Feast Training Questions

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Feast Training Questions

Post by simon_dan1 »

Hi there I purchased the blueprint a few weeks ago and I am just finishing the famine stage (last day today :D ). I've just got a few questions about the EDT blocks during the feast stage.

1. Do I use the EDT blocks for the first 5 workouts or should I wait until I start the GLP workouts?

2. I know I need to stick to just 1 EDT block for lower body but I was thinkin about doing 2 for upper body. For example I was gonna do Incline Dumbell press/T bar rows for the first. Then I was thinking about including an EDT block for biceps/triceps. Would this be ok or do you think its best to leave out the direct arm work?

Many thanks. Dan
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Awesome job on almost gettin through the famine!!

save the EDT blocks for GLP#1

as far as 2 EDT's for the upperbody IMO it will vary from person to person, the most important thing is your recovery, you have to recover in order to progress..

I'd play it by the book in the beginning if I were you, and see how it goes..if you've been trainig very long, and know how to listen to your body you'll be able to answer the question as to whether or not you can add in some extra stuff better than anyone else can..

Just remember the workouts get more intense in that loading phase as you go, and it takes more to recover from them..you need to be ''all there'' when you so up in the gym for those workouts..

Good luck!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work thus far and welcome :)

The EDT blocks have become popular. VERY popular and most now use them during workouts 1-5. They are however, as Turbo pointed out... completely at your descretion whether to use or not.

Many feel just the big barbell lifts aren't enough. If that's you by all means incorporate. If you've read the stickes in my sig, you'll see there are 2 ETD blocks recommended on upper body day and just 1 on lower body.

That's the "stock" recommendation and has delivered the goods over and over. Remember though, BP is flexible. Whatever plan you come up with, feel free to run it by me here. I'll be more than happy to (constructively) critique :)
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Post by simon_dan1 »

Thanks a lot for the quick response guys. I probably should have given you a background about myself. I'm 6ft 2' and about 180lbs (before famine haha), pretty much a hardgainer looking to put on some size. My main concern was the lack of direct arm work. Do you think its necessary to do a biceps/triceps EDT block or should I just focus on the big compound movments?

Also when I start the GLP do I perform squats and bench on the same day or should I split them up and do them on separate days?

Thanks again
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RobRegish wrote:Great work thus far and welcome :)

The EDT blocks have become popular. VERY popular and most now use them during workouts 1-5. They are however, as Turbo pointed out... completely at your descretion whether to use or not.

Many feel just the big barbell lifts aren't enough. If that's you by all means incorporate. If you've read the stickes in my sig, you'll see there are 2 ETD blocks recommended on upper body day and just 1 on lower body.

That's the "stock" recommendation and has delivered the goods over and over. Remember though, BP is flexible. Whatever plan you come up with, feel free to run it by me here. I'll be more than happy to (constructively) critique :)
Ahh see that just goes to show I need to follow more logs around here :P .. I may throw in some EDT's after workout #2 today, those things deliver!! And I always feel like doing more anyway!!..I'm pretty sure I didnt do them till GLP#2 last time tho
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Post by RobRegish »

Yep, they've become a very popular add on. It seems they allow hypertrophy to keep pace with the strength gains (no small task in The BP!!).

BONUS: The metabolic conditioning keeps you leaner. You hear it over and over "I finished up my EDT and was dripping in sweat" :)
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