Preworkout Supp/Recovery Supp

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Preworkout Supp/Recovery Supp

Post by ielite »

I plan on running these for my first run of BP:
-Kre-Anabolyn (meals and pre/post)
-Whey (Breakfest and pre/post)
-Casein (Throughout the day)
-BCAA (pre)
-ZMA (bed)

Was just wondering of what you guys think on adding in the ZMA and on using two different protein types. I was also wondering what your opinions are on adding in preworkout supps. such as Jack3d.
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Post by RobRegish »

ZMA is fine. Jackd3d I'd be careful with. Real careful.

Do not like that product at all and you'd be advised to run it by a doc. Lots of sketchy stuff IMO...
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Post by drhowe9 »

whats wrong with jack3d Rob?
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Post by the_buffer »

I was wondering this myself, not that I've ever used this particular supp, but I found this link: ... Supplement
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Post by askmass »

Those guys are so irresponsible for putting Theophylline in the product, for starters.

I would not touch it with a ten foot pole.
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Post by Street-dreams »

is that the same thing as 1-3 dimeth?
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Post by RobRegish »

1,3 is dangerous when you're dealing with a bulk powder. I don't care how careful you are with label directions.... anything like that needs to be encapsulated.

To boot, guys are getting popped on drug test with it. Is it spiked? Beats me. I'm not risking a job opportunity or scholarship (never mind my health) with it though.

But yes, I've used it. I wouldn't be offering such a strong opinion if I hadn't. Just my $0.02...
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