Siegtyr's 2nd Attempt

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Siegtyr's 2nd Attempt

Post by siegtyr »

Alright, folks, here we go: I was having a great run back in July on my 1st bp run, but due to a lot of personal reasons and lack of dedication, I fell off the wagon.

So, here I go again. This time, I enlisted Rob's personal help, although he always went above and beyond, as far as that goes. I'm still trying to do a recomp, as I'm just really sick of feeling so fat and unhealthy (heavy breathing, sleep apnea, bronchitis, etc.). Unfortunately, I've really let myself go over the past few years, and especially these past several months.

At any rate, I won't be posting as much as last time (in regards to sets, reps, weights, diet, etc.), but I'll definitely pop in to let everyone know my progress. This is my Day 3 of Famine, and I've done quite well, thus far.

My weights are less than I'm used to, but I've kept pace on my sets, reps, and time between sets. Tonight, I failed on a set before I reached my goal, but I went back down the next minute and hit it again. Pretty tough to do for a fatty!! Ha!!

My diet's been great, and this is where I really hope to win the battle. I've actually only been doing doing about 5-6x's bw, so I'm hoping this will help shock the system a little more.

My supps should be well on the way, by now, and I'm going with the power stack, plus BIU, to round it off (with a couple of Rob's other recommendations sprinkled in).

Wish me luck!! Thanks again, Rob!!
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Post by RobRegish »

My pleasure man and righ here if you need me.

Speaking of which, this tells me all I need to know:

"My weights are less than I'm used to, but I've kept pace on my sets, reps, and time between sets. Tonight, I failed on a set before I reached my goal, but I went back down the next minute and hit it again. Pretty tough to do for a fatty!! Ha!! "

You're BACK man and I'm right here with you! Looking forward to it :)
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Post by siegtyr »

Feast - Day 3

Quick update: I had a fairly successful famine, losing 8 pounds and feeling much better! Unfortunately, on friday, I worked till 9pm and didn't make it to the gym for my third workout. I was bummed about this, but still pleased with the overall results.

I'm back in the gym tomorrow and looking forward to it. I've eaten rather loosely over the weekend, but have now received all of my supps and am gearing up to rock n' roll!!


1) Concerning the intra-workout drink recommended, you mentioned that it should be 20% of my daily calories. I have all of the supps, but can you tell me how I'm making this so calorically dense (does the glutamine contain calories)?

2)Is my maintenance level just considered to be 10 or 12 times bw? I didn't get to test this in famine.

3) When you separate the Blocks for the workout, are these to be done as a circuit, or 3 sets this, then 3 sets that, etc.?

Thanks again, Rob!! This is getting exciting!!
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Post by RobRegish »

1) Concerning the intra-workout drink recommended, you mentioned that it should be 20% of my daily calories. I have all of the supps, but can you tell me how I'm making this so calorically dense (does the glutamine contain calories)?

A. No, it doesn't. I don't recall the exact recommendations, but if using a carb base (suggest Pure Karbolyn)... easy enough accomplished. Consider the following:

Begin sipping this concoction 15 min prior to, between work sets and finishing it up right after your workout. About an hour later, sit down to a nice high carbohydrate/protein and lowfat solid food meal. Here then, is "the formula":

1.) 75g of Pure Karbolyn
2.) 35g of partially of fully hydrolyzed whey such as MassPro
3.) 10g of L-Leucine powder
4.) Optionally, if not using straight Leucine 20g of MassProAmino will suffice in meeting Leucine needs

Depending upon protein powder flavor/Pure Karbolyn used, you MAY need to add some flavoring in the form of Crystal Lite or like flavor mixes. Whatever the case, this simple drink will go a LONG way toward recovering you quickly, efficiently and make the most out of EVERY training session... all the while keeping you lean.

SOME individuals may require less total calories, carbs etc.. If so opt to tailor this drink to your needs. Recall that in most cases, this drink should represent no less than 20% of your daily caloric intake for the day. For a typical 200lb trainee then, this drink would fit the bill almost perfectly. He'll need about 400 calories from this drink and as it stands, the above formula delivers 440K, 300 calories from carbohydrate and 140 from protein. It also preserves a 2/3:1 ratio or therabouts of carbs to protein which is important insofar as having enough carbs to "spare" the amino acids to do their job - rebuild bigger and stronger muscles!

One final note: These carbs contained in Pure Karbolyn won't "show" on you like dextrose. Even on a carb restricted diet, I'd recommend incorporating them. If concerned about the 75g amount, simply lower it to 50g and adjust the MassPro to contain 25g (one scoop) and retain all other ingredients at specified dosages.

2)Is my maintenance level just considered to be 10 or 12 times bw? I didn't get to test this in famine.

A. If using a carb based diet of 50% or greater and you're an endomorph (or have mesomorph/endomorphic tendancies), start at 10x bodyweight. We'll simply re-visit a week or two in to see if we need to bump that up/adjust.

To clarifiy:

ECTOMORPH: Very thin, has a hard time adding muscle

MESOMORPH: Best of both worlds, puts muscle on easily but also adds fat a BIT too easily. No problem, we have ways of addressing in The Blueprint.

ENDOMORPH: Naturally "heavy". Puts on muscle and fat very easily. The beauty of the endomorph is that he or she does VERY well on lower carb, cycling carbohydrate/ketogenic diets and even intermittent fasting protocols. They lose a LOT of fat and retain a LOT of muscle given these approaches.

In the real world, people are often some hybrid of both. For example, I'm and ecto/meso with tendancies leaning toward ecto. When you start out at 6ft, 143lbs it tells you something. I wish I could post a picture here. I'll shoot one to AskMass and ask him to post it up. You'll get a good laugh.

Knowing this, I tailor my nutrition/training accordingly. It is critical that everyone identify just where they fall on the spectrum...

3) When you separate the Blocks for the workout, are these to be done as a circuit, or 3 sets this, then 3 sets that, etc.?

A. You rest briefly prior to your EDT blocks and perform a warmup set or two prior to beginning your work sets. Here's exactly how to do it!

An EDT PR block or "PR zone" works as follows. Let's look at barbell curls and Lying tricep extensions, as an example:

Barbell curls
Lying tricep extensions on a flat bench with barbell

You select a weight that's your 10 rep max. Let's say that's 100lbs on the barbell curl and on tricep extensions it's also 100lbs

START OF SET #1: 12 noon. The total time it takes to do a superset of each is exactty one minute.

On set #1, you get 6 reps with the barbell curl (note.. NOT going to failure) and immediately go into the lying tricep extensions, again achieving 6 reps.

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 2, same drill and again you achieve 6 reps on each

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 3, same drill but now you get just 5 reps

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 4, you again achieve 5 reps apiece

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On set 5, you achieve just 3 reps on each exercise

Rest exactly 2 minutes

On your final set, you rep out both exercises and get 3 reps apiece..

Total workout time: 16 minutes. You tally up the total amount of reps for each and there's your baseline: You achieved 56 reps in a total of 16 minutes.

Your challenge the next time out is to get more reps with the same weight. Once you are able to do 20% more (68 reps) within the same time period, you up the weight 5% to 105lbs on each exercise.


- Alternate antagonistic muscle exercises in jump set fahion
- Staley's generally uses 15-20 minutes, (called a PR Zones).
- You perform two PR Zones per workout.
- Your target weight is one that you can do 10 clean reps with.
- You will begin with alternating sets of 5 or 6 reps.
- As you tire, you may reduce set reps to 4 then 2 and end with singles.
- Your goal is to do as many reps with good form as possible in the PR
- Do not work to, or near failure in the early sets.
- You may reach failure at the end as you try to beat your previous record.
- Once able to do 20% more reps than your prior workout, increase load
5% and begin again.

More information here:
FEAST STICKiES ... .php?t=378 ... .php?t=437

THE WHOLE ENCHILADA :) ... .php?t=730

Hope that helps!
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Post by askmass »

RobRegish wrote:When you start out at 6ft, 143lbs it tells you something. I wish I could post a picture here. I'll shoot one to AskMass and ask him to post it up. You'll get a good laugh.

Knowing this, I tailor my nutrition/training accordingly. It is critical that everyone identify just where they fall on the spectrum...
From one Ecto for another, I present the 1987 Mullet Monster - Stylin' and Profilin' (and making all the girls cry) at 158lbs!

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