people say this so im not just imagining it) I want to correct this and I dont see how other than getting darker skin or going down body fat and im already pretty low(about 9-12% bf, I think a low 10 but calipers aint very accurate)

Thanks for any responses.
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Post by RobRegish »

Have your solution right here Cookie - Bronze Organic

10:1 'Canthaxanthin Supreme' - BRONZE ORGANIC

"Canthaxanthin (pronounced can-tha-zan-thin) has been popular for decades among bodybuilders, models, celebrities and people from all walks who say it gives them a "just back from vacation" appearance - without the ultraviolet exposure associated with sun tanning and indoor tanning beds. Clint Eastwood is noted as having been the first Hollywood star to use Canthaxanthin.

What is it? A naturally occuring antioxidant, CANTHAXANTHIN is a range of carotenoid colors related to Beta Carotene. It is generally recognized as safe (GRAS) as a food color additive and extensively used in commercial goods like ketchup, Ocean Spray cranberry juice, etc. Part-and-parcel of many animal feeds, it's utilized to enhance color in salmon and egg yolks (hens and salmon are fed 80mg), and the colorful plumage of exotic birds. Health researcher Durk Pearson sumized his findings as follows in his best selling book, LIFE EXTENSION; Canthaxanthin provides even better protection from ultraviolet light and singlet oxygen than Beta Carotene, and it gives the skin the apperance of a beautiful, natural-looking golden copper tan".

CANTHAXANTHIN does not "tan" skin, however. We offer it as an organic antioxidant color additive only. 30mg per 16 ounces of food or liquid ingested is the suggested dosage. To elaborate on what Pearson researched and reported; he discovered that Canthaxanthin lends color to the second (subcutaneous) layer of skin and since the top layer is transparent it can show through and "give the appearance of a tan", to paraphrase his words. Many bodybuilders are known to use tanning beds and sunbathing in conjunction with Canthaxanthin supplements and routinely report achieving an extremely deep, bronzed look. Conversely, while most health professionals advise against excessive ultraviolet exposure, many do recommend light but regular early or late day sun exposure for health benefits."

Consumer ALERT: Accept only the Gold Standard, BRONZE ORGANIC™ in the brushed gold label. Celebrated as the world's darkest, Bronze Organic contains ONLY ultra-premium 10:1 'Canthaxanthin Supreme'. Beware of low grade, low potency pretenders full of additives and fillers - some of which have been exposed as containing a mere 3-5mg of Canthaxanthin (with label trickery designed to mislead). Only genuine BRONZE ORGANIC is rigorously tested and 100% certified for guaranteed maximum levels of ultra-pure, ultra-premium 10:1 Canthaxanthin. It's the "one cap per meal" Real McCoy."

Now here's what it does: This natural carotenoid builds up in the transleucent layer of the skin, imparting a deeper color. Combine that wilt a LITTLE sunlight and you will be dark. And yes, it for sure will impart a more "cut" look to your physique. We've known this for years..

Important to point out that this really is the genuine article. Years ago, "Canthaxanthin" was watered down to include many inferior ingredients (other carotenoids) that turned you ORANGE. Yes, orange. It turned EVERYTHING orange, if you get my drift.

The truth is, even with this product you need a bit of sunshine. You'll find though, all it takes is a little and you'll tolerate thses rays quite well!

Hope that helps..
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Post by DaCookie »

Ill give this a whizz but when I said dark, I ment like properly dark, not just average.

Something like: ... grande.jpg

I was originally gonna buy this but I didnt cause I thought all it did was make it so you dont burn as fast.

Heard something about topical forskolin giving a darkened look aswell.But you have to apply it so that would be a pain.

Cheers Rob
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Post by dropthebeats »

I'm glad you asked that question Cookie. I have always had the same problem. This product sounds awesome, and I'm definitely going to try this sometime in the future.

On the Musclemass webiste, it says that 60 caps come in a bottle. Rob, do you happen to know how long a bottle lasts?
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Post by RobRegish »

Depends. You'll probably want 3-4 whatever the special bundle pack is. Reason being, you "load" with a greater amount of capsule to obtain saturation and then cut back to keep levels high.

Been a while since I've used it but definately go for the multiple bottle special. And no, I'm not recommending that as an "upsell", just my own personal experience with the product..

Hope that helps..
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Post by DaCookie »

Aight, next order I make will have it in the basket.For now im just using the sample packet.

Presuming you dont agree with tanning beds right?As far as what ive read, there not safe at all.

Thanks Rob.

A. I am on the fence about these. NATURAL sunshine is preferred. If you MUST use a tanning bed, suggest minimal exposure once very 7-10 days or so to start. You will need far less as the canthaxanthin does a fine job acclerating/maintaining your tan!
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Post by dropthebeats »

Thanks Rob. That's what I'll do. It looks like a really good deal to get the 4 bottles. Can anyone take it? I was telling my girlfriend about it, and she has the same type of skin as I do, so of course she got really excited about it.
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Post by RobRegish »

Provided you rule out any contra-incdicatons then yes, it has an excellent safety profile.

Do take care on checking in with a DR. He/she will likely be unfamiliar with it but at least make the effort.
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