Siegtyr's First Run

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Post by siegtyr »

Day 8 - Feast

Still plugging away...
I'm right on target today, as far as diet and macro %'s, so I'm happy about that. Can't wait for the day that I don't have to count everything I eat and have it memorized by heart.

Workout was ok...
I worked all day in the friggin' heat, so I wasn't overly excited about the gym tonight. Also, I'm still totally new to this routine, so I was a little off on my weight choices. I'll be pushing it next week.
EDT #2:
squats = 185 x 6
x 6
x 5
x 5
x 4
x 4
rdl's = 135 x 6
x 6
x 5
x 5
x 4
x 4
seated calf raises = 120 x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
kneeling crunches = 65 x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6

The gym closed 2 hours early tonight to my surprise, so I had to speed up at the end. The lighter weights may have helped there. The first EDT kicked my butt!! I've never done rdl's before, and coupled with squats was a killer!! I'm still having issues with my weaker core and almost couldn't stand/walk in between a few of the sets. Hopefully, this area will catch up soon, due to all the new work.

That's all for now. Take care!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice work, especially in this heat!
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Post by siegtyr »

Day 10 - Feast

I took yesterday off, as my legs were shot from the day before and I couldn't see me knocking out much cardio. I, also, ate and drank a bunch of stuff I shouldn't have, but it was a nice break.

I resumed normal program today, performing my third workout so far for the feast. Last time was my first edt routine, and it kicked my butt, even though I didn't have my exact weights dialed in yet. This time, I bumped up the weight a tad in every lift, aside from the suicides, but even on that one I completed the 6 x 6 goals. So, I am pretty happy with this improvement, as I intend to push the bar even more next week.

Workout went as follows:
EDT routine
db bench 70's x 6 (up 5lbs each side)
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 4
x 4
incline po's 75 x 6 (up 10 lbs)
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 4
x 4
incline curls 30's x 6 (up 5lbs/Too easy last time/just right this time)
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
suicides 80 x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
I stuck with the timing pretty well this time and was overall happy and wiped out after this workout!!

My caloric goals will be a few hundred under today, as I wasn't hungry earlier, due to my gorging last night. And, even though I am under, my protein will be around 235-240 for the day. Not too shabby...

I believe I'm starting to notice the effects of the biu, as I was wanting to quit during the last several sets (on bi's and tri's), but something "clicked" and I pushed harder and hit my goal of 6 x 6. I think I'm gaining muscle, judging from the mirror, but I don't know if it's just the creatine pump or not. Aside from that, I don't really notice any rise in libido, "alpha" feelings, etc. that I've read about. Any idea how long that stuff takes to kick in?

That's all for now. Despite my cheat day, I'm still excited about the next few weeks of the program!!
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Post by RobRegish »

You really won't notice that from BIU. What you will notice is exactly what you're describing "wow, where did that come from?" in terms of work capacity, etc.

You WILL notice the Adaptogen N alpha feeling within 3 weeks if running that. Likely sooner...
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Post by siegtyr »

Day 11 - Feast

I hit the gym tonight and did the stationary bike for 30 minutes/10 miles/level 10. It felt good, but I didn't want to wipe out my legs before tomorrow's workout (squats and RDL's). I got a great sweat and hit the sauna for a little bit.

Diet was fine, as well. I'm missing a lot of sleep, though. I'm hitting my caloric goals easily. Oddly, I had gone down to 241 lbs even after my disastrous eating on Sunday, but now I'm up to 245 lbs. I must be putting on muscle, which is sweet (I need to skip my cheat days so I can drop more fat)!! At this point, I'm just sticking with the program and taking it a day at a time.

I'm looking forward to hitting some new goals tomorrow and will keep you posted. Thanks again!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome update and hit it BIG tomorrow!

Can't wait for your update..
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Post by siegtyr »

Day 12 - Feast

Damn you, Rob!!

I worked 14 hours today, in th sun once again, and I've only gotten 6 or 7 hours of sleep total for the past 2 days. I only work p/t right now, and I'm a night owl, but when they call, I have to be there early. I got home at 7:30 tonight, had a small meal, and planned to catch a good nap. I was rapidly talking myself out of the workout, as I really needed to snooze, and since my gym closes at 11pm.
I jumped online and read Rob's inspirational post before my nap and started feeling guilty. So, I grabbed a quick 1 1/2 nap and decided to tough it out. Unfortunately, by the time I woke up at 9:30 and got to the gym by 10:15, I had to work fast. Here's the update:

squats - 205lbs x 6 (up 20lbs)
x 6
x 6
x 4
x 4
x 4

rdl's - 220lbs x 6 (up 90lbs)
x 6
x 4
x 4
x 2
x 2
I went light last time since it was my first time doing them, so I jacked it up (for me, at least) tonight. I need to work on better form, but it still felt good. The rack was too high and I had trouble putting it back after the sets, so I lowered it and spent/lost energy in the 5th set.

seated calf raises - 180lbs x 3
(failed and dropped weights = embarrassing!!)
dropped down to 135lbs x 6 (up 15lbs)
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6

kneeling crunches - 65lbs x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
x 6
(I'm not sure if I'm doing these correctly, as I don't feel much)

So, in essence, I increased my weights everywhere except abs. My time was running out, so I had to finish the last 3 sets without rest periods. The rest of the workout, I kept the proper pace for the most part. I'm extremely excited about this, and I'm even happier to have discovered a new drive to keep pushing it and improving!!

Diet was fine - a little low, but not bad. I need to find a way to cram in more protein. I'm not working for the next few days, so I'll be catching up on sleep.

Thanks again, Rob, for your constant support and positivity!! As stated, without this forum, and your encouragement, I could've easily blown tonight off and let myself down. I've got a long way to go, but I can't believe how much value I've gotten for a measly $35!!!

That's all for now. Take care!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Ha ha this is GREAT!

Put that in your sig please :)

Seriously, soooo happy for you. Those increases are astounding. All I did was provide the information. YOU did the work, YOU reap the rewards.

This is YOUR moment. Enjoy it because you deserve it...
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Post by siegtyr »

Day 13 - Feast

Today went well. I caught up on my sleep, getting about 10 hours in. It felt great!!

Diet is right on target, calorically and macro. I'm not having any problems keeping my numbers down on my 70% days. Although, the weekend is looming...

Hit the gym tonight and did the elliptical for 15 min, then jumped to the bike and did another 15 min. Another good sweat and quite a bit of effort, due to the fact that my legs were burning from last night's torture session!!

Nothing major to report today; looking forward to bumping it up a notch tomorrow night as well. Take care!!
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Post by siegtyr »

Day 14 - Feast

Diet went well today. Still a couple hundred calories below maintenance but my protein is about 1gm/bw. Carbs and fats are in check.

Here's the workout summary (EDT):

db bench press - 75 x 6 (up 5lbs each from last workout)
x 6, x 4, x 4, x 4, x 3

incline po's - 80 x 6 (up 5lbs)
x 6, x 4, x 4, x 4, x 3

incline db curls - 35 x 6 (up 5 lbs each)
x 6, x 6, x 4, x 4, x 4

suicides - 90 x 6 (up 10lbs)
x 6, x 5, x 4, x 4, x 3

All-in-all, it was a good day. I'm getting used to the faster pace of the EDT workouts. No major strength gains, but I'm still pushing forward!! I keep thinking that, as long as I continue improving, I have to reach my goals eventually. I am seeing some positive changes in the mirror; definitely more muscle and some less fat, but I've still got a long haul left. The scale isn't really changing, which sucks, but I'm happy with what I can see.
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Post by RobRegish »

Ha ha that's great. It'll come... it's already happening. Body comp alterations are occurring!

Now you can accelerate it by adding 250-300/K day if you so wish. Right now though you're losing fat/gaining muscle at a roughly even exchange. In many people's eyes, this is ideal.

Either way... you're improving!
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Post by siegtyr »

I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound dumb, but are you saying that I can increase muscle/lose fat by increasing my calories (I don't know what K is). If so, would this apply to the 100/70 (days off) split as well? Thanks again, as always!!
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Post by siegtyr »

Day 19 - Feast

Well, I had some friends in town and I missed 4 days straight. As much fun as it was, now I have to pay the price. I was hoping to be strong from the rest today, but my shoulder was hurting and I spent half the day hung over. My diet hasn't been too bad, this week, and I am around 240lbs still.

EDT Workout:

db benchpress - 75 x 6
x 6, x 6, x 5, x 3, x 4

db po's - 80 x 6
x 6, x 6, x 6, x 5, x 4

incline curls - 35's x 6
x 6, x 6, x 4

suicides - 90 x 6
x 6, x 6, x 5

I used the same weights as last time, and got a couple more reps in, but I just wasn't into it tonight. Also, my shoulder started to really hurt, so I stopped a couple sets early, as I was cautious about another injury.

Despite how the workout went, I am glad to be back on the board and back in the gym. I'm looking forward to completing the program successfully!!
RobRegish wrote:Now you can accelerate it by adding 250-300/K day if you so wish.
Q: Can you please tell me what K is? Thanks!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Welcome back - I was wondering!

Sorry to hear about the shoulder BUT you got a few more reps! That's terrific. K = kilocalories.

People like me who want to impress you use it in place of "calories" :)
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