AussieRobbies First BP Run

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AussieRobbies First BP Run

Post by AussieRobbie »

Hey everyone, I guess i should start off with some background info.

Im 19 and in the Australian army. I mainly joined because I love fitness and pushing my boundries. And that started bout 2 years ago when I started hitting the gym.
Like everyone else thats new to anything I had no idea what I was doing and although I made some slight gains, it wasnt really worth the effort I was putitng in, It left me pretty frustrated LOL.

So now im on my holidays I have access to a gym (Trainees arent allowed to use the gym) I plan to smash out a run of the BP.

Vitals are:

Weight 80.1kg
Hieght 184cm
Resting HR 60 BPM
Attitude to training: Right where it needds to be!

Supplements: At the moment I currently have
Myocell - SR
Leucine powder
Purple Wraath
Calcium, Magnesuim Tablets
Fish oil tablets
Vital greens

And i currently have on order
Adaptogen N
Alkaplex Green Plus
Gamma GH
Kre Anabolyn
Mass Pro cold pressed WPI

Im not sure if these last supps will reach me before I start feasting. So I may have to delay the use of them until I get them, but I will but a protien for use until then.

Im gunna log pretty much everything I do, cause i think it will give me a good reference point to how im travelling, and will open my workouts to critique.

So thanks for reading and feel free to post whatever you like.
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Post by AussieRobbie »

Resting Heart rate 59

Workout one

Squats 3x80kg
-Seated cable rows 3x50kg

1 Arm DB Rows 3x27kg
-Chin ups 3x6

Standing DB curls 3x35kg
Preacher curls 3x20kg
Incline DB press 3x27kg

As you can see I missread the bicep stage. I think I have done more than I needed too.

Diet for the day.

Small Bowl of plain rice
Small bowl of pasta salad
1 Cherry tomato
2 Bananas
1 Apple

Diet was all over the shop didnt have much in the house.

Workout I fely went pretty well. Legs felt sore after, but that may have something to do with me squatting 2 days previously.... I mean, I couldnt take my mate to the gym and NOT squat, right?
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Post by AussieRobbie »

Day 2

NO workout today, thank fuck cause my legs are DEAD. Went out shopping and brought all the food i need for the next few fasting days.

Resting Heart Rate 63 BPM

Breakfast- 1 Banana

lunch - 1 Cup of raspberries
- 100gm of Natural yogurt
- 3 teaspoons of lecithin granuals

Dinner - Garden salad.
- Cup of skim mik

well under my caloric intake today. Am going to the movies tonight so i MAY sneak in some popcorn... will have to check if thats ok lol.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man now for me, day 3 is when it hits the hardest. Heed this advice:

If you at all feel sick, off or just not right - STOP. You can't make gains when you're sick and getting traction during feast will be difficult if you take Famine too deep.

Hit those caloric #'s each and every day and strive to do so with the foods we use in the stickies.

Great work so far here. Another Aussie BP man!! Lots of them lately, it seems!

Now you MAY not require workout #3 (many don't) if you're losing 1lb/day or thereabouts and/or your RHR jumps anywhere close to 8 BPM over baseline.

If that's you, congratulations - you get a waiver on workout #3 :)
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Post by AussieRobbie »

Day 3.

Resting HR 66 BPM

Went well with the workout today. I didnt feel tired, weak, or off at all. I actually felt really strong.

Workout 2:

Wide Grip B/P 1x10 - 60KG
-Shoulder Military press 1x8 - 25KG

Incline B/P 1x8 - 50KG
-Shoulder Military press 1x8 - 25KG

Decline B/P 1x10 - 50KG
-Shoulder Military press 1x8 - 20KG

Bench Press 1x5 - 70KG
-Shoulder Press 1x8 - 20KG

Decline Close Grip B/P 1x10 - 40KG
Skull Crushers 1x10 - 15KG
Cable press downs 1x10 - 59KG

With the short breaks I finished the workout pretty quick.

Glass of Grapefruit juice

Yogurt mix
-Natural yogurt
-cup of rasperries
-lethicin seeds
-1/4 cup almonds

Garden Salad

Tiny serving pasta salad and half a potato

1 Pork Chop


about 15 alcoholic drinks LOL

I know I shoodnt have had the chop but I couldnt help it I was half cut hahahaha.
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Post by AussieRobbie »

ok so day 4 and my heart rate has hit 70 BPM. Great news cause im soo hungry and its my birthday tomorro so i gotta eat LOL. Will keep you guys posted but for now its breakky time :)
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Post by RobRegish »

You're there man - discontinue. You were actually there a few days ago!!

Nice work :)
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