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JDK's First Blueprint Run (9/16/10 - Present)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:58 pm
by JDK420
Whats up Blueprint Posse,

I started the famine phase on 9/16/10. Sorry, for the long overdue log, but without further due. I have trolled many of the logs on this forum as well as BB and other forums and have compiled some very useful information from many BP users and others. So, I would like to at least give a little back with my own log. Before I get started let me give a little background of myself:

Stats as of 9/16/10 -29 yrs 6'5 220lbs; I have been lifting seriously for about 1 yr and am just now feeling like I know what I am doing in the gym (thx BP and Rob of course).
BB Lifts as of 9/16/10 - Bench 215 Squat 215 (A2G) Deadlift 365

Famine Week

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:10 pm
by JDK420
Took one week off of any exercise before beginning famine.
I normally dont count calories too much, but eat anywhere from 3000 to 3500 calories and lots of protein, so this is a big change for me.
Calories were kept to 8 times bodyweight and protein to an absolute minimum during the week.
I did well keeping my diet on track in famine, maintaining just about 1800 calories a day with minimal protein.
I hit all 3 workouts spot on with reps and sets; I am probably coming from overtraining, so the workouts did not seem all that overwhelming with exception to the third, and we all know that the one that get it done.
I was not able to get much cardio in during the week as I wasn't exaclty sure at the time if it was necessary. My next run will definitely involve more cardio during famine to really invoke the alarm state. Though I felt warn at the end of the week I think I could pushed for a better alarm state with more cardio.
The week went well, but like all others was so hungry I almost bit off my girls tits on the last day! haha srs

Feast -Beggining

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:23 pm
by JDK420
After famine I was down to about 216 lbs, but felt spry once I was able to eat!

For the first three days of feast I ate like an animal with protein upwards of 300g and calories about 18 times bodyweight or around 4000 calories. I decided to try the Mass stack for the beggining of Feast. I had 2 bottles of Kre-Anabolyn and 1 Adaptogen N, and BCAA's. Dosed them as reccomended; KA 2 caps 3 times a day with meal. Adaptogen N 3 caps before bed. BCAA's I did a little different than the reccomended protocol. I mixed 1 serving with Pre-workout shake and 1 more serving with post workout shake. I think next run I will up calories to about 4500 as I gained well, but think more could have been better.

Feast - 5 Workouts

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:39 pm
by JDK420
For the first 5 workouts of feast I focused on hitting all reps with 100% perfect form.
The workouts were short, so I tried to give them my all on every rep. Took soem time to find the right weight on the pullovers as I have not done them in the past. I think I finally nailed the proper form for pullovers in GLP I, but thats coming later. Did well with the sets and reps for squats and bench. Loved supersetting SLdeads with squats. Seemed to have alot of synergy.
On workout 5 got hit a new PR for bench at 220. Sqauts tried for 225, got it up but had poor form, so I went back to 220 for my 1rm to start GLP I.
Maintained heavy calorie and protein intake, but did ate a little too dirty over this period. I got a little laxed in thinking I needed to eat everything in sight. Ate too much sugary crap, but was still making solid gains, just with a little extra fat. All 5 workouts went great. I felt awesome about the new PR's in just 5 workouts. Also, used a one on two off workout pattern. This worked well as I was fully recovered for each workout; however, next run I will definitely do some cardio on off days to minimize fat gain. Overall I give myself 7/10 in my effort as I could have done better with diet and cardio, but overall went very well going into GLP!


Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:54 pm
by JDK420
Now armed with my new 1rm's I was ready to start GLP I. I did GLP for both squats and bench press. I did bench one day then squat the next, rest day, then repreated. This worked well in for the first half, but had to add an extra day of rest for squats about half way through. I really enjoyed this loading pattern as it was the first time I had experienced it.
For bench press I hit all reps for every workout. Squats went very well also untill the last 2 workouts as I think I overstated the weight. Had trouble with the 97% on workout 4. Hit one rep, but had poor form on the second rep. therfore, I decided to only go for 225 for my new 1rm for sqauts. On the last workout I hit every rep with good form and nailed 225, but it took mind, body and soul. Felt great!
For bench press I hit every rep all the way to the last workout. So, I decided to go for 235 for my new 1 rm on bench. Previously had never attempted more than 220, so this was a big step for me. Warmed up nicely and attempted 235 with a spotter. I tried to make it clear not to help untill i asked for it, but he still helped a little when I was half way up (what a dick! haha j/k). He maintains it was all me and he was just touching the bar, but I still didn't count it as a full rep. So, I went down to 230, got a different spotter who actually listens! lol and nailed 230! New PR.
Note: Maintained loaded stretches in superset fashion, DB pullovers and SFLD respectively. Really nailed the form for the pullovers during this loading pattern and noticed a nice difference in results.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:40 pm
by RobRegish
Wow what a fantastic story. So happy for you and congratulations!

LOADED with PR's here. Absolutely loaded. Would make a nice review on :)

Ha ha. Congratulation man. My information but YOU delivered the goods and in grand fashion.

VERY nicely done!!

GAINS UPDATE: Completion of GLP I 11/7/10

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:50 pm
by JDK420
Throughout the GLP I maintained a calorie intake of about 3000-4000 calories. I ate more dirty calories than I should have and could have also kept a tighter control of my daily intake; however, at the completion of GLP 1 I have gained 10 punds of sustained body weight. Noticeable size gains in chest, quads and glutes! Due to my diet oppurtunities I estimate about a the ratio of muscle to fat gain at 70/30. So, I would say I gained about 7lbs of muscle and about 3lbs of fat. Would love to address the bodyfat in cruise.
I have picked up the cardio on off-days and it's definitely a little harder with 10lbs of extra weight and from not doing it very much recently. Feels great though.
Now I know I am probably pushing the limits of feast, but I decided to continue with GLP II before I start cruise. I know the reccomendation is to go into cruise, but I feel like for me the gains have been coming most towards the end of GLP I. My body feels good, my adrenals seem to still be fresh and my CNS does not seem over worked; however, at the completion of GLP II I will enter crusie regardless. Hoping to address minopr bodyfat gains in cruise (tips?).

Supplements Update: Beginning GLP II 11/12/10

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:12 pm
by JDK420
The Kre-Anabolyn and Adaptogen N stack seemed to work well together. KA was excelent for decreasing DOMS. With Adaptogen N I loved being able to fall asleep whenever I wanted to. As soon as I took AN it was lights out 10 min later. I like this since I work grave shift and have trouble going to sleep right away when I get home. Overall I liked both, and feel like they are legit worhwhile supps; however, I am not a big fan of prop blends. I just like to know the exact doses, so I can make sure I know what I am taking, and I get the proper serving size as many supps have effective blends, but they can be underdosed. I am 6'5 and now 235lbs (more on that later) so effective dosing for me is often times twice what is recomended (i.e. 6 KA per day versus 3).
I ran out of Kre-Anabolyn at the end of GLP I. I did the second to last squat workout and didn't have any adaptogen based supps. My legs were sore for what seemed like twice as long (5 days versus 3). This is when I really noticed the effects of Kre-Anabolyn and specifically the Ecdy.

For GLP II, I decided to try E-bol stacked with Testopro. Both have some interesting blend profiles that have promising studies. Similar to MASS stack, but a little different profile. I dosed E-bol and Testopro both at 3/3/3 mornign afternoon and night 15-30 min before meals. I got two bottles of each to make sure I have enought to complete my GLP II.

GLP II - Beginning 11/12/10

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:47 pm
by JDK420
I took 4 full rest days then began GLP II with my new 1rm. For this loading pattern i will be doing bench press only and supplementing E-bol and Testopro. My legs will be busy addressing cardio activities :x
I have tapered down calrioes a little lately to around 3000-3500. Maintaining at least 200gm of protein a day.
To start I used a one on one off workout schedule. This schedule has worked very well with the addition of e-bol as it has given me a noticeable decrease in DOMS. This loading pattern is going very well. My 1rm seems spot in correlation to the reps set scheme. I will be going for 240lbs at the completion of GLP II.
All workouts have gone very well so far. I am really enjoying this loading pattern.
Feasted over thanksgiving weekend proabaly about 4000-5000 calories a day for 3 days :P , but seemed to benefit after workout 11, which is in the 90% range, I looked huge! After the weekend I weighed in at 240lbs, which was not sustained body weight, but about 5lbs has been sustained!
It is now december second and I have gained 5 more lbs of sustained body weight. I am 235 lbs in the morning after a cardio session on an empty stomach. I have 2 more deload workouts then I go get my new 1rm of 240lbs. Know it doesnt sound like much to all you big guys, but for me its a 25lbs 1rm gain in about 3 months! Feels Great!

Current Blueprint Statis

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:52 pm
by JDK420
Sorry for the delay on the log, but now we are current and I will keep it up to date. Please give me any tips, crtiques, comments, insults :lol: all feedback is appreciated. I will do the same. Thanks and good luck to all.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:09 am
by beefcake66
Wow that's awesome, congratulations on your size and strength gains dude!! Sounds like you did everything GREAT!

I'm just at the beginning of my own feast phase and I'm doing things a little differently, hopefully I can get results as good as yours!

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:05 pm
by ckeahey76
dude 25 lbs gain is awesome. Keep it up.

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:36 pm
by RobRegish
"Great" indeed :)

So happy for you man. Another success story in the books. Many more for you too and I'm privileged to be a part of them.