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DV8's 1st BP Run

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 7:33 pm
by DV8
Hey there fellas,

Ordered the BP program about 2 weeks ago and have been looking forward to starting up, but followed the advice of taking some time off before doing so. I've taken 2 weeks off to achieve homeostasis and determine my RHR and maintenance calories.

My Stats and History:
Age: 32
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 202 lb
RHR: 58 bpm
Maintenance Calories: ~2900 cal/day
Body Fat %: ~17%
-Waist (1" above belly button): 36"
-Waist (at hips): 36.5"
-Shoulders: 23"
-Chest: 40.5"
-Arms (mid bicep): 14.5"
-Legs (mid thigh): 23.5"
-Neck: 15.5"

Growing up, I was always a skinny kid. Once I got into college I started putting on weight (fast food + laziness = fatness). Last year I decided I needed to do something to get healthy. I did a round of a popular dvd based workout program. I went from 235lbs to 175lbs (too skinny!). Since then I've been trying to put on healthy pounds (easier said than done), and have really taken a strong interest in weight training. I'm really excited about the BP as it seems to really get the results I've been looking for.

The blueprint of my BluePrint run:
Famine Phase:
My target calories will be <1600 cals. I will concentrate on eating lots of fruits and staying away from any dairies and definitely no meats. Target protein will be <15g. I've made a "cheat" drink to sip throughout the day (hopefully it helps).

V8 Splash Light (300 cal/bottle) + 4 tbs of Metamucil (80 cal) + 2 Tbs of Lecithin granules (105 cal)

Supps will be a Multivitamin taken twice a day along with Fish Oil Caps.

I'll be following prescribed workout program as stated in the BP program.

Feast Phase:
Supps include:
-Multi Vitamin and Fish Oil
-Vitamin D
-BCAA (will be following 3on/3off protocol)
-Gamma GH
-Alkaplex Greens
-Protein (Mass Pro will be ordered soon)

Calorie targets will follow the zig-zag method:
Days 1-3: 4000 cal/day
Days 3-14: 3800 cal/day
Days 15-end: 3000 cal/day on wokout days. 2100 cal/day on off days

I will be following the Bridge workout program along with GLP 1 + EDT blocks following.

Cruise Phase:

- Multivitamins and Fish Oil
-Vitamin D
-Burn It Up

I'll determine which 5x5 program I'll try when I get there. It'll most likely be the Stronglifts program.

My first day of Famine starts tomorrow. Wish me luck! Thanks in advance for your help and advice.

Posted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:32 pm
by Jeff
Welcome! And good luck with the BP. You will not be disappointed!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 7:23 am
by RobRegish
Welcome aboard and great job losing the weight!

Now it's time to lock and load and boy you've done a good job there with your planning/supps. Loaded for bear!

Right here for you every step of the way. Headed to Gainsville baby. Train leaves first day of Feast :)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 9:55 pm
by DV8
Thanks for the support guys!

Famine Day 1:
RHR: 60bpm (+2bpm on day one?)
Weight: 202 lbs

-1 medium Banana = 100 cal, 1.3g protein
-2 servings V8 Fusion = 100 cal
-1 Apple = 75 cal, 0.4g protein
-1 Navel Orange = 70 cal, 1.2g protein
-2 servings V8 Fusion = 100 cal
-3.5 cups of Broccoli and Cauliflower (steamfresh) = 105 cal, 3.5g protein
-2 servings V8 Fusion = 100 cal
-~3 quarts of water
-2 Tbs of Lecithin Granules (in V8 ) = 105 cal
-4 tsp of Metamucil (in V8 ) = 80 cal
-1 Banana = 100 cal, 1.3g protein
-1 cup frozen Mango chunks = 100 cal, 1g protein

Day's Total = 1035 cal, 8.3g protein

The fasting seems a bit easier than I thought it would be. The Lecithin/Metamucil in the V8 Fusion is very filling, although it does give the drink a consistency of watery jello. I was also surprised at how filling broccoli and cauliflower can be.

This work out seemed fairly easy. I didn't adhere to the 2 minute rest between sets, but instead waited about 1 minute. Towards the end of the bicep portion, I was starting to feel "gassed out". Guess I should have done the 2 minute rest, lol. With almost no protein intake, I wonder what my recovery will be like.

Here's the workout...

295 x 6 (last rep felt HEAVY)
275 x 6
275 x 6
superset with Cable Rows:
150 x 6
150 x 6
150 x 6
*cable machine at my gym maxes out at 150 lbs. I'll move onto a Row Machine.

Standing BB Curls:
70 x 6

Incline DB Curls:
35 x 6

Preacher Curls:
80 x 6

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:48 am
by RobRegish
Yeah, you want to make sure you're adhering to those prescribed rest intervals. You found out why, sounds like :)

Now if you thought that was something, just wait :)

Do proceed with extreme caution as I note here and elsewhere. Discontinue if you feel sick, etc.. You can't make gains when you're sick and if you take Famine too deep, it makes getting traction during Feast that much more difficult.

If you have any questions about such. Right here for you! You'll always get an answer within 24 hours. Many times (most in fact), it'll be a lot faster...

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:13 am
by DV8

Could I substitute the cable row with a dumbell movement for Friday's workout? I don't have a cable machine at home.

I would prefer to workout at home using my squat rack and free weights as opposed to the gym (at my job) using a smith machine. I feel the smith machine hurts my squat form by limiting my natural range of motion throughout the movement, but this is the only way to do squats at the gym with a barbell.


Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 7:18 pm
by RobRegish
Sure man, feel free to substitute. Take care to ensure like movements are performed though, meaning compound for compound, isolation for isolation etc..

Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:14 pm
by DV8
Famine Day 2
RHR: 60bpm
Weight: 201 lbs

-1 medium Banana = 100 cal, 1.3g protein
-3 servings V8 Fusion = 150 cal
-1 Apple = 75 cal, 0.4g protein
-1 Banana = 100 cal, 1.3g protein
-3 servings V8 Fusion = 150 cal
-1 cup of Broccoli and Cauliflower (steamfresh) = 30 cal, 1g protein
-1 cup of Steamed Brown Rice = 210 cal, 5g protein
-3 servings V8 Fusion = 150 cal
-~3 quarts of water
-3/4 cup frozen Mango chunks = 90 cal, 1g protein
-~20 seedless grapes = 70 cal, .7g protein

Day's Total = 1125 cal, 10.7g protein
The dieting was significantly easier throughout the day. I did not feel hungry until dinner time. Energy level is a little low, but I had to chase my 4 year old son all day, so that could be one reason why.


Off Day

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 7:47 am
by RobRegish
OK excellent!

Now we're getting to day 3. For me, this is when you really start feeling it so heed this advice, especially going into these workouts: HEALTH FIRST!

If you at all feel sick, off or just "not right" - discontinue. This isn't just liability talk. You can't get traction during Feast if you're sick/hurt!

Having said that, everyone who's tried it has made it through. Don't feel bad if you're reduced to bodyweight squats etc, especially on the 3rd workout.

Again, extreme caution is advised and discontinue if you're in doubt. Right here if you need me so please do consult me if need be.

Great log!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:46 am
by DV8
I'll definitely proceed with caution. Looking forward to that traction!

Famine Day 3
RHR: 62bpm
Weight: 200 lbs
Stats seem to be progressing as predicted by the BP.

-1 Bartlet Pear = 96 cal, 0.63g protein
-3 servings V8 Fusion Light = 150 cal
-1 Banana = 100 cal, 1.3g protein
-3 servings V8 Fusion Light = 150 cal
-1 cup of Broccoli and Cauliflower (steamfresh) = 30 cal, 1g protein
-1 cup of Steamed Brown Rice = 210 cal, 5g protein
-3 servings V8 Fusion Light = 150 cal
-~2 quarts of water
-3/4 cup frozen Mango chunks = 90 cal, 1g protein
-1 Apple = 70 cal, 0.4g protein

Day's Total = 1039 cal, 8.6g protein
Actually woke up before my alarm because of hunger. First time that has ever happened. A few sips of the V8 and it went away. Aside from that, the fasting has been easy. I kinda slacked on the water intake though. Need to pick that back up. Surprisingly, energy level was high, and my mood was great. Not bad considering the low calories and low amount of sleep (~5 hrs/night) the last few days.

Today's workout is where I felt the effects of the famine. Even after being forewarned by Rob and Elephino, along with reading several other logs, it amazed me at how hard the workout was. "Humbling" has been used to describe it, and now I understand why.

Energy level throughout the workout was high, but fatigue set in fast into each set. I started with a low weight on each exercise, but it was still tougher than I expected. The 1 minute rest made it feel like a circuit training session :shock:

Wide Grip Bench Press
supersetted with seated DB shoulder press

Close Grip Bench Press
supersetted with seated DB shoulder press

Incline Bench Press
supersetted with seated DB shoulder press
30x10 (~10 second rest at rep 8 )

Decline Bench Press
supersetted with seated DB shoulder press
30x8---> 20x2

Decline Close Grip Bench Press

Skull Crushers

Seated DB Overhead Tricep Extension (Single DB)
40x10 (~10 second rest at rep 8 )

Famine Day 5 workout will be tough, but I'm looking forward to it. Mainly because it means I get to eat the following day! :D

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:02 am
by RobRegish
Great work!

Proceed with extreme caution, as above going into workout 3...

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 8:22 am
by elephino
Nice! Friday is gonna suuuuuuuuuuck. In a good way.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 6:49 pm
by RobRegish
Yep. Do heed the warning and discontinue if it "sucks" too bad. Not worried at all if you have to. As you said, stats are right along the lines I'd expect. You'll probably already be there... :)

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:26 pm
by DV8
I wouldn't describe it as "suck", but more of a neat challenge. This is fun, and a great learning experience.

Stats are really close to the goal. +7 bpm from baseline and -4 lbs from start. Tomorrow will surely put me there.