Steve's 1st BP run

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Steve's 1st BP run

Post by steveh »

Hello all

Very excited to be starting my first BP run soon. I’m waiting for delivery of my Ultimate Mass kit to arrive – not sure how long it will take as I’m in the UK.

So in the meantime, I thought I’d outline where I’m currently at and ask what might be a silly question while I’m waiting.

Age: 40
Height: 5’ 10’
Weight: 193 lbs
Body fat – not sure – a little more than I’d like.
Chest 42”
Waist 34”
Neck 16”
Arms 15.5”

Current supps.
As One 40
Desiccated liver tabs

I trained a lot in my late teens and early 20s. Got married, had four children, had no time/energy/motivation to train. Hit 40, looked in a mirror and thought “Who are you and what did you do with the other bloke?” So not quite in a mid-life crisis, maybe a blip.

So I’ve been back training for 3-4 months or so, and fairly please that my muscles have a better memory than my brain.

So, the stupid question… Are people counting the weight of the bar for bench and squat when calculating their 1RM?

I know it doesn’t really matter as long as your calculations are consistent, but just wondered what others are doing?

I’ll post again once my goodies have arrived and I get started.
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Post by RobRegish »


Glad to have you here man and good for you getting back in the game. No silly questions at all...

Simple answer: Yes, count the bar + weights when calculating your 1RM. As an example, two 45's plus olympic bar = 135lbs.

Hope that helps!
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Post by the_buffer »

Get ready for the ride of your life!
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Post by steveh »

Thanks for the welcome guys. Have to say how impressed I am with the community here.

What are the considerations with BP regarding training first thing? I normally have to train at about 6am and often wonder about what supps/food to take before hand (I wake up at about 5.30 and get straight to it).
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Post by the_buffer »

I agree, the community here is a breath of fresh air compared to certain other forums.

As for your training schedule, Rob is very much open to the idea of experimentation as well as making things work with your schedule.

For cardio you can train on an empty stomach and have great results because you'll be burning stored fat instead of glycogen.

As for weight training I've tried training on an empty stomach and I usually feel nauseous after. you probably want to do one (or both) of the two following:

1. you can try taking a moderately slow release carb/protein meal 30-60 min before training such as oatmeal and milk w/whey.

2. Another thing Rob suggests on these boards is the incorporation of a pre/intra/post workout drink combination. This would include a quick-release carb and protein combo like hydrolized whey & Karbolyn (and leucine powder for quicker protein synthesis). That could be taken just 15 min prior to working out as well as during the workout and then finish off whats left as your post-WO drink.

You may have to experiment a bit to see what works best for you, but those seem to be the most common methods.
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic advice Buffer and spot on.

I train early AM every time and use the intra workout drink. Lightening fast way to get the nutrients that matter into your system when it really counts!
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Post by steveh »

Thanks guys
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Post by steveh »

It's taken a while to get this run started, but following a 2½ week rest I started famine yesterday.

Weight – 191 (probably 3lbs of festive hangover)
RHR - 64

Workout 1.
Squats/Plate loaded seated row

Tbar/Wide grip pulldown
(Struggled to get the weight right on the Tbar)

Barbell curls

Preacher curls (machine)

Dumbell curls

Calories - 1653 (about 120 over required)
Protein - 36g
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Post by RobRegish »

OK strong start man. Looks good.

Now heed this advice: If you at all feel sick, off or just not right during Famine - DISCONTINUE. You can't get traction during Feast if you're sick, and taking Famine too deep will come back to bite you. Hits me hard on day 3 so look for it then.

Otherwise, great work!!
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Post by steveh »

Thanks Rob

Felt rough yesterday - by 3pm had a blinding headache, shaky and cold. But that was due to cutting my coffee out (I drink far too much). Decided I need to wean off it - feel much better today, other than bad leg DOMS.

Really excited to see how this pans out.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK, yeah... kicking that coffee can be a bear. Keep up the good work and remember... discontinue if you feel like that again. I can still get you to where you need to be..
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Post by steveh »

Day 2
Weight – 189 (-2)
RHR – 64

Calories – 1076 (a little low)
Protein – 41g (a little high)

Day 3

Weight – 188 (-3)
RHR – 64

Workout 2.
Decline BP/Plate loaded Shoulder Press
176x15/66x12 (not inc machine weight)

Incline BP/ Plate loaded Shoulder Press
132x7/44x7 (not inc machine weight)

Wide BP/ Plate loaded Shoulder Press
154x10/22x10 (not inc machine weight)

Narrow BP/ Plate loaded Shoulder Press
44x10/11x10 (not inc machine weight)

Decline Close grip BP

Scull Crushers

Press downs

Workout: Session started at 5.45am which may account for screwing up the first set and went to 12-15 reps. Clearly this is getting to me and I’m not thinking that clearly (I think workout 3 is scaring me so much I subconsciously started that rep range.
One of the hardest parts was just getting down on the bench as my legs are still so sore.
Was amazed how weak I was – felt very pathetic pressing tiny weights on final shoulder sets.
Just spotted workout only took 15 minutes – I think I went too fast as well.

Feel drained and hungry, but in a good way. Pleased I have lost 1lb a day.
Surprised my RHR hasn’t lifted at all. Slightly disappointed to be honest as I was hoping to get a pass from Rob for workout 3, but I will do whatever it takes.

Must focus on keeping protein in range today which might be hard as I have a business lunch out, but will do my best.
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Post by RobRegish »

You get a pass man!

Congrats, you're there...
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Post by steveh »


Thanks Rob. Should I continue the diet for the full 5 days?
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