EthanHun's 1st BP Run

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by RobRegish »

You're blessed then :)
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Post by ethanhun »

are my goals of being 190 10% bf at 5'10 achievable natty?
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Post by RobRegish »

Hell yes and we'll get you there, likely your first run!

Two at the most but you'll see. Trust in The BP :)
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Post by ethanhun »

WOOOO HOOOOO. So during feast i should eat a lot of proteisn :) right?

shirmp is good or will that turn me into a fishy?
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Post by RobRegish »

Oh yes, MUCH protein :)

Not too much shrimp. Bottom feeders and all....
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Post by ethanhun »

feast WO 1

Bench 185x5
pullover 40x10


Inclide db press 60x6,6,6,9,10
T bar row 115:6,6,6,6,7
Will move up weight on db press and on t bar row

Squat 185x5. (I normally can get 10 reps here. Im not sure why legs gave out)
stiffleg dead 225x10


Deadlift machine 225x8,8,8,8,8
leg press 8 plates x 8,8,8,7,6,5
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Post by RobRegish »

Very nice!

Bet it felt good to get back in there..
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Post by ethanhun »

Feast WO 2 (no legs my legs are bad)

Bench 200x5 and 205x4 Estimated 1 rep max is 230. I feel i can get 205x5 or 200x6 but no spot so i didnt attempt.

Pullover 55x6 with 200x5 bench and 65x6 with the 205 bench.
(most likely can do more weight) never done these before


Incline Db Press 30 degress 65x6,6 70x7,7,7,6
T bar Row 125x6,6,5 other row 90x6,10 (imma use the other row it feels more useful) Ill use like 115

Bicept curl 80x6,6,5,4,4,3
Skull crusher 70x6,5,5,3,3,3

I need to do some shoulder exercises and ab exercises hopefully my hamstring will get better. What should i do i think its a pulled muscle from not properly warming up for squats and deadlifts
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Post by RobRegish »


Seater shoulder press
Upright row

Structured them in EDT fashion

Abs - see the static ab crunch we use in the Feast training stickies. Sorry not to write it all out for you. I'm up to 6 pages of questions/day now. Don't worry, upping the stims soon.. :)
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Post by ethanhun »

Nice how many EDT cant i do per workout??
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Post by RobRegish »

Upper body: 2 (MAYBE 3 for a smaller muscle group IF you can recover
from it)

Lower body:1 (if using compound movements for the legs).
2 (if utilizing at least 1 isolation movment for the quads/hams)

Don't forget the static ab crunches on your leg day. Not EDT but VERY important!

Hope that helps...
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Post by ethanhun »

feast wo3

bench 225x3

squat 235x3

EDT will post later. I did

incline db and seated close grip.

Im going to the gym later to do some pull ups and dips and some curls and some legs and some abs

Had to rush my workout ealier. feels good
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work! Let us know how things progress from here. Specifically, I'm looking for PR's :)
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Post by ethanhun »

o ya we will be seeing some PR hopefully the most i gotten on bench was 245x1 and on squat was 245x5

Incline DB 75x6:6:6:5:5 ss with cg rows 100x6: 120x8 140x7:6:5
Didnt have time efor last set :(

Went back at night and did

Chin ups 6:6:6:6:6:5
dips 6:6:6:6:6:6

Will do wg piull up with weigthed dips

I did db shoulder press 50x8:6:6:5:5:5
Lat pulldowns 110x6:6 130x6:5
and i did some ab pull down with 210 for about 10 seconds.

Hopefully i can get my lifts up soon. I need to squat more. :)

I WANT BIG LATS!!!! Can you help me make up a few great EDT to get my lats hoooge? I want a a nice V body look
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