xxtotuxx's first try at the BLUEPRINT

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Post by xxtotuxx »

Hey Rob, what's your opinion on Cissus for some shoulder discomfort. It's not a huge pain, just a discomfort. You think it will help ? It's about 15 bucks for 100grams, and dosing it at 4-5 grams, should be about 20-25 days of usage.

Also, does the % of the keto matter?
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Post by RobRegish »

I LOVE me some Cissus.

I started with Super Cissus Rx bulk powder. Stuff worked incredibly well. That's a 10% extract, if memory serves.

I now use the 5% powder, $10 for 100g. Stuff is working just as well too. I'm no Cissus expert but I believe the lower the % extract the better for joint pain and the higher the better for its "anabolic" properties.

Dunno. I'm still reading/researching and tinkering. This is one plant with promise though. I never had a reason to use it before but do now (age related lameness). It's made a believer out of me...
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 8 Feast

Today and tomorrow is rest. Ate the same stuff again. My diet has been really good. Sometimes it's a little hard getting to 250+ protein, but im doing it.

Nutrition: 3050 calories -> 47F/360C/250P

Day 9 Feast

Ate a little more than yesterday, since I had some bread from the bakery and some peanuts/almonds. Slept a lot today. I really want to rest up for the upcoming workouts this week, as they will be the toughest. Morning is usual breakfast, which is 1 egg/4 egg whites and 1.5 cup of oatmeal. Then I usually have an apple or a type of fruit, followed by lunch, another snack, a protein shake, dinner, and my pre-bed meal. My heavy meals are the breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sometimes I got to eat when I'm not hungry, but I can do it easily. I wasn't 240 pounds at 16 years old for nothing... :D

Nutrition: 3250~ cals/65F/390C/260P
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 10 Feast: Monday

Today was workout #4 of the Feast phase. Deload part. Moving up from 2-3 reps to 6-8 again. I like switching things up. Also, wanted to say that my strength has been increasing day by day, and I'm seeing some small progress in the mirror.

Workout #4: Deload (6-8 reps)

Started w/ the usual warmups for the bench press. Bar alone, and I keep moving from there. After all the warmups, I did the following:

Bench Press w/52.5 each side, total of 150, for 7 clean reps, followed by Pullovers with 50s for 8 reps.

Spotter told me I could have done one more on the bench. It's was nice to hear that. I'm progressing on the bench press, and I like it. I had hit a huge plateau, thanks to many reasons like bad form, and bad workout routines. Now, I'm heading in the right direction. :twisted:

Following this, I headed to the squats and the deadlifts. I gotta say, that I'm liking more this part than the bench on. I'm really enjoying the DLs. Burns those hamstrings like hell.

After warmups, I ended doing the following:

Squats w/ 70 lbs each side on the smith, for 8 reps. This was followed by the Romanian DLs w/ 50lbs each side, total of 145 for 8 reps.

I could have done more weight on the squats. But I was proud of that and thought I did a nice job. The deadlifts were really killer. Stretched those hamstrings a lot. Hope you proud Rob...

Now, onto the EDTs. First EDT is the Incline DB press followed by DB rows. I'm suprising myself everytime I do the incline press, because, honestly, it seems like I'm progressing strength-wise every workout. This causes me to use a weight that I'm certain I would fail at, at least pre-Blueprint, but I do more than I expected.

EDT Block #1: Incline DB Press and One Arm DB Row

Set #1 -> 60lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 60lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

Set #2 -> 60lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 60lbs One Arm DB Row for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 60lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 60lbs One Arm DB Row for 5 reps.

Set #4 -> 60lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 60lbs One Arm DB Row for 5 reps.

Set #5 -> 60lbs Incline DB press for 4 reps, followed by 60lbs One Arm DB Row for 5 reps.

Set #6 -> 60lbs Incline DB press for 4 reps, followed by 60lbs One Arm DB Row for 5 reps.

Set #7 -> 60lbs Incline DB press for 4 reps, followed by 60lbs One Arm DB Row for 5 reps.

Maybe did 2-3 more minutes that the recommended max of 20 minutes. I thought I would start to drop in the 2-3 range on the Incline DB Press, but surprisingly I didn't. Nice to see that..

EDT Block #2: Leg Press and Leg Extension

Set #1 -> 270lbs Leg Press for 7 reps, followed by 160lbs Leg Extension for 6 reps.

Set #2 -> 270lbs Leg Press for 6 reps, followed by 160lbs Leg Extension for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 270lbs Leg Press for 5 reps, followed by 160lbs Leg Extension for 5 reps.

Set #4 -> 270lbs Leg Press for 5 reps, followed by 160lbs Leg Extension for 4 reps.

Set #5 -> 270lbs Leg Press for 5 reps, followed by 160lbs Leg Extension for 4 reps.

Pounded on more weight than last time and still ended up doing a similar amount of reps. Those leg extensions at the end really hit the quads. Legs were busted after this...

Nutrition: Same old stuff. Yams, 2 cans tuna, chicken breasts, 95/5 ground beef, oatmeal, eggs/eggwhites, milk, peanut butter, and protein powders.

Total Macros: 3151 Cals/57F/390C/285P
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 11 Feast: Tuesday

Today is a scheduled rest day, but being the gym junkie I am, I can't stand being home bored if I can go to the gym and do some cardio and stuff. Did a shoulder superset on the shoulder press machine, some standing calf raises, some abs, and HIIT on the elliptical. The HIIT made my legs jello-like. I was certainly done after that cardio..!

Also, raised calories about 500 on weekdays and about 300 on weekends. Will be doing this for about a week and see where I stand on the scale. If I'm gaining to fast, I'll drop some calories.

Total Nutrition: 3523~ Cals -> 77F/450C/298P
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Gonna go to sleep now. Will update the rest tomorrow.
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Post by RobRegish »

That is some awesome work and so happy you're progressing again!!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 12 Feast: Wednesday

Today was my 5th workout of this phase. Being the 1RM, I was really anxious and really looked forward to this. I wanted to go workout in the morning since that way I could have a good spotter, but couldn't, so had to ask someone I really don't trust that much to help. He did a great job, so I was happy for that.

Took the usual pre-workout and some Beta Alanine, plus the BCAAs to sip during workout.

My goal for the Bench press was 185 x1. For pullover it was 65s for 3 reps, since I can't really fail on this exercise and want to stretch the chest max. Goal for squats was 100lbs each side, total of 200lbs + 20lbs that the smith bar weights. Deadlift goal was 70lbs each side, 185 total, for 3 reps.

Let's just say I did a little more than that :D

After warmups, I headed to do the 185x1. After resting until the point where I was ready, I did the 185. It was certainly heavy, but I was sure I could do 5 more pounds. 190lbs? Hell yeah! After rest, I did:

Bench Press w/72.5 each side, total of 190, for 1 clean rep, followed by Pullovers with 70s for 3 reps.

I pushed like I haven't pushed in this rep. Holy crap. Gave it my all, got payed back. Happy me is happy 8)

After this, I headed to the leg part of the workout. Again, the goal for squats was 220lbs (200 in weights and 20 for the smith bar), and 185 on the Romanian DL.

I ended up doing this:

Squats w/ 105lbs each side on the smith, for 1 rep. This was followed by the Romanian DLs w/ 75lbs each side, total of 1955 for 3 reps.

I felt so damn good about myself after doing this! The fact that I completed my goal, plus did a little extra, is just so fulfilling. All the hard work and dedication has been paying off.

I headed over to the EDTs.

EDT Block #1: Incline DB Press and Seated Cable Row

Set #1 -> 60lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 140lbs Seated Cable Row for 7 reps.

Set #2 -> 60lbs Incline DB press for 6 reps, followed by 120lbs Seated Cable Row for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 60lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 120lbs Seated Cable Row for 6 reps.

Set #4 ->60lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 120lbs Seated Cable Row for 6 reps.

Set #5 ->60lbs Incline DB press for 5 reps, followed by 120lbs Seated Cable Row for 6 reps.

Set #6 ->60lbs Incline DB press for 4 reps, followed by 120lbs Seated Cable Row for 5 reps.

I still haven't found the perfect weight for the seated rows. That used to be the old weight that I would fail at about 10 reps.

Next, the second EDT Block.

EDT Block #2: Barbell Curl and Lying Tricep Extension

Start of EDT Block: 4:08

Set #1 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 7 reps.

Set #2 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 6 reps.

Set #3 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 5 reps.

Set #4 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 6 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 5 reps.

Set #5 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 5 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 5 reps.

Set #6 -> 65lbs Barbell Curl for 5 reps, followed by 25lbs each side Lying Tricep Extension for 5 reps.

Did 2 or 3 less reps on the Barbell Curl than last time, but it was expected after doing the heavy basic exercises for the 1rm. Overall, an amazing workout. Did some abs and headed home.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

During both Wednesday and Thursday the electricity was out on my home. Spent about 30 hours w/o any... So my diet took a hit since I wasn't able to eat the required amount, and so had eat bakery bread and other already prepared stuff to reach the amount.

On Wednesday I believe I consumed about 2500-2700 calories. On Thursday it was a little more. Also, went out w/ the friends on Thursday and had some beers, so I'm sure I consumed about 700 cals of beer that day. I hadn't gone out drinking in about 2 months, so made an exception this day. These two days kinda set me off on the program diet-wise, but I've come back and going even stronger.
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Post by RobRegish »

"I felt so damn good about myself after doing this! The fact that I completed my goal, plus did a little extra, is just so fulfilling. All the hard work and dedication has been paying off."

- Music to my ears man... FANTASTIC!!!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 14 Feast: Friday 16th

Today was my first workout of the German Loading Pattern. Seeing how the workout goes, I'm sure this one will be even better than the previous workouts at building the muscle.

I will start w/ the diet. I woke up at around noon after going out w/ the friends last night. I stayed at a friend's apartment, so I didn't have access to my normal foods. Instead, we went out to eat to a local restaurant. There I had a sandwich and some other stuff. Total came to be about 700 cals, and 12~ Fat, so I was happy the stuff I eat was healthier than most other stuff. Got home, and since it was already about 3:00 PM, I grabbed the blender and made a shake w/ oats, milk, protein powder, and peanut butter. Came out to be about 1200 cals. The rest of the cals I ate them during the rest of the day.

Total: 3420 Cals -> 79F/421C/305P

Workout #6: Chest German Loading Pattern

Coming back from the friend's apartment, I arrived at my home in the afternoon and I haven't had the chance to see this workout and in what it consisted. So I spend about 30-45 minutes reading up, both the book and the forums, on what to do. Having an idea on what to do, I hit up the gym.

I started w/ the main part of the exercise, the 6 sets of Bench Press. I used the 1RM calculator to get the amount of weight I would be using at each %. Hope I did it correctly.

After warmups, I did the following:

Set #1 -> 50% x10 = 105lbs

Set #2 -> 55% x8 = 110lbs

Set #3 -> 60-62% x8 = 115lbs

Set #4 -> 65-67% x8 = 125lbs

Set #5 -> 72% x8 = 140lbs

Set #6 -> 80% x8 = 150lbs

The last few sets were challenging, especially the last one, which obv. was the hardest. Doing 8 reps at 150 is a new best for me. Felt proud of that too.

Following this, I did the EDTs. First one was the Incline DB Press and Seated Row. Next, was the Barbell Curl and the Lying Tricep Extension. Unfortunately, I got carried away on the gym and just was so focused that I forgot to write the amount of reps I did for each exercise. I do know the weights that I used. For the Incline DB press I raised the weight up to 65lbs DBs, and on the Seated Cable Row I raised it too and did 150. I was really suprised because I was certain I would fail the 65s, expecting to reach 2-3 reps at the final sets. Surprise, surprise! I only failed the final set at 4, doing 6 and 5 reps the other sets. I did about 6 sets, as this is usually what I do to fit the 15-20 min. mark. The cable rows were more challenging, as I had to put more effort on those, but I still improved the last numbers (I raised the weight and even did similar reps :D)

On the Lying Tricep Extension I had to do the first two sets using Overhead Cable Tricep Extension because they gym was pretty full and everyone was using the benches. I remember doing the first set 6 reps and the second 6 more, weight being at 150lbs. After this, I could do the others using the EZ Bar. Weight was 5lbs. more than usual, as I added 2.5 lbs plates to each side, plus the usual 25lbs. plates. Total weight (excluding the EZ Bar) was 55lbs. These were hard. Failed at the end at 4 I believe, the first one being 6 and lowering the reps to 5 until the end. For the Barbell Curl I added some weight as well. Total weight including barbell was 70lbs. As w/ the L. Tricep Extension, I started w/ 6 and 5 reps, until I failed at 4 the last two sets, if the memory doesn't fail me.

After this, I moved to the final part: Static Holds. Being a chest day, the static hold exercise was bench press. I loaded two 45lbs plates each side. Total weight was 225lbs. A gym buddy of mine saw that and told me: "Wow, you're juicing?". I ended up the following:

Three, 10 seconds each Static Holds w/ 225lbs. This def. gave me a good pump. Chest was hard. Next time I will try to go a little bit lower. Rob, when should I add more weight to my static hold?

Ended up w/ some abs.
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Day 15 and Day 16 Feast: Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th

Thank God! A weekend so I can rest. Before resting, I had to go to work on Saturday. After work, went to the grocery store to stock up on some stuff. Bought some yams, 95/5 ground beef, some turkey beef, fruits, bagels, and a sh*tload of oats lol. Rob, what's your opinion on ground meats that aren't extra lean? The ground turkey had about 17F for every 4oz, and about 20P.

Total for Saturday: 3288 Calories -> 83F/395C/260P (Is this enough protein for the E-Bol bottle?

Sunday was for rest, nothing else. Well deserved rest that is. Changed up the usual scrambled egg whites for 2 boiled eggs, plus the usual oatmeal. Ate a little more than I should have, but for some reason, I was feeling hungry as hell.

Total for Sunday: 3366 Calories -> 69F/429C/262P
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Post by RobRegish »

Add more weight to your static holds when you can comfortably hold the same weight for about 5 sec longer than the previous workout.

The ground lean meats are fine. No issues there.. 260g protein is plenty for Ebol, assuming your bodyweight is under 260 and total calories are at or above maintenance (they appear to be).

So happy you enjoyed workout #1 of GLP. You will likely miss a few reps here and there but as I note in The BP, no worries.

You are going to LOVE the combination of what GLP and EDT will do for you!
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Post by xxtotuxx »

Yeah, yesterday's squat GLP + EDT Block for the Legs literally destroyed my legs. Woke up today and they are sore as hell! Those lasts sets of squats really were hard, especially the last one, which one 85 lbs each side for 8 reps :shock:
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