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ThePaul7's 2nd BP Run

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:06 pm
by thepaul7
Hello all!

After taking me week off I am now on my first day of famine. I juiced a apple, carrot, celery, beet, parsley, swiss chard concoction for breakfast and then had some metamucil before work.

Current stats:

Weight 187lbs

Max Bench: 235lbs
Max squat: 265lbs
Max Deadlift: 315lbs

My first run I did with GLP1 saw me increase my max bench 10lbs and my max squat 15lbs. I am going to be doing a winter bulk with this BP run and I thought that Super Squats would be the best solution.

Thats a few weeks from now though and its time to get run started on the right track. My first famine workout will be tonight after work.

I will update later on how it went.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 3:30 pm
by Hank!
Sounds like cleansing is a goal for you!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:48 pm
by thepaul7
Hank! wrote:Sounds like cleansing is a goal for you!
You got that right! Juicing veggies always cleans me out and the metamucil is a nice snack to keep me full. If it goes like my first famine I hope to feel pretty good by the third or fourth day.

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:14 pm
by RobRegish
thepaul7 wrote:
Hank! wrote:Sounds like cleansing is a goal for you!
You got that right! Juicing veggies always cleans me out and the metamucil is a nice snack to keep me full. If it goes like my first famine I hope to feel pretty good by the third or fourth day.
Glad it's serving you well.

Cleans you out for sure :)

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 12:46 pm
by thepaul7
3rd day of Famine and I have completed 2 of the workouts. I felt good on the bench this morning, but like I expected I ran out of gas pretty quickly.

Juicing, metamucil, walking away from meals feeling a little hungry still. Famine seems even easier this time. I have read on other journals that people had problems taking in too little calories and I don't want to make that mistake either so I am sure to at least intake enough to keep me going.

Overall I am feeling really good. I have a good mental clarity/energy which I felt last time and I was looking forward to it again with this famine.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 2:25 pm
by RobRegish
OK man, you know the drill. Proceed cautiously and discontinue if you feel sick, off etc.

Otherwise... GREAT work!

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 6:53 pm
by thepaul7
Will do Rob. I hope to run this Famine even better than the first time and so far it is going well.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:44 am
by thepaul7
First day of feast. After famine workout 3 I am ready for this. Enjoying eating real food now, but the week wasn't so bad. I will update with HIT 1 on Tuesday.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:05 am
by RobRegish

Feels good to chow again, doesn't it? :)

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:42 pm
by thepaul7
I hope everyone is enjoying the New Year!

I have finished up the HIT workouts. They went well and I even have a new Squat 1rep max of 275lbs! That is 10lbs above my previous max of 265lbs set with GLP1.

I have also completed two of my super squat routines.


Squats 1 set 20 reps
155lbs completed all reps and it was a good starting point.

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps
40lbs- Good stretch

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
65lbs dumbbells


Squats 1 set 20 reps
165lbs completed all reps. Tired upon completion but confident I will get the next increase.

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight- adding weight next time.

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
65lbs dumbbells- shooting for 70lbs on next workout.

All in all I am happy with this program. Short and sweet and I am eating like a fiend to try and make the most of it.

Workout again tonight and Sat. I will update with how its going then.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 5:58 pm
by RobRegish
Congratulations on the new PR's man!!

So happy.. you're happy :) More happiness to come in 2011 too. Bet on it....

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:03 pm
by thepaul7
Thanks Rob. I was very happy with the squat PR!

Here is Workout 3 and everything is working nicely.


Squats 1 set 20 reps
175lbs - Still completed all reps, but needed to take a few breathers during the last couple of reps.

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 10lbs

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
70lbs dumbbells

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:07 pm
by RobRegish
Very nice!

Now do take care to insert extra rest days. For as you grow stronger and you lift heavier and heavier weights, so too do the stresses increase on your body. You absolutely MUST insert rest days to stay ahead of the curve.

Meaning if you're on a 1 on 2 off now, goto a 1on/3off in short order. Hope that helps...

So happy... you're happy :)

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:19 pm
by thepaul7
Good advice Rob. I think a 3off 1on format will be beneficial for me very soon.


Squats 1 set 20 reps
185lbs - All reps completed

Pullovers 1 set 20 reps

Dips 2 sets 12 reps
Body weight + 15lbs

Bent over rows 2 sets 15 reps
75lbs dumbbells

Still loving its simplicity and brevity.

Rob when I adopt the 1on 3off would it be wise to add some HIIT cardio for active recovery in between SS routines?