Erick15's First Blueprint Run

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by RobRegish »

I rather like BCAA loading protocol #2 your first time out of the gate. It just does a nice job recovering you from these sessions.

Give that a shot. I think you'll be most pleased!
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Post by erick15 »

Did the first feast phase workout yesterday.

Day 10
Feast Workout 1
Dec 8, 2010

Bench 8x1 155lbs
DB pullovers 8x1 35lbs

EDT Block
Incline db press 40 lbs
BB Rows 135lbs
Total Reps 72

Squat 8x1 175lbs
Romanian Deadlift 8x1 135lbs

EDT Block
Romanian Deadlift 95lbs
BB Lunges 95lbs
First set was done with 135lbs but was near failure.
Total Reps 72

I will have to up the weight for the edt blocks. It was the first time I had done them so I didn’t know how much weight to use. Bench and squat are down a ton from 6 months ago when I stopped working out. I have no clue what my maxes were right before I started the blueprint so today’s workout gives me an idea of where I’m at. I used a 1 rep max calculator and my theretical bench max is 195 and squat max is 215. Bench is down 40lbs and squat is down 60lbs. Hopefully it will come back quick.
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Post by RobRegish »

It will. And I'll be right here to make sure that happens.. :)
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Post by erick15 »

Day 13
Feast Workout 2
Dec 11, 2010

Bench 5x1 175lbs
DB pullovers 6x1 50lbs

EDT Block
BB Bent over rows
x6 145lbs
x6 145lbs
x6 145lbs
x6 165lbs
x6 175lbs

DB Incline Press
x6 45lbs
x6 45lbs
x6 45lbs
x6 50lbs
x6 55lbs
x6 60lbs

Squat 5x1 205lbs
Romanian Deadlift 6x1 155lbs.

Estimated squat max is up 20lbs from what it was my last workout and estimated bench is up 5lbs. Today felt much better than the last workout. Squatting felt good. Still am trying to figure out what weight to use for the edt blocks. The rows and incline bench were a lot easier today. Weight is up to 182 this morning, empty stomach.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. VERY good signs and sooo happy for you.

Your EDT block weight selection does take some refining. The fact your alpha or 1RM strength is growing though is what's driving the fact your EDT blocks (beta strength) is growing. The reverse isn't always true... which is why I have people satisfy fundamental #1 in The Blueprint; big BB work on the choice loading pattern FIRST.
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Post by erick15 »

Haven't had an update in a couple of weeks, so here it is.
I didn't keep track of my last 3 workouts of the first part of the feast phase, but I did exactly as I was instructed in the blueprint for these workouts. I do know what my maxes after these 5 workouts was though. I was pretty happy with these results.

Maxes after first 5 workouts:

Bench: 210
Squat: 260

First Workout:

105 x 10
115 x 8
130 x 8
140 x 8
155 x 8
165 x 6

Missed last 2 reps

130 x 10
140 x 8
160 x 8
170 x 8
190 x 8
210 x 8 (was supposed to do 205 but 190 felt so easy i decided to up the weight a little and still got all the reps)

Workout 2:

105 x 10
130 x 8
140 x 6
155 x 6
165 x 4
180 x 2

Did terrible on this workout. I had just got back from 3 days at my cabin and my diet wasn't the best while I was there.

130 x 10
160 x 8
170 x 6
190 x 6
200 x 6
220 x 6

Squatting felt real good this workout. Hit all of the reps

Workout 3:

105 x 10
140 x 8
155 x 6
165 x 4
180 x 4
190 x 4

Was real happy to hit all the reps on this workout since I did terrible on the previous bench workout.

Current Weight: 185

So far I am real happy with how things have been going. I look and feel quite a bit bigger since starting this. Especially my chest has become fuller. I have a feeling once I go for my 1 rep maxes again in a couple weeks I am going to beat my previous maxes. Not only my previous maxes from right before I started the blueprint but also my maxes from half a year ago when I was 15-20lbs heavier. I am sure I will beat my squat max, bench will be close.

I did just start a weight lifting class at my school though so this is eventually going to interfere with my blueprint workouts. Just had my first day of the class today. For the first couple of weeks we are just going to be going over form and lifting light so I will continue my blueprint workouts until I finish glp 1. Once I finish the glp 1 I am thinking I will just do my cruise workouts in class, I will do what the class does except not lift as heavy as normal. Then I am going to start the blueprint over, but do the workouts that my weight lifting coach has us do and see how this works. He isn't the average weight lifting coach, he actually knows his shit. We have to keep a log in a notebook for the class so I will write down everything we do and post it on here. The way we structure our workouts in class is very similar to the german loading protocol, but with differences. We use percentages of our previous maxes to determine what we will lift and how we will warm up to our working set. I have lifted in our weight room at school after school but never taken it as a class, this is how I know what we are going to do.
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Post by RobRegish »

So happy you're happy!

Learn from this guy. Take him out to lunch some day. Pick his brain and take notes. Absorb as much as you can and incorporate what works best for you!!

You'll bump into these people in your life from time to time. Take advantage and really dig deep, learn and question. Both you and he will benefit. And that's what it's all about :)
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Post by erick15 »


Workout 3:

135lbs x 10
175lbs x 8
195lbs x 6
205lbs x 4
225lbs x 4
240lbs x 4
245lbs x 4 (I knew I could get more after doing 240 x 4)

Workout 4:

105lbs x 10
155lbs x 8
165lbs x 6
180lbs x 4
190lbs x 2
205lbs x 1 (Missed the last rep)

135lbs x 10
195lbs x 8
205lbs x 6
225lbs x 4
240lbs x 2
260lbs x 2 (Felt way too easy, had to go for one more set)
275lbs x 2 (That is 103.7% of my 1rm that I started glp1 with for my 4th workout where I was supposed to get 97%)

Workout 5:

105lbs x 10
160lbs x 8
170lbs x 6
185lbs x 4
195lbs x 1 (Missed last rep)

Behind on squat workouts.

Workout 6:

105lbs x 10
135lbs x 5
160lbs x 3
180lbs x 1
200lbs x 1
220lbs x 1 (105% of old 1rm)
225lbs x 1 (107% of old 1rm)

So.... I have gained 30lbs on my bench (it says my 1rm was 205 before starting this in my first post but that was just a guess and after my first week of the feast I would guess it was more like 195 for 1rep.) since I started the blueprint. Squat is up 10lbs + 1 rep since beginning of glp1, and up 50lbs + 1 rep since I started the blueprint and I'm not done yet. I have now beat my squat max from last year also. Bench max is still 10lbs under but I will get there in no time. I I did all this at 13lbs lighter than I did last year. Weight is Currently 187lbs, up 9lbs since I started the blueprint. Gains where very lean. I couldn't be any happier with the blueprint.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic man!!! Now this is post worth on body building dot com, right? :)

If so inclined, include something along the lines of the following:

1.) Your starting/ending lifts
2.) General notes about your experience with me, The BP and our community here.
3.) Tell them where they can get it: ... nials.html
4.) The anti-pirate workaround. It goes like this:

"There is MUCH information not found in The BP. Information that is shared with you once you're part of our family. One of the first things you'll get is "The Formula" - a combination of ingredients found here in the cyberstore. When consumed in a very specific ratio, it leads to feedback like this:


"So far the Formula has been workn so well for me, i havent even had to think bout breakn out my Eagle...but i may have to cuz my next few workouts are fixn to get heavier!!"


"I thought I would be sore for a few days after the lower body workout (even with the secret recovery drink). Especially since I was sore for a week last time. But... that drink did the trick. Almost can't tell I worked out yesterday! Just the slightest bit of soreness. HUGE improvement.

Thanks Mix!"

Turboflex was also a recipient of "The Eagle", which nobody is quite sure what's in the mysterious silver bag. And no, Mix isn't selling it. It is though, indicative of how he gives back to his Blueprint Believers once you're part of our family.."

Would mean a lot to me man. Either way though, it's all good. When I saw your words, "I couldn't be any happier with the blueprint." - that's all I needed :)
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Post by erick15 »

I will definitely post On bb once I get home today. Which section should I post in? I figure I will post in whatever section u want me to and also the teen section since that's the only place that I post in. I would think that the people in the teen section will be more willing to try something new anyways.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wherever man, it doesn't matter. I want them to see what you can really do instead of doubling up on "pink magic" this month lol...
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